Active learning is an iterative labeling process that is used to obtain a small labeled subset, despite the absence of labeled data, thereby enabling to train a model for supervised tasks such as text classification.While active learning has made considerable progress in recent years due to improvements provided by pre-trained language models, there is untapped potential in the often neglected unlabeled portion of the data, although it is available in considerably larger quantities than the usually small set of labeled data. In this work, we investigate how self-training, a semi-supervised approach that uses a model to obtain pseudo-labels for unlabeled data, can be used to improve the efficiency of active learning for text classification. Building on a comprehensive reproduction of four previous self-training approaches, some of which are evaluated for the first time in the context of active learning or natural language processing, we introduce HAST, a new and effective self-training strategy, which is evaluated on four text classification benchmarks. Our results show that it outperforms the reproduced self-training approaches and reaches classification results comparable to previous experiments for three out of four datasets, using as little as 25% of the data. The code is publicly available at
This paper presents EvAlign, a visual analytics framework for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of automatic translation alignment models. EvAlign offers various visualization views enabling developers to visualize their models’ predictions and compare the performance of their models with other baseline and state-of-the-art models. Through different search and filter functions, researchers and practitioners can also inspect the frequent alignment errors and their positions. EvAlign hosts nine gold standard datasets and the predictions of multiple alignment models. The tool is extendable, and adding additional datasets and models is straightforward. EvAlign can be deployed and used locally and is available on GitHub.
In this study, we demonstrate how to apply cross-lingual annotation projection to transfer named-entity annotations to classical languages for which limited or no resources and annotated texts are available, aiming to enrich their NER training datasets and train a model to perform NER tagging. Our method uses sentence-level aligned parallel corpora ancient texts and the translation in a modern language, for which high-quality off-the-shelf NER systems are available. We automatically annotate the text of the modern language and employ a state-of-the-art neural word alignment system to find translation equivalents. Finally, we transfer the annotations to the corresponding tokens in the ancient texts using a direct projection heuristic. We applied our method to ancient Greek, Latin, and Arabic using the Bible with the English translation as a parallel corpus. We used the resulting annotations to enhance the performance of an existing NER model for ancient Greek
Open pit mines left many regions worldwide inhospitable or uninhabitable. Many sites are left behind in a hazardous or contaminated state, show remnants of waste, or have other restrictions imposed upon them, e.g., for the protection of human or nature. Such information has to be permanently managed in order to reuse those areas in the future. In this work we present and evaluate an automated workflow for supporting the post-mining management of former lignite open pit mines in the eastern part of Germany, where prior to any planned land reuse, aforementioned information has to be acquired to ensure the safety and validity of such an endeavor. Usually, this information is found in expert reports, either in the form of paper documents, or in the best case as digitized unstructured text—all of them in German language. However, due to the size and complexity of these documents, any inquiry is tedious and time-consuming, thereby slowing down or even obstructing the reuse of related areas. Since no training data is available, we employ active learning in order to perform multi-label sentence classification for two categories of restrictions and seven categories of topics. The final system integrates optical character recognition (OCR), active-learning-based text classification, and geographic information system visualization in order to effectively extract, query, and visualize this information for any area of interest. Active learning and text classification results are twofold: Whereas the restriction categories were reasonably accurate (>0.85 F1), the seven topic-oriented categories seemed to be complex even for human annotators and achieved mediocre evaluation scores (<0.70 F1).
To ease the difficulty of argument stance classification, the task of same side stance classification (S3C) has been proposed. In contrast to actual stance classification, which requires a substantial amount of domain knowledge to identify whether an argument is in favor or against a certain issue, it is argued that, for S3C, only argument similarity within stances needs to be learned to successfully solve the task. We evaluate several transformer-based approaches on the dataset of the recent S3C shared task, followed by an in-depth evaluation and error analysis of our model and the task’s hypothesis. We show that, although we achieve state-of-the-art results, our model fails to generalize both within as well as across topics and domains when adjusting the sampling strategy of the training and test set to a more adversarial scenario. Our evaluation shows that current state-of-the-art approaches cannot determine same side stance by considering only domain-independent linguistic similarity features, but appear to require domain knowledge and semantic inference, too.
Freedom of the press and media is of vital importance for democratically organised states and open societies. We introduce the Press Freedom Monitor, a tool that aims to detect reported press and media freedom violations in news articles and tweets. It is used by press and media freedom organisations to support their daily monitoring and to trigger rapid response actions. The Press Freedom Monitor enables the monitoring experts to get a fast overview over recently reported incidents and it has shown an impressive performance in this regard. This paper presents our work on the tool, starting with the training phase, which comprises defining the topic-related keywords to be used for querying APIs for news and Twitter content and evaluating different machine learning models based on a training dataset specifically created for our use case. Then, we describe the components of the production pipeline, including data gathering, duplicates removal, country mapping, case mapping and the user interface. We also conducted a usability study to evaluate the effectiveness of the user interface, and describe improvement plans for future work.
We introduce and study a problem variant of sentiment analysis, namely the “same sentiment classification problem”, where, given a pair of texts, the task is to determine if they have the same sentiment, disregarding the actual sentiment polarity. Among other things, our goal is to enable a more topic-agnostic sentiment classification. We study the problem using the Yelp business review dataset, demonstrating how sentiment data needs to be prepared for this task, and then carry out sequence pair classification using the BERT language model. In a series of experiments, we achieve an accuracy above 83% for category subsets across topics, and 89% on average.
SentimentWortschatz, or SentiWS for short, is a publicly available German-language resource for sentiment analysis, opinion mining etc. It lists positive and negative sentiment bearing words weighted within the interval of [-1; 1] plus their part of speech tag, and if applicable, their inflections. The current version of SentiWS (v1.8b) contains 1,650 negative and 1,818 positive words, which sum up to 16,406 positive and 16,328 negative word forms, respectively. It not only contains adjectives and adverbs explicitly expressing a sentiment, but also nouns and verbs implicitly containing one. The present work describes the resources structure, the three sources utilised to assemble it and the semi-supervised method incorporated to weight the strength of its entries. Furthermore the resources contents are extensively evaluated using a German-language evaluation set we constructed. The evaluation set is verified being reliable and its shown that SentiWS provides a beneficial lexical resource for German-language sentiment analysis related tasks to build on.
ASV Toolbox is a modular collection of tools for the exploration of written language data both for scientific and educational purposes. It includes modules that operate on word lists or texts and allow to perform various linguistic annotation, classification and clustering tasks, including language detection, POS-tagging, base form reduction, named entity recognition, and terminology extraction. On a more abstract level, the algorithms deal with various kinds of word similarity, using pattern-based and statistical approaches. The collection can be used to work on large real-world data sets as well as for studying the underlying algorithms. Each module of the ASV Toolbox is designed to work either on a plain text files or with a connection to a MySQL database. While it is especially designed to work with corpora of the Leipzig Corpora Collection, it can easily be adapted to other sources.
WCTAnalyze is a tool for storing, accessing and visually analyzing huge collections of temporally indexed data. It is motivated by applications in media analysis, business intelligence etc. where higher level analysis is performed on top of linguistically and statistically processed unstructured textual data. WCTAnalyze combines fast access with economically storage behaviour and appropriates a lot of built in visualization options for result presentation in detail as well as in contrast. So it enables an efficient and effective way to explore chronological text patterns of word forms, their co-occurrence sets and co-occurrence set intersections. Digging deep into co-occurrences of the same semantic or syntactic describing wordforms, some entities can be recognized as to be temporal related, whereas other differ significantly. This behaviour motivates approaches in interactive discovering events based on co-occurrence subsets.