Wenyan Li


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Words Worth a Thousand Pictures: Measuring and Understanding Perceptual Variability in Text-to-Image Generation
Raphael Tang | Crystina Zhang | Lixinyu Xu | Yao Lu | Wenyan Li | Pontus Stenetorp | Jimmy Lin | Ferhan Ture
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Diffusion models are the state of the art in text-to-image generation, but their perceptual variability remains understudied. In this paper, we examine how prompts affect image variability in black-box diffusion-based models. We propose W1KP, a human-calibrated measure of variability in a set of images, bootstrapped from existing image-pair perceptual distances. Current datasets do not cover recent diffusion models, thus we curate three test sets for evaluation. Our best perceptual distance outperforms nine baselines by up to 18 points in accuracy, and our calibration matches graded human judgements 78% of the time. Using W1KP, we study prompt reusability and show that Imagen prompts can be reused for 10-50 random seeds before new images become too similar to already generated images, while Stable Diffusion XL and DALL-E 3 can be reused 50-200 times. Lastly, we analyze 56 linguistic features of real prompts, finding that the prompt’s length, CLIP embedding norm, concreteness, and word senses influence variability most. As far as we are aware, we are the first to analyze diffusion variability from a visuolinguistic perspective. Our project page is at http://w1kp.com.

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FoodieQA: A Multimodal Dataset for Fine-Grained Understanding of Chinese Food Culture
Wenyan Li | Crystina Zhang | Jiaang Li | Qiwei Peng | Raphael Tang | Li Zhou | Weijia Zhang | Guimin Hu | Yifei Yuan | Anders Søgaard | Daniel Hershcovich | Desmond Elliott
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Food is a rich and varied dimension of cultural heritage, crucial to both individuals and social groups. To bridge the gap in the literature on the often-overlooked regional diversity in this domain, we introduce FoodieQA, a manually curated, fine-grained image-text dataset capturing the intricate features of food cultures across various regions in China. We evaluate vision–language Models (VLMs) and large language models (LLMs) on newly collected, unseen food images and corresponding questions. FoodieQA comprises three multiple-choice question-answering tasks where models need to answer questions based on multiple images, a single image, and text-only descriptions, respectively. While LLMs excel at text-based question answering, surpassing human accuracy, the open-sourced VLMs still fall short by 41% on multi-image and 21% on single-image VQA tasks, although closed-weights models perform closer to human levels (within 10%). Our findings highlight that understanding food and its cultural implications remains a challenging and under-explored direction.

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The Role of Data Curation in Image Captioning
Wenyan Li | Jonas Lotz | Chen Qiu | Desmond Elliott
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Image captioning models are typically trained by treating all samples equally, neglecting to account for mismatched or otherwise difficult data points. In contrast, recent work has shown the effectiveness of training models by scheduling the data using curriculum learning strategies. This paper contributes to this direction by actively curating difficult samples in datasets without increasing the total number of samples. We explore the effect of using three data curation methods within the training process: complete removal of an sample, caption replacement, or image replacement via a text-to-image generation model. Experiments on the Flickr30K and COCO datasets with the BLIP and BEiT-3 models demonstrate that these curation methods do indeed yield improved image captioning models, underscoring their efficacy.

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Understanding Retrieval Robustness for Retrieval-augmented Image Captioning
Wenyan Li | Jiaang Li | Rita Ramos | Raphael Tang | Desmond Elliott
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent advances in retrieval-augmented models for image captioning highlight the benefit of retrieving related captions for efficient, lightweight models with strong domain-transfer capabilities. While these models demonstrate the success of retrieval augmentation, retrieval models are still far from perfect in practice: the retrieved information can sometimes mislead the model, resulting in incorrect generation and worse performance. In this paper, we analyze the robustness of a retrieval-augmented captioning model SmallCap. Our analysis shows that the model is sensitive to tokens that appear in the majority of the retrieved captions, and the input attribution shows that those tokens are likely copied into the generated output. Given these findings, we propose to train the model by sampling retrieved captions from more diverse sets. This decreases the chance that the model learns to copy majority tokens, and improves both in-domain and cross-domain performance.


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MAP: Low-data Regime Multimodal Learning with Adapter-based Pre-training and Prompting
Wenyan Li | Dong Li | Wanjing Li | Yuanjie Wang | Hai Jie | Yiran Zhong
Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD)

Pretrained vision-language (VL) models have shown impressive results on various multi-modal downstream tasks recently. Many of the benchmark models build on pretrained causal language models (LMs), leveraging the original few-shot learning and generalization capability of the LMs trained with large text corpora. However, these models are often gigantic and require large-scale image and text data with high computational cost to train. This paper introduces a moderate-size model called MAP for efficient VL transfer learning through adapter-based pretraining and prompting. We aim to answer the question of how much we can complete through VL pretraining within the low-data regime while maximizing efficiency in transferring knowledge of a moderate-size frozen LM. Our experiments demonstrate that MAP achieves substantially better zero-shot and few-shot performance on downstream VL tasks with only 10% the size of pretraining data and a 30x lighter pretrained LM backbone compared to Frozen. MAP also outperforms fully trained models of comparable size at retaining its transfer learning ability when the amount of training data reduces.


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Voice Query Auto Completion
Raphael Tang | Karun Kumar | Kendra Chalkley | Ji Xin | Liming Zhang | Wenyan Li | Gefei Yang | Yajie Mao | Junho Shin | Geoffrey Craig Murray | Jimmy Lin
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Query auto completion (QAC) is the task of predicting a search engine user’s final query from their intermediate, incomplete query. In this paper, we extend QAC to the streaming voice search setting, where automatic speech recognition systems produce intermediate transcriptions as users speak. Naively applying existing methods fails because the intermediate transcriptions often don’t form prefixes or even substrings of the final transcription. To address this issue, we propose to condition QAC approaches on intermediate transcriptions to complete voice queries. We evaluate our models on a speech-enabled smart television with real-life voice search traffic, finding that this ASR-aware conditioning improves the completion quality. Our best method obtains an 18% relative improvement in mean reciprocal rank over previous methods.


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An Attentive Recurrent Model for Incremental Prediction of Sentence-final Verbs
Wenyan Li | Alvin Grissom II | Jordan Boyd-Graber
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Verb prediction is important for understanding human processing of verb-final languages, with practical applications to real-time simultaneous interpretation from verb-final to verb-medial languages. While previous approaches use classical statistical models, we introduce an attention-based neural model to incrementally predict final verbs on incomplete sentences in Japanese and German SOV sentences. To offer flexibility to the model, we further incorporate synonym awareness. Our approach both better predicts the final verbs in Japanese and German and provides more interpretable explanations of why those verbs are selected.