Catherine Arnett


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Why do language models perform worse for morphologically complex languages?
Catherine Arnett | Benjamin Bergen
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Language models perform differently across languages. It has been previously suggested that morphological typology may explain some of this variability (Cotterell et al., 2018). We replicate previous analyses and find additional new evidence for a performance gap between agglutinative and fusional languages, where fusional languages, such as English, tend to have better language modeling performance than morphologically more complex languages like Turkish. We then propose and test three possible causes for this performance gap: morphological alignment of tokenizers, tokenization quality, and disparities in dataset sizes and measurement. To test the morphological alignment hypothesis, we present MorphScore, a tokenizer evaluation metric, and supporting datasets for 22 languages. We find some evidence that tokenization quality explains the performance gap, but none for the role of morphological alignment. Instead we find that the performance gap is most reduced when training datasets are of equivalent size across language types, but only when scaled according to the so-called “byte-premium”—the different encoding efficiencies of different languages and orthographies. These results suggest that languages of particular morphological types are not intrinsically advantaged or disadvantaged in language modeling. Differences in performance can be attributed to disparities in dataset size. These findings bear on ongoing efforts to improve performance for low-performing and under-resourced languages.


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When Is Multilinguality a Curse? Language Modeling for 250 High- and Low-Resource Languages
Tyler A. Chang | Catherine Arnett | Zhuowen Tu | Ben Bergen
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Multilingual language models are widely used to extend NLP systems to low-resource languages. However, concrete evidence for the effects of multilinguality on language modeling performance in individual languages remains scarce. Here, we pre-train over 10,000 monolingual and multilingual language models for over 250 languages, including multiple language families that are under-studied in NLP. We assess how language modeling performance in each language varies as a function of (1) monolingual dataset size, (2) added multilingual dataset size, (3) linguistic similarity of the added languages, and (4) model size (up to 45M parameters). We find that in moderation, adding multilingual data improves low-resource language modeling performance, similar to increasing low-resource dataset sizes by up to 33%. Improvements depend on the syntactic similarity of the added multilingual data, with marginal additional effects of vocabulary overlap. However, high-resource languages consistently perform worse in multilingual pre-training scenarios. As dataset sizes increase, adding multilingual data begins to hurt performance for both low-resource and high-resource languages, likely due to limited model capacity (the “curse of multilinguality”). These results suggest that massively multilingual pre-training may not be optimal for any languages involved, but that more targeted models can significantly improve performance.

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BPE Gets Picky: Efficient Vocabulary Refinement During Tokenizer Training
Pavel Chizhov | Catherine Arnett | Elizaveta Korotkova | Ivan P. Yamshchikov
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Language models can greatly benefit from efficient tokenization. However, they still mostly utilize the classical Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm, a simple and reliable method. BPE has been shown to cause such issues as under-trained tokens and sub-optimal compression that may affect the downstream performance. We introduce PickyBPE, a modified BPE algorithm that carries out vocabulary refinement during tokenizer training by removing merges that leave intermediate “junk” tokens. Our method improves vocabulary efficiency, eliminates under-trained tokens, and does not compromise text compression. Our experiments show that this method either improves downstream performance or does not harm it.

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Different Tokenization Schemes Lead to Comparable Performance in Spanish Number Agreement
Catherine Arnett | Tyler Chang | Sean Trott
Proceedings of the 21st SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

The relationship between language model tokenization and performance is an open area of research. Here, we investigate how different tokenization schemes impact number agreement in Spanish plurals. We find that morphologically-aligned tokenization performs similarly to other tokenization schemes, even when induced artificially for words that would not be tokenized that way during training. We then present exploratory analyses demonstrating that language model embeddings for different plural tokenizations have similar distributions along the embedding space axis that maximally distinguishes singular and plural nouns. Our results suggest that morphologically-aligned tokenization is a viable tokenization approach, and existing models already generalize some morphological patterns to new items. However, our results indicate that morphological tokenization is not strictly required for performance.

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A Bit of a Problem: Measurement Disparities in Dataset Sizes across Languages
Catherine Arnett | Tyler A. Chang | Benjamin Bergen
Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Under-resourced Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024

How should text dataset sizes be compared across languages? Even for content-matched (parallel) corpora, UTF-8 encoded text can require a dramatically different number of bytes for different languages. In our work, we define the byte premium between two languages as the ratio of bytes used to encode content-matched text in those languages. We compute byte premiums for 1155 languages, and we use linear regressions to estimate byte premiums for other languages. We release a tool to obtain byte premiums for any two languages, enabling comparisons of dataset sizes across languages for more equitable multilingual model development and data practices.


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Structural Priming Demonstrates Abstract Grammatical Representations in Multilingual Language Models
James Michaelov | Catherine Arnett | Tyler Chang | Ben Bergen
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Abstract grammatical knowledge—of parts of speech and grammatical patterns—is key to the capacity for linguistic generalization in humans. But how abstract is grammatical knowledge in large language models? In the human literature, compelling evidence for grammatical abstraction comes from structural priming. A sentence that shares the same grammatical structure as a preceding sentence is processed and produced more readily. Because confounds exist when using stimuli in a single language, evidence of abstraction is even more compelling from crosslingual structural priming, where use of a syntactic structure in one language primes an analogous structure in another language. We measure crosslingual structural priming in large language models, comparing model behavior to human experimental results from eight crosslingual experiments covering six languages, and four monolingual structural priming experiments in three non-English languages. We find evidence for abstract monolingual and crosslingual grammatical representations in the models that function similarly to those found in humans. These results demonstrate that grammatical representations in multilingual language models are not only similar across languages, but they can causally influence text produced in different languages.