Today’s text classifiers inevitably suffer from unintended dataset biases, especially the document-level label bias and word-level keyword bias, which may hurt models’ generalization. Many previous studies employed data-level manipulations or model-level balancing mechanisms to recover unbiased distributions and thus prevent models from capturing the two types of biases. Unfortunately, they either suffer from the extra cost of data collection/selection/annotation or need an elaborate design of balancing strategies. Different from traditional factual inference in which debiasing occurs before or during training, counterfactual inference mitigates the influence brought by unintended confounders after training, which can make unbiased decisions with biased observations. Inspired by this, we propose a model-agnostic text classification debiasing framework – Corsair, which can effectively avoid employing data manipulations or designing balancing mechanisms. Concretely, Corsair first trains a base model on a training set directly, allowing the dataset biases ‘poison’ the trained model. In inference, given a factual input document, Corsair imagines its two counterfactual counterparts to distill and mitigate the two biases captured by the poisonous model. Extensive experiments demonstrate Corsair’s effectiveness, generalizability and fairness.
Hierarchical text classification is an essential yet challenging subtask of multi-label text classification with a taxonomic hierarchy. Existing methods have difficulties in modeling the hierarchical label structure in a global view. Furthermore, they cannot make full use of the mutual interactions between the text feature space and the label space. In this paper, we formulate the hierarchy as a directed graph and introduce hierarchy-aware structure encoders for modeling label dependencies. Based on the hierarchy encoder, we propose a novel end-to-end hierarchy-aware global model (HiAGM) with two variants. A multi-label attention variant (HiAGM-LA) learns hierarchy-aware label embeddings through the hierarchy encoder and conducts inductive fusion of label-aware text features. A text feature propagation model (HiAGM-TP) is proposed as the deductive variant that directly feeds text features into hierarchy encoders. Compared with previous works, both HiAGM-LA and HiAGM-TP achieve significant and consistent improvements on three benchmark datasets.
This paper describes DM-NLP’s system for toponym resolution task at Semeval 2019. Our system was developed for toponym detection, disambiguation and end-to-end resolution which is a pipeline of the former two. For toponym detection, we utilized the state-of-the-art sequence labeling model, namely, BiLSTM-CRF model as backbone. A lot of strategies are adopted for further improvement, such as pre-training, model ensemble, model averaging and data augment. For toponym disambiguation, we adopted the widely used searching and ranking framework. For ranking, we proposed several effective features for measuring the consistency between the detected toponym and toponyms in GeoNames. Eventually, our system achieved the best performance among all the submitted results in each sub task.
This paper describes our submissions for SemEval-2018 Task 8: Semantic Extraction from CybersecUrity REports using NLP. The DM_NLP participated in two subtasks: SubTask 1 classifies if a sentence is useful for inferring malware actions and capabilities, and SubTask 2 predicts token labels (“Action”, “Entity”, “Modifier” and “Others”) for a given malware-related sentence. Since we leverage results of Subtask 2 directly to infer the result of Subtask 1, the paper focus on the system solving Subtask 2. By taking Subtask 2 as a sequence labeling task, our system relies on a recurrent neural network named BiLSTM-CNN-CRF with rich linguistic features, such as POS tags, dependency parsing labels, chunking labels, NER labels, Brown clustering. Our system achieved the highest F1 score in both token level and phrase level.