Daniel Rim


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Protecting Privacy Through Approximating Optimal Parameters for Sequence Unlearning in Language Models
Dohyun Lee | Daniel Rim | Minseok Choi | Jaegul Choo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Although language models (LMs) demonstrate exceptional capabilities on various tasks, they are potentially vulnerable to extraction attacks, which represent a significant privacy risk.To mitigate the privacy concerns of LMs, machine unlearning has emerged as an important research area, which is utilized to induce the LM to selectively forget about some of its training data.While completely retraining the model will guarantee successful unlearning and privacy assurance, it is impractical for LMs, as it would be time-consuming and resource-intensive.Prior works efficiently unlearn the target token sequences, but upon subsequent iterations, the LM displays significant degradation in performance.In this work, we propose Privacy Protection via Optimal Parameters (POP), a novel unlearning method that effectively forgets the target token sequences from the pretrained LM by applying optimal gradient updates to the parameters.Inspired by the gradient derivation of complete retraining, we approximate the optimal training objective that successfully unlearns the target sequence while retaining the knowledge from the rest of the training data.Experimental results demonstrate that POP exhibits remarkable retention performance post-unlearning across 9 classification and 4 dialogue benchmarks, outperforming the state-of-the-art by a large margin.Furthermore, we introduce Remnant Memorization Accuracy that quantifies privacy risks based on token likelihood and validate its effectiveness through both qualitative and quantitative analyses.


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DEnsity: Open-domain Dialogue Evaluation Metric using Density Estimation
ChaeHun Park | Seungil Lee | Daniel Rim | Jaegul Choo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Despite the recent advances in open-domain dialogue systems, building a reliable evaluation metric is still a challenging problem. Recent studies proposed learnable metrics based on classification models trained to distinguish the correct response. However, neural classifiers are known to make overly confident predictions for examples from unseen distributions. We propose DENSITY, which evaluates a response by utilizing density estimation on the feature space derived from a neural classifier. Our metric measures how likely a response would appear in the distribution of human conversations. Moreover, to improve the performance of DENSITY, we utilize contrastive learning to further compress the feature space. Experiments on multiple response evaluation datasets show that DENSITY correlates better with human evaluations than the existing metrics.