The spread of disinformation poses a global threat to democratic societies, necessitating robust and scalable Automated Fact-Checking (AFC) systems. The AVeriTeC Shared Task Challenge 2024 offers a realistic benchmark for text-based fact-checking methods. This paper presents Information-Retrieving Fact-Checker (InFact), an LLM-based approach that breaks down the task of claim verification into a 6-stage process, including evidence retrieval. When using GPT-4o as the backbone, InFact achieves an AVeriTeC score of 63% on the test set, outperforming all other 20 teams competing in the challenge, and establishing a new strong baseline for future text-only AFC systems. Qualitative analysis of mislabeled instances reveals that InFact often yields a more accurate conclusion than AVeriTeC’s human-annotated ground truth.
Training a referring expression comprehension (ReC) model for a new visual domain requires collecting referring expressions, and potentially corresponding bounding boxes, for images in the domain. While large-scale pre-trained models are useful for image classification across domains, it remains unclear if they can be applied in a zero-shot manner to more complex tasks like ReC. We present ReCLIP, a simple but strong zero-shot baseline that repurposes CLIP, a state-of-the-art large-scale model, for ReC. Motivated by the close connection between ReC and CLIP’s contrastive pre-training objective, the first component of ReCLIP is a region-scoring method that isolates object proposals via cropping and blurring, and passes them to CLIP. However, through controlled experiments on a synthetic dataset, we find that CLIP is largely incapable of performing spatial reasoning off-the-shelf. We reduce the gap between zero-shot baselines from prior work and supervised models by as much as 29% on RefCOCOg, and on RefGTA (video game imagery), ReCLIP’s relative improvement over supervised ReC models trained on real images is 8%.
We demonstrate how language can improve geolocation: the task of predicting the location where an image was taken. Here we study explicit knowledge from human-written guidebooks that describe the salient and class-discriminative visual features humans use for geolocation. We propose the task of Geolocation via Guidebook Grounding that uses a dataset of StreetView images from a diverse set of locations and an associated textual guidebook for GeoGuessr, a popular interactive geolocation game. Our approach predicts a country for each image by attending over the clues automatically extracted from the guidebook. Supervising attention with country-level pseudo labels achieves the best performance. Our approach substantially outperforms a state-of-the-art image-only geolocation method, with an improvement of over 5% in Top-1 accuracy. Our dataset and code can be found at
News Image Captioning requires describing an image by leveraging additional context derived from a news article. Previous works only coarsely leverage the article to extract the necessary context, which makes it challenging for models to identify relevant events and named entities. In our paper, we first demonstrate that by combining more fine-grained context that captures the key named entities (obtained via an oracle) and the global context that summarizes the news, we can dramatically improve the model’s ability to generate accurate news captions. This begs the question, how to automatically extract such key entities from an image? We propose to use pre-trained vision and language retrieval model CLIP to localize the visually grounded entities in the news article, and then capture the non-visual entities via a open relation extraction model. Our experiments demonstrate that by simply selecting better context from the article, we can significantly improve the performance of existing models and achieve the new state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks.
Detecting out-of-context media, such as “miscaptioned” images on Twitter, is a relevant problem, especially in domains of high public significance. In this work we aim to develop defenses against such misinformation for the topics of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Military Vehicles. We first present a large-scale multimodal dataset with over 884k tweets relevant to these topics. Next, we propose a detection method, based on the state-of-the-art CLIP model, that leverages automatically generated hard image-text mismatches. While this approach works well on our automatically constructed out-of-context tweets, we aim to validate its usefulness on data representative of the real world. Thus, we test it on a set of human-generated fakes, created by mimicking in-the-wild misinformation. We achieve an 11% detection improvement in a high precision regime over a strong baseline. Finally, we share insights about our best model design and analyze the challenges of this emerging threat.
Recent video-text models can retrieve relevant videos based on text with a high accuracy, but to what extent do they comprehend the semantics of the text? Can they discriminate between similar entities and actions? To answer this, we propose an evaluation framework that probes video-text models with hard negatives. We automatically build contrast sets, where true textual descriptions are manipulated in ways that change their semantics while maintaining plausibility. Specifically, we leverage a pre-trained language model and a set of heuristics to create verb and person entity focused contrast sets. We apply these in the multiple choice video to-text classification setting. We test the robustness of recent methods on the proposed automatic contrast sets, and compare them to additionally collected human-generated counterparts, to assess their effectiveness. We see that model performance suffers across all methods, erasing the gap between recent CLIP-based methods vs. the earlier methods.
Online misinformation is a prevalent societal issue, with adversaries relying on tools ranging from cheap fakes to sophisticated deep fakes. We are motivated by the threat scenario where an image is used out of context to support a certain narrative. While some prior datasets for detecting image-text inconsistency generate samples via text manipulation, we propose a dataset where both image and text are unmanipulated but mismatched. We introduce several strategies for automatically retrieving convincing images for a given caption, capturing cases with inconsistent entities or semantic context. Our large-scale automatically generated the NewsCLIPpings Dataset: (1) demonstrates that machine-driven image repurposing is now a realistic threat, and (2) provides samples that represent challenging instances of mismatch between text and image in news that are able to mislead humans. We benchmark several state-of-the-art multimodal models on our dataset and analyze their performance across different pretraining domains and visual backbones.
Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) requires grounding instructions, such as “turn right and stop at the door”, to routes in a visual environment. The actual grounding can connect language to the environment through multiple modalities, e.g. “stop at the door” might ground into visual objects, while “turn right” might rely only on the geometric structure of a route. We investigate where the natural language empirically grounds under two recent state-of-the-art VLN models. Surprisingly, we discover that visual features may actually hurt these models: models which only use route structure, ablating visual features, outperform their visual counterparts in unseen new environments on the benchmark Room-to-Room dataset. To better use all the available modalities, we propose to decompose the grounding procedure into a set of expert models with access to different modalities (including object detections) and ensemble them at prediction time, improving the performance of state-of-the-art models on the VLN task.
Despite continuously improving performance, contemporary image captioning models are prone to “hallucinating” objects that are not actually in a scene. One problem is that standard metrics only measure similarity to ground truth captions and may not fully capture image relevance. In this work, we propose a new image relevance metric to evaluate current models with veridical visual labels and assess their rate of object hallucination. We analyze how captioning model architectures and learning objectives contribute to object hallucination, explore when hallucination is likely due to image misclassification or language priors, and assess how well current sentence metrics capture object hallucination. We investigate these questions on the standard image captioning benchmark, MSCOCO, using a diverse set of models. Our analysis yields several interesting findings, including that models which score best on standard sentence metrics do not always have lower hallucination and that models which hallucinate more tend to make errors driven by language priors.