Ameya Prabhu


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Data Contamination Report from the 2024 CONDA Shared Task
Oscar Sainz | Iker García-Ferrero | Alon Jacovi | Jon Ander Campos | Yanai Elazar | Eneko Agirre | Yoav Goldberg | Wei-Lin Chen | Jenny Chim | Leshem Choshen | Luca D’Amico-Wong | Melissa Dell | Run-Ze Fan | Shahriar Golchin | Yucheng Li | Pengfei Liu | Bhavish Pahwa | Ameya Prabhu | Suryansh Sharma | Emily Silcock | Kateryna Solonko | David Stap | Mihai Surdeanu | Yu-Min Tseng | Vishaal Udandarao | Zengzhi Wang | Ruijie Xu | Jinglin Yang
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Data Contamination (CONDA)

The 1st Workshop on Data Contamination (CONDA 2024) focuses on all relevant aspects of data contamination in natural language processing, where data contamination is understood as situations where evaluation data is included in pre-training corpora used to train large scale models, compromising evaluation results. The workshop fostered a shared task to collect evidence on data contamination in current available datasets and models. The goal of the shared task and associated database is to assist the community in understanding the extent of the problem and to assist researchers in avoiding reporting evaluation results on known contaminated resources. The shared task provides a structured, centralized public database for the collection of contamination evidence, open to contributions from the community via GitHub pool requests. This first compilation paper is based on 566 reported entries over 91 contaminated sources from a total of 23 contributors. The details of the individual contamination events are available in the platform. The platform continues to be online, open to contributions from the community.


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Sampling Bias in Deep Active Classification: An Empirical Study
Ameya Prabhu | Charles Dognin | Maneesh Singh
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The exploding cost and time needed for data labeling and model training are bottlenecks for training DNN models on large datasets. Identifying smaller representative data samples with strategies like active learning can help mitigate such bottlenecks. Previous works on active learning in NLP identify the problem of sampling bias in the samples acquired by uncertainty-based querying and develop costly approaches to address it. Using a large empirical study, we demonstrate that active set selection using the posterior entropy of deep models like (FTZ) is robust to sampling biases and to various algorithmic choices (query size and strategies) unlike that suggested by traditional literature. We also show that FTZ based query strategy produces sample sets similar to those from more sophisticated approaches (e.g ensemble networks). Finally, we show the effectiveness of the selected samples by creating tiny high-quality datasets, and utilizing them for fast and cheap training of large models. Based on the above, we propose a simple baseline for deep active text classification that outperforms the state of the art. We expect the presented work to be useful and informative for dataset compression and for problems involving active, semi-supervised or online learning scenarios. Code and models are available at:


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Towards Sub-Word Level Compositions for Sentiment Analysis of Hindi-English Code Mixed Text
Aditya Joshi | Ameya Prabhu | Manish Shrivastava | Vasudeva Varma
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Sentiment analysis (SA) using code-mixed data from social media has several applications in opinion mining ranging from customer satisfaction to social campaign analysis in multilingual societies. Advances in this area are impeded by the lack of a suitable annotated dataset. We introduce a Hindi-English (Hi-En) code-mixed dataset for sentiment analysis and perform empirical analysis comparing the suitability and performance of various state-of-the-art SA methods in social media. In this paper, we introduce learning sub-word level representations in our LSTM (Subword-LSTM) architecture instead of character-level or word-level representations. This linguistic prior in our architecture enables us to learn the information about sentiment value of important morphemes. This also seems to work well in highly noisy text containing misspellings as shown in our experiments which is demonstrated in morpheme-level feature maps learned by our model. Also, we hypothesize that encoding this linguistic prior in the Subword-LSTM architecture leads to the superior performance. Our system attains accuracy 4-5% greater than traditional approaches on our dataset, and also outperforms the available system for sentiment analysis in Hi-En code-mixed text by 18%.

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Towards Deep Learning in Hindi NER: An approach to tackle the Labelled Data Sparsity
Vinayak Athavale | Shreenivas Bharadwaj | Monik Pamecha | Ameya Prabhu | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Processing