Zhenglin Wang


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SEED: Accelerating Reasoning Tree Construction via Scheduled Speculative Decoding
Zhenglin Wang | Jialong Wu | Yilong Lai | Congzhi Zhang | Deyu Zhou
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable emergent abilities across various tasks, yet fall short of complex reasoning and planning tasks. The tree-search-based reasoning methods address this by encouraging the exploration of intermediate steps, surpassing the capabilities of chain-of-thought prompting. However, significant inference latency is introduced due to the systematic exploration and evaluation of multiple thought paths. This paper introduces SEED, a novel and efficient inference framework to improve both runtime speed and GPU memory management concurrently. Based on a scheduled speculative execution, SEED efficiently handles multiple iterations for thought generation and state evaluation, leveraging a rounds-scheduled strategy to manage draft model dispatching. Extensive experimental evaluations on three reasoning datasets demonstrate the superior speedup performance of SEED.


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Opinions Are Not Always Positive: Debiasing Opinion Summarization with Model-Specific and Model-Agnostic Methods
Yanyue Zhang | Yilong Lai | Zhenglin Wang | Pengfei Li | Deyu Zhou | Yulan He
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

As in the existing opinion summary data set, more than 70% are positive texts, the current opinion summarization approaches are reluctant to generate the negative opinion summary given the input of negative opinions. To address such sentiment bias, two approaches are proposed through two perspectives: model-specific and model-agnostic. For the model-specific approach, a variational autoencoder is proposed to disentangle the input representation into sentiment-relevant and sentiment-irrelevant components through adversarial loss. Therefore, the sentiment information in the input is kept and employed for the following decoding which avoids interference of content information with emotional signals. To further avoid relying on some specific opinion summarization frameworks, a model-agnostic approach based on counterfactual data augmentation is proposed. A dataset with a more balanced emotional polarity distribution is constructed using a large pre-trained language model based on some pairwise and mini-edited principles. Experimental results show that the sentiment consistency of the generated summaries is significantly improved using the proposed approaches, while their semantics quality is unaffected.


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ConnPrompt: Connective-cloze Prompt Learning for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Wei Xiang | Zhenglin Wang | Lu Dai | Bang Wang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition (IDRR) is to detect and classify relation sense between two text segments without an explicit connective. Vanilla pre-train and fine-tuning paradigm builds upon a Pre-trained Language Model (PLM) with a task-specific neural network. However, the task objective functions are often not in accordance with that of the PLM. Furthermore, this paradigm cannot well exploit some linguistic evidence embedded in the pre-training process. The recent pre-train, prompt, and predict paradigm selects appropriate prompts to reformulate downstream tasks, so as to utilizing the PLM itself for prediction. However, for its success applications, prompts, verbalizer as well as model training should still be carefully designed for different tasks. As the first trial of using this new paradigm for IDRR, this paper develops a Connective-cloze Prompt (ConnPrompt) to transform the relation prediction task as a connective-cloze task. Specifically, we design two styles of ConnPrompt template: Insert-cloze Prompt (ICP) and Prefix-cloze Prompt (PCP) and construct an answer space mapping to the relation senses based on the hierarchy sense tags and implicit connectives. Furthermore, we use a multi-prompt ensemble to fuse predictions from different prompting results. Experiments on the PDTB corpus show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms, even with fewer training data.