Chanyeol Choi
Improving Multi-lingual Alignment Through Soft Contrastive Learning
Minsu Park
Seyeon Choi
Chanyeol Choi
Jun-Seong Kim
Jy-yong Sohn
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)
Making decent multi-lingual sentence representations is critical to achieve high performances in cross-lingual downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel method to align multi-lingual embeddings based on the similarity of sentences measured by a pre-trained mono-lingual embedding model. Given translation sentence pairs, we train a multi-lingual model in a way that the similarity between cross-lingual embeddings follows the similarity of sentences measured at the mono-lingual teacher model. Our method can be considered as contrastive learning with soft labels defined as the similarity between sentences. Our experimental results on five languages show that our contrastive loss with soft labels far outperforms conventional constrastive loss with hard labels in various benchmarks for bitext mining tasks and STS tasks. In addition, our method outperforms existing multi-lingual embeddings including LaBSE, for Tatoeba dataset.
Retrieval-based Evaluation for LLMs: A Case Study in Korean Legal QA
Cheol Ryu
Seolhwa Lee
Subeen Pang
Chanyeol Choi
Hojun Choi
Myeonggee Min
Jy-Yong Sohn
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2023
While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant capabilities in text generation, their utilization in areas requiring domain-specific expertise, such as law, must be approached cautiously. This caution is warranted due to the inherent challenges associated with LLM-generated texts, including the potential presence of factual errors. Motivated by this issue, we propose Eval-RAG, a new evaluation method for LLM-generated texts. Unlike existing methods, Eval-RAG evaluates the validity of generated texts based on the related document that are collected by the retriever. In other words, Eval-RAG adopts the idea of retrieval augmented generation (RAG) for the purpose of evaluation. Our experimental results on Korean Legal Question-Answering (QA) tasks show that conventional LLM-based evaluation methods can be better aligned with Lawyers’ evaluations, by combining with Eval-RAG. In addition, our qualitative analysis show that Eval-RAG successfully finds the factual errors in LLM-generated texts, while existing evaluation methods cannot.
Fix data
- Jy-Yong Sohn 2
- Hojun Choi 1
- Seyeon Choi 1
- Jun-Seong Kim 1
- Seolhwa Lee 1
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