MITF:基于图像映射文本特征的跨模态图文检索方法(MITF:Cross-modal Image-text Retrieval Method with Mapping Images to Text Features)
Lou Xinyue (娄馨月)
Li You (李铀)
Qi Rui (齐睿)
Chen Yufeng (陈钰枫)
Xu Jinan (徐金安)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“减小图文信息间的语义鸿沟,促进跨模态信息的对齐与融合一直是解决跨模态图文检索问题的关键。但现有的双流模型因为训练时图像编码器与文本编码器是分开的,导致图文特征的对齐与融合较难。因此,本文提出图像映射文本特征(MITF)网络将不同模态(图像和文本)的信息映射到单一模态(文本),进一步增强跨模态语义的融合和对齐,提高图文检索的性能。具体地,在冻结预训练的中文视觉语言模型Chinese-CLIP参数的情况下,训练一个MITF网络将图像映射为伪语言标记,在此基础上引入提示词自动学习机制提升模型对于伪语言标记的理解能力。同时,在检索时构建Faiss索引提高检索速度。在三个开源数据集的实验结果表明所提方法相比原始Chinese-CLIP模型检索时的Mean Recall指标平均提高了3.7%,检索速度提高了约4倍。同时,图文特征可视化结果进一步表明所提方法提高了图像特征与文本特征的对齐程度。”
融合确定性因子及区域密度的k-最近邻机器翻译方法(A k-Nearest-Neighbor Machine Translation Method Combining Certainty Factor and Region Density)
Qi Rui (齐睿)
Shi Xiangyu (石响宇)
Man Zhibo (满志博)
Xu Jinan (徐金安)
Chen Yufeng (陈钰枫)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
Yang Yang (杨阳)
Zhang Ying (张颖)
Huang Kaiyu (黄锴宇)
Xu Jinan (徐金安)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)
“手语翻译(Sign Language Translation, SLT)系统作为一种重要的辅助技术,为听障人士提供了与他人沟通的有效途径。然而,传统手语翻译系统在准确性、流畅性差等方面存在问题。本文提出了一种结合大语言模型(Large Language Model, LLM)和3D动画技术(3D Animation Technology)的手语翻译系统,旨在克服这些局限,提高翻译的准确性和流畅性。本文详细介绍了系统的设计与实现过程,包括提示词设计、数据处理方法以及手语数字人翻译系统的实现。实验结果表明,采用LLM方法在手语翻译中能够生成较为自然和准确的结果。在标准评估和人工评估的两种评估方法下,本系统在大多数情况下能够较好地完成手语翻译任务,性能优于传统方法。本文的研究为进一步改进手语翻译系统提供了有益的参考和启示。”
Improving Zero-shot Cross-lingual Dialogue State Tracking via Contrastive Learning
Xiang Yu
Zhang Ting
Di Hui
Huang Hui
Li Chunyou
Ouchi Kazushige
Chen Yufeng
Xu Jinan
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Recent works in dialogue state tracking (DST) focus on a handful of languages, as collectinglarge-scale manually annotated data in different languages is expensive. Existing models addressthis issue by code-switched data augmentation or intermediate fine-tuning of multilingual pre-trained models. However, these models can only perform implicit alignment across languages. In this paper, we propose a novel model named Contrastive Learning for Cross-Lingual DST(CLCL-DST) to enhance zero-shot cross-lingual adaptation. Specifically, we use a self-builtbilingual dictionary for lexical substitution to construct multilingual views of the same utterance. Then our approach leverages fine-grained contrastive learning to encourage representations ofspecific slot tokens in different views to be more similar than negative example pairs. By thismeans, CLCL-DST aligns similar words across languages into a more refined language-invariantspace. In addition, CLCL-DST uses a significance-based keyword extraction approach to selecttask-related words to build the bilingual dictionary for better cross-lingual positive examples. Experiment results on Multilingual WoZ 2.0 and parallel MultiWoZ 2.1 datasets show that ourproposed CLCL-DST outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, demon-strating the effectiveness of CLCL-DST.”
Towards Making the Most of Pre-trained Translation Model for Quality Estimation
Li Chunyou
Di Hui
Huang Hui
Ouchi Kazushige
Chen Yufeng
Liu Jian
Xu Jinan
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Machine translation quality estimation (QE) aims to evaluate the quality of machine translation automatically without relying on any reference. One common practice is applying the translation model as a feature extractor. However, there exist several discrepancies between the translation model and the QE model. The translation model is trained in an autoregressive manner, while the QE model is performed in a non-autoregressive manner. Besides, the translation model only learns to model human-crafted parallel data, while the QE model needs to model machinetranslated noisy data. In order to bridge these discrepancies, we propose two strategies to posttrain the translation model, namely Conditional Masked Language Modeling (CMLM) and Denoising Restoration (DR). Specifically, CMLM learns to predict masked tokens at the target side conditioned on the source sentence. DR firstly introduces noise to the target side of parallel data, and the model is trained to detect and recover the introduced noise. Both strategies can adapt the pre-trained translation model to the QE-style prediction task. Experimental results show that our model achieves impressive results, significantly outperforming the baseline model, verifying the effectiveness of our proposed methods.”
Supervised Contrastive Learning for Cross-lingual Transfer Learning
Wang Shuaibo
Di Hui
Huang Hui
Lai Siyu
Ouchi Kazushige
Chen Yufeng
Xu Jinan
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Multilingual pre-trained representations are not well-aligned by nature, which harms their performance on cross-lingual tasks. Previous methods propose to post-align the multilingual pretrained representations by multi-view alignment or contrastive learning. However, we argue that both methods are not suitable for the cross-lingual classification objective, and in this paper we propose a simple yet effective method to better align the pre-trained representations. On the basis of cross-lingual data augmentations, we make a minor modification to the canonical contrastive loss, to remove false-negative examples which should not be contrasted. Augmentations with the same class are brought close to the anchor sample, and augmentations with different class are pushed apart. Experiment results on three cross-lingual tasks from XTREME benchmark show our method could improve the transfer performance by a large margin with no additional resource needed. We also provide in-detail analysis and comparison between different post-alignment strategies.”
LRRA:A Transparent Neural-Symbolic Reasoning Framework for Real-World Visual Question Answering
Wan Zhang
Chen Keming
Zhang Yujie
Xu Jinan
Chen Yufeng
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
The predominant approach of visual question answering (VQA) relies on encoding the imageand question with a ”black box” neural encoder and decoding a single token into answers suchas ”yes” or ”no”. Despite this approach’s strong quantitative results it struggles to come up withhuman-readable forms of justification for the prediction process. To address this insufficiency we propose LRRA[LookReadReasoningAnswer]a transparent neural-symbolic framework forvisual question answering that solves the complicated problem in the real world step-by-steplike humans and provides human-readable form of justification at each step. Specifically LRRAlearns to first convert an image into a scene graph and parse a question into multiple reasoning instructions. It then executes the reasoning instructions one at a time by traversing the scenegraph using a recurrent neural-symbolic execution module. Finally it generates answers to the given questions and makes corresponding marks on the image. Furthermore we believe that the relations between objects in the question is of great significance for obtaining the correct answerso we create a perturbed GQA test set by removing linguistic cues (attributes and relations) in the questions to analyze which part of the question contributes more to the answer. Our experimentson the GQA dataset show that LRRA is significantly better than the existing representative model(57.12% vs. 56.39%). Our experiments on the perturbed GQA test set show that the relations between objects is more important for answering complicated questions than the attributes ofobjects.Keywords:Visual Question Answering Relations Between Objects Neural-Symbolic Reason-ing.
Improving Entity Linking by Encoding Type Information into Entity Embeddings
Li Tianran
Yang Erguang
Zhang Yujie
Chen Yufeng
Xu Jinan
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Entity Linking (EL) refers to the task of linking entity mentions in the text to the correct entities inthe Knowledge Base (KB) in which entity embeddings play a vital and challenging role because of the subtle differences between entities. However existing pre-trained entity embeddings onlylearn the underlying semantic information in texts yet the fine-grained entity type informationis ignored which causes the type of the linked entity is incompatible with the mention context. In order to solve this problem we propose to encode fine-grained type information into entity embeddings. We firstly pre-train word vectors to inject type information by embedding wordsand fine-grained entity types into the same vector space. Then we retrain entity embeddings withword vectors containing fine-grained type information. By applying our entity embeddings to twoexisting EL models our method respectively achieves 0.82% and 0.42% improvement on average F1 score of the test sets. Meanwhile our method is model-irrelevant which means it can helpother EL models.
Improving Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition via Label-Aware Data Augmentation and Curriculum Denoising
Zhu Wenjing
Liu Jian
Xu Jinan
Chen Yufeng
Zhang Yujie
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performances on named entity recognition(NER) with sufficient training data while they perform poorly in low-resource scenarios due to data scarcity. To solve this problem we propose a novel data augmentation method based on pre-trained language model (PLM) and curriculum learning strategy. Concretely we use the PLMto generate diverse training instances through predicting different masked words and design atask-specific curriculum learning strategy to alleviate the influence of noises. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on three datasets: CoNLL-2003 OntoNotes5.0 and MaScip of which the first two are simulated low-resource scenarios and the last one is a real low-resource dataset in material science domain. Experimental results show that our method consistently outperform the baseline model. Specifically our method achieves an absolute improvement of3.46% F1 score on the 1% CoNLL-2003 2.58% on the 1% OntoNotes5.0 and 0.99% on the full of MaScip.