- Anthology ID:
- E06-2
- Month:
- Year:
- 2006
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Large Linguistically-Processed Web Corpora for Multiple Languages
Marco Baroni
Adam Kilgarriff
A Web-based Demonstrator of a Multi-lingual Phrase-based Translation System
Roldano Cattoni
Nicola Bertoldi
Mauro Cettolo
Boxing Chen
Marcello Federico
LinguaStream: An Integrated Environment for Computational Linguistics Experimentation
Frédérik Bilhaut
Antoine Widlöcher
DUDE: A Dialogue and Understanding Development Environment, Mapping Business Process Models to Information State Update Dialogue Systems
Oliver Lemon
Xingkun Liu
XMG - An Expressive Formalism for Describing Tree-Based Grammars
Yannick Parmentier
Joseph Le Roux
Benoît Crabbé
Online Word Sense Disambiguation with Structural Semantic Interconnections
Roberto Navigli
Selecting the “Right” Number of Senses Based on Clustering Criterion Functions
Ted Pedersen
Anagha Kulkarni
ELLEIPO: A Module that Computes Coordinative Ellipsis for Generators that Don’t
Karin Harbusch
Gerard Kempen
An ISU Dialogue System Exhibiting Reinforcement Learning of Dialogue Policies: Generic Slot-Filling in the TALK In-car System
Oliver Lemon
Kallirroi Georgila
James Henderson
Matthew Stuttle
Generating and Visualizing a Soccer Knowledge Base
Paul Buitelaar
Thomas Eigner
Greg Gul-rajani
Alexander Schutz
Melanie Siegel
Nicolas Weber
Philipp Cimiano
Günter Ladwig
Matthias Mantel
Honggang Zhu
Esfinge — a Question Answering System in the Web using the Web
Luís Fernando Costa
Maytag: A Multi-Staged Approach to Identifying Complex Events in Textual Data
Conrad Chang
Lisa Ferro
John Gibson
Janet Hitzeman
Suzi Lubar
Justin Palmer
Sean Munson
Marc Vilain
Benjamin Wellner
Automatic Annotation for All Semantic Layers in FrameNet
Richard Johansson
Pierre Nugues
ASSIST: Automated Semantic Assistance for Translators
Serge Sharoff
Bogdan Babych
Paul Rayson
Olga Mudraya
Scott Piao
Semantic Role Labeling for Coreference Resolution
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Michael Strube
The GOD model
Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo
Computing Term Translation Probabilities with Generalized Latent Semantic Analysis
Irina Matveeva
Gina-Anne Levow
Exploring the Sense Distributions of Homographs
Reinhard Rapp
Classifying Biological Full-Text Articles for Multi-Database Curation
Wen-Juan Hou
Chih Lee
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Generating Spatio-Temporal Descriptions in Pollen Forecasts
Ross Turner
Somayajulu Sripada
Ehud Reiter
Ian P Davy
Automatic Acronym Recognition
Dana Dannélls
Multilingual Term Extraction from Domain-specific Corpora Using Morphological Structure
Delphine Bernhard
Unsupervised Discovery of Persian Morphemes
Mohsen Arabsorkhi
Mehrnoush Shamsfard
A Suite of Shallow Processing Tools for Portuguese: LX-Suite
António Branco
João Ricardo Silva
Theoretical Evaluation of Estimation Methods for Data-Oriented Parsing
Willem Zuidema
Grammatical Role Labeling with Integer Linear Programming
Manfred Klenner
Information Structure and Pauses in a Corpus of Spoken Danish
Patrizia Paggio
Bayesian Network, a Model for NLP?
Davy Weissenbacher
Adaptivity in Question Answering with User Modelling and a Dialogue Interface
Silvia Quarteroni
Suresh Manandhar
Developments in Affect Detection in E-drama
Li Zhang
John A. Barnden
Robert J. Hendley
Alan M. Wallington
Why Are They Excited? Identifying and Explaining Spikes in Blog Mood Levels
Krisztian Balog
Gilad Mishne
Maarten de Rijke