Ajay Patel


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Latent Space Interpretation for Stylistic Analysis and Explainable Authorship Attribution
Milad Alshomary | Narutatsu Ri | Marianna Apidianaki | Ajay Patel | Smaranda Muresan | Kathleen McKeown
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recent state-of-the-art authorship attribution methods learn authorship representations of text in a latent, uninterpretable space, which hinders their usability in real-world applications. We propose a novel approach for interpreting learned embeddings by identifying representative points in the latent space and leveraging large language models to generate informative natural language descriptions of the writing style associated with each point. We evaluate the alignment between our interpretable and latent spaces and demonstrate superior prediction agreement over baseline methods. Additionally, we conduct a human evaluation to assess the quality of these style descriptions and validate their utility in explaining the latent space. Finally, we show that human performance on the challenging authorship attribution task improves by +20% on average when aided with explanations from our method.


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DataDreamer: A Tool for Synthetic Data Generation and Reproducible LLM Workflows
Ajay Patel | Colin Raffel | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have become a dominant and important tool for NLP researchers in a wide range of tasks. Today, many researchers use LLMs in synthetic data generation, task evaluation, fine-tuning, distillation, and other model-in-the-loop research workflows. However, challenges arise when using these models that stem from their scale, their closed source nature, and the lack of standardized tooling for these new and emerging workflows. The rapid rise to prominence of these models and these unique challenges has had immediate adverse impacts on open science and on the reproducibility of work that uses them. In this ACL 2024 theme track paper, we introduce DataDreamer, an open source Python library that allows researchers to write simple code to implement powerful LLM workflows. DataDreamer also helps researchers adhere to best practices that we propose to encourage open science and reproducibility. The library and documentation are available at: https://github.com/datadreamer-dev/DataDreamer.

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TinyStyler: Efficient Few-Shot Text Style Transfer with Authorship Embeddings
Zachary Horvitz | Ajay Patel | Kanishk Singh | Chris Callison-Burch | Kathleen McKeown | Zhou Yu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024

The goal of text style transfer is to transform the style of texts while preserving their original meaning, often with only a few examples of the target style. Existing style transfer methods generally rely on the few-shot capabilities of large language models or on complex controllable text generation approaches that are inefficient and underperform on fluency metrics. We introduce TinyStyler, a lightweight but effective approach, which leverages a small language model (800M params) and pre-trained authorship embeddings to perform efficient, few-shot text style transfer. We evaluate on the challenging task of authorship style transfer and find TinyStyler outperforms strong approaches such as GPT-4. We also evaluate TinyStyler’s ability to perform text attribute style transfer (formal informal) with automatic and human evaluations and find that the approach outperforms recent controllable text generation methods.


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Learning Interpretable Style Embeddings via Prompting LLMs
Ajay Patel | Delip Rao | Ansh Kothary | Kathleen McKeown | Chris Callison-Burch
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Style representation learning builds content-independent representations of author style in text. To date, no large dataset of texts with stylometric annotations on a wide range of style dimensions has been compiled, perhaps because the linguistic expertise to perform such annotation would be prohibitively expensive. Therefore, current style representation approaches make use of unsupervised neural methods to disentangle style from content to create style vectors. These approaches, however, result in uninterpretable representations, complicating their usage in downstream applications like authorship attribution where auditing and explainability is critical. In this work, we use prompting to perform stylometry on a large number of texts to generate a synthetic stylometry dataset. We use this synthetic data to then train human-interpretable style representations we call LISA embeddings. We release our synthetic dataset (StyleGenome) and our interpretable style embedding model (LISA) as resources.

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Multilingual Bidirectional Unsupervised Translation through Multilingual Finetuning and Back-Translation
Bryan Li | Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli | Ajay Patel | Chris Callison-burch
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT 2023)

We propose a two-stage approach for training a single NMT model to translate unseen languages both to and from English. For the first stage, we initialize an encoder-decoder model to pretrained XLM-R and RoBERTa weights, then perform multilingual fine-tuning on parallel data in 40 languages to English. We find this model can generalize to zero-shot translations on unseen languages. For the second stage, we leverage this generalization ability to generate synthetic parallel data from monolingual datasets, then bidirectionally train with successive rounds of back-translation. Our approach, which we EcXTra (uE/unglish-uc/uentric Crosslingual (uX/u) uTra/unsfer), is conceptually simple, only using a standard cross-entropy objective throughout. It is also data-driven, sequentially leveraging auxiliary parallel data and monolingual data. We evaluate unsupervised NMT results for 7 low-resource languages, and find that each round of back-translation training further refines bidirectional performance. Our final single EcXTra-trained model achieves competitive translation performance in all translation directions, notably establishing a new state-of-the-art for English-to-Kazakh (22.9 10.4 BLEU). Our code is available at [this URL](https://github.com/manestay/EcXTra).


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TopGuNN: Fast NLP Training Data Augmentation using Large Corpora
Rebecca Iglesias-Flores | Megha Mishra | Ajay Patel | Akanksha Malhotra | Reno Kriz | Martha Palmer | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Data Science with Human in the Loop: Language Advances

Acquiring training data for natural language processing systems can be expensive and time-consuming. Given a few training examples crafted by experts, large corpora can be mined for thousands of semantically similar examples that provide useful variability to improve model generalization. We present TopGuNN, a fast contextualized k-NN retrieval system that can efficiently index and search over contextual embeddings generated from large corpora. TopGuNN is demonstrated for a training data augmentation use case over the Gigaword corpus. Using approximate k-NN and an efficient architecture, TopGuNN performs queries over an embedding space of 4.63TB (approximately 1.5B embeddings) in less than a day.


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Magnitude: A Fast, Efficient Universal Vector Embedding Utility Package
Ajay Patel | Alexander Sands | Chris Callison-Burch | Marianna Apidianaki
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Vector space embedding models like word2vec, GloVe, and fastText are extremely popular representations in natural language processing (NLP) applications. We present Magnitude, a fast, lightweight tool for utilizing and processing embeddings. Magnitude is an open source Python package with a compact vector storage file format that allows for efficient manipulation of huge numbers of embeddings. Magnitude performs common operations up to 60 to 6,000 times faster than Gensim. Magnitude introduces several novel features for improved robustness like out-of-vocabulary lookups.