On the Representational Capacity of Neural Language Models with Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Franz Nowak
Anej Svete
Alexandra Butoi
Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
The performance of modern language models (LMs) has been improved by chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, i.e., the process of generating intermediate results that guide the model towards a final answer. A possible explanation for this improvement is that CoT reasoning extends an LM’s computational power, as RNNs and transformers with additional scratch space are known to be Turing complete. Comparing LMs to Turing machines, however, introduces a category error—Turing machines decide language membership, whereas LMs define distributions over strings. To bridge this gap, we formalize CoT reasoning in a probabilistic setting. We present several results on the representational capacity of recurrent and transformer LMs with CoT reasoning, showing that they can represent the same family of distributions over strings as probabilistic Turing machines.
Computational Expressivity of Neural Language Models
Alexandra Butoi
Ryan Cotterell
Anej Svete
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 5: Tutorial Abstracts)
Language models (LMs) are currently at the forefront of NLP research due to their remarkable versatility across diverse tasks. However, a large gap exists between their observed capabilities and the explanations proposed by established formal machinery. To motivate a better theoretical characterization of LMs’ abilities and limitations, this tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to a specific framework for formal analysis of modern LMs using tools from formal language theory (FLT). We present how tools from FLT can be useful in understanding the inner workings and predicting the capabilities of modern neural LM architectures. We will cover recent results using FLT to make precise and practically relevant statements about LMs based on recurrent neural networks and transformers by relating them to formal devices such as finite-state automata, Turing machines, and analog circuits. Altogether, the results covered in this tutorial will allow us to make precise statements and explanations about the observed as well as predicted behaviors of LMs, as well as provide theoretically motivated suggestions on the aspects of the architectures that could be improved.
Convergence and Diversity in the Control Hierarchy
Alexandra Butoi
Ryan Cotterell
David Chiang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Weir has defined a hierarchy of language classes whose second member (L2) is generated by tree-adjoining grammars (TAG), linear indexed grammars (LIG), combinatory categorial grammars, and head grammars. The hierarchy is obtained using the mechanism of control, and L2 is obtained using a context-free grammar (CFG) whose derivations are controlled by another CFG. We adapt Weir’s definition of a controllable CFG (called a labeled distinguished CFG) to give a definition of controllable pushdown automata (PDAs), called labeled distinguished PDAs. This yields three new characterizations of L2 as the class of languages generated by PDAs controlling PDAs, PDAs controlling CFGs, and CFGs controlling PDAs. We show that these four formalisms are not only weakly equivalent but equivalent in a stricter sense that we call d-weak equivalence. Furthermore, using an even stricter notion of equivalence called d-strong equivalence, we make precise the intuition that a CFG controlling a CFG is a TAG, a PDA controlling a PDA is an embedded PDA, and a PDA controlling a CFG is a LIG. The fourth member of this family, a CFG controlling a PDA, does not correspond to any kind of automaton we know of, so we invent one and call it a Pushdown Adjoining Automaton (PAA).
Efficient Algorithms for Recognizing Weighted Tree-Adjoining Languages
Alexandra Butoi
Tim Vieira
Ryan Cotterell
David Chiang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
The class of tree-adjoining languages can be characterized by various two-level formalisms, consisting of a context-free grammar (CFG) or pushdown automaton (PDA) controlling another CFG or PDA. These four formalisms are equivalent to tree-adjoining grammars (TAG), linear indexed grammars (LIG), pushdown-adjoining automata (PAA), and embedded pushdown automata (EPDA). We define semiring-weighted versions of the above two-level formalisms, and we design new algorithms for computing their stringsums (the weight of all derivations of a string) and allsums (the weight of all derivations). From these, we also immediately obtain stringsum and allsum algorithms for TAG, LIG, PAA, and EPDA. For LIG, our algorithm is more time-efficient by a factor of 𝒪(n|𝒩|) (where n is the string length and |𝒩| is the size of the nonterminal set) and more space-efficient by a factor of 𝒪(|𝛤|) (where 𝛤 is the size of the stack alphabet) than the algorithm of Vijay-Shanker and Weir (1989). For EPDA, our algorithm is both more space-efficient and time-efficient than the algorithm of Alonso et al. (2001) by factors of 𝒪(|𝛤|2) and 𝒪(|𝛤|3), respectively. Finally, we give the first PAA stringsum and allsum algorithms.
Algorithms for Weighted Pushdown Automata
Alexandra Butoi
Brian DuSell
Tim Vieira
Ryan Cotterell
David Chiang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Weighted pushdown automata (WPDAs) are at the core of many natural language processing tasks, like syntax-based statistical machine translation and transition-based dependency parsing. As most existing dynamic programming algorithms are designed for context-free grammars (CFGs), algorithms for PDAs often resort to a PDA-to-CFG conversion. In this paper, we develop novel algorithms that operate directly on WPDAs. Our algorithms are inspired by Lang’s algorithm, but use a more general definition of pushdown automaton and either reduce the space requirements by a factor of |Gamma| (the size of the stack alphabet) or reduce the runtime by a factor of more than |Q| (the number of states). When run on the same class of PDAs as Lang’s algorithm, our algorithm is both more space-efficient by a factor of |Gamma| and more time-efficient by a factor of |Q| x |Gamma|.