33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P95-1
- Month:
- June
- Year:
- 1995
- Address:
- Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- https://aclanthology.org/P95-1/
- DOI:
33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Learning Phonological Rule Probabilities from Speech Corpora with Exploratory Computational Phonology
Gary Tajchman
Daniel Jurafsky
Eric Fosler
Automatic Induction of Finite State Transducers for Simple Phonological Rules
Daniel Gildea
Daniel Jurafsky
The Replace Operator
Lauri Karttunen
A Morphographemic Model for Error Correction in Nonconcatenative Strings
Tanya Bowden
George Anton Kiraz
Discourse Processing of Dialogues with Multiple Threads
Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Barbara Di Eugenio
Lori S. Levin
Carol Van Ess-Dykema
Robust Parsing Based on Discourse Information: Completing partial parses of ill-formed sentences on the basis of discourse information
Tetsuya Nasukawa
Corpus Statistics Meet the Noun Compound: Some Empirical Results
Mark Lauer
DATR Theories and DATR Models
Bill Keller
User-Defined Nonmonotonicity in Unification-Based Formalisms
Lena Stromback
Features and Agreement
Sam Bayer
Mark Johnson
Encoding Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammars with a Nonmonotonic Inheritance Hierarchy
Roger Evans
Gerald Gazdar
David Weir
Compiling HPSG type constraints into definite clause programs
Thilo Gotz
Walt Detmar Meurers
Compilation of HPSG to TAG
Robert Kasper
Bernd Kiefer
Klaus Netter
K. Vijay-Shanker
Memoization of Coroutined Constraints
Mark Johnson
Jochen Dorre
Combining Multiple Knowledge Sources for Discourse Segmentation
Diane J. Litman
Rebecca J. Passonneau
Utilizing Statistical Dialogue Act Processing in Verbrnobil
Norbert Reithinger
Elisabeth Maier
Evaluating Automated and Manual Acquisition of Anaphora Resolution Strategies
Chinatsu Aone
Scott William
Investigating Cue Selection and Placement in Tutorial Discourse
Megan Moser
Johanna D. Moore
Response Generation in Collaborative Negotiation
Jennifer Chu-Carroll
Sandra Carberry
A Uniform Treatment of Pragmatic Inferences in Simple and Complex Utterances and Sequences of Utterances
Daniel Marcu
Graeme Hirst
D-Tree Grammars
Owen Rambow
K. Vijay-Shanker
David Weir
The intersection of Finite State Automata and Definite Clause Grammars
Gertjan van Noord
TAL Recognition in O(M(n2)) Time
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran
Shibu Yooseph
Extraposition via Complex Domain Formation
Andreas Kathol
Carl Pollard
Statistical Sense Disambiguation with Relatively Small Corpora Using Dictionary Definitions
Alpha K. Luk
Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Methods
David Yarowsky
A Quantitative Evaluation of Linguistic Tests for the Automatic Prediction of Semantic Markedness
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Kathleen McKeown
Quantifier Scope and Constituency
Jong C. Park
Using Higher-Order Logic Programming for Semantic Interpretation of Coordinate Constructs
Seth Kulick
New Techniques for Context Modeling
Eric Sven Ristad
Robert G. Thomas
Bayesian Grammar Induction for Language Modeling
Stanley F. Chen
A Pattern Matching Method for Finding Noun and Proper Noun Translations from Noisy Parallel Corpora
Pascale Fung
An Algorithm for Simultaneously Bracketing Parallel Texts by Aligning Words
Dekai Wu
Two-Level, Many-Paths Generation
Kevin Knight
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
An Efficient Generation Algorithm for Lexicalist MT
Victor Poznanski
John L. Beaven
Pete Whitelock
Some Novel Applications of Explanation-Based Learning to Parsing Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
B. Srinivas
Aravind K. Joshi
Statistical Decision-Tree Models for Parsing
David M. Magerman
Evaluation of Semantic Clusters
Rajeev Agarwal
Tagset Reduction Without Information Loss
Thorsten Brants
The Effect of Pitch Accenting on Pronoun Referent Resolution
Janet Cahn
Sense Disambiguation Using Semantic Relations and Adjacency Information
Anil S. Chakravarthy
Constraint-Based Event Recognition for Information Extraction
Jeremy Crowe
From route descriptions to sketches: a model for a text-to-image translator
Lidia Praczak
A Computational Framework for Composition in Multiple Linguistic Domains
Elvan Gocmen
Polyphony and Argumentative Semantics
Jean-Michel Grandchamp
Knowledge-based Automatic Topic Identification
Chin-Yew Lin
Acquiring a Lexicon from Unsegmented Speech
Carl de Marcken
Semantic Information Preprocessing for Natural Language Interfaces to Databases
Milan Mosny
Simon Fraser
Mapping Scrambled Korean Sentences into English Using Synchronous TAGs
Hyun S. Park
Identifying Word Translations in Non-Parallel Texts
Reinhard Rapp
Towards a Cognitively Plausible Model for Quantification
Walid S. Saba
Aspect and Discourse Structure: Is a Neutral Viewpoint Required?
Frank Schilder
Conciseness through Aggregation in Text Generation
James Shaw
Quantifying lexical influence: Giving direction to context
V Kripȧsundar
Acquisition of a Lexicon from Semantic Representations of Sentences
Cynthia A. Thompson