Natural Language Understanding of Devanagari Script Languages: Language Identification, Hate Speech and its Target Detection
Surendrabikram Thapa
Kritesh Rauniyar
Farhan Ahmad Jafri
Surabhi Adhikari
Kengatharaiyer Sarveswaran
Bal Krishna Bal
Hariram Veeramani
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Challenges in Processing South Asian Languages (CHiPSAL 2025)
The growing use of Devanagari-script languages such as Hindi, Nepali, Marathi, Sanskrit, and Bhojpuri on social media presents unique challenges for natural language understanding (NLU), particularly in language identification, hate speech detection, and target classification. To address these challenges, we organized a shared task with three subtasks: (i) identifying the language of Devanagari-script text, (ii) detecting hate speech, and (iii) classifying hate speech targets into individual, community, or organization. A curated dataset combining multiple corpora was provided, with splits for training, evaluation, and testing. The task attracted 113 participants, with 32 teams submitting models evaluated on accuracy, precision, recall, and macro F1-score. Participants applied innovative methods, including large language models, transformer models, and multilingual embeddings, to tackle the linguistic complexities of Devanagari-script languages. This paper summarizes the shared task, datasets, and results, and aims to contribute to advancing NLU for low-resource languages and fostering inclusive, culturally aware natural language processing (NLP) solutions.
Which Side Are You On? Investigating Politico-Economic Bias in Nepali Language Models
Surendrabikram Thapa
Kritesh Rauniyar
Ehsan Barkhordar
Hariram Veeramani
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association
Language models are trained on vast datasets sourced from the internet, which inevitably contain biases that reflect societal norms, stereotypes, and political inclinations. These biases can manifest in model outputs, influencing a wide range of applications. While there has been extensive research on bias detection and mitigation in large language models (LLMs) for widely spoken languages like English, there is a significant gap when it comes to low-resource languages such as Nepali. This paper addresses this gap by investigating the political and economic biases present in five fill-mask models and eleven generative models trained for the Nepali language. To assess these biases, we translated the Political Compass Test (PCT) into Nepali and evaluated the models’ outputs along social and economic axes. Our findings reveal distinct biases across models, with small LMs showing a right-leaning economic bias, while larger models exhibit more complex political orientations, including left-libertarian tendencies. This study emphasizes the importance of addressing biases in low-resource languages to promote fairness and inclusivity in AI-driven technologies. Our work provides a foundation for future research on bias detection and mitigation in underrepresented languages like Nepali, contributing to the broader goal of creating more ethical AI systems.
Large Language Model-based Pipeline for Item Difficulty and Response Time Estimation for Educational Assessments
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Natarajan Balaji Shankar
Abeer Alwan
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)
This work presents a novel framework for the automated prediction of item difficulty and response time within educational assessments. Utilizing data from the BEA 2024 Shared Task, we integrate Named Entity Recognition, Semantic Role Labeling, and linguistic features to prompt a Large Language Model (LLM). Our best approach achieves an RMSE of 0.308 for item difficulty and 27.474 for response time prediction, improving on the provided baseline. The framework’s adaptability is demonstrated on audio recordings of 3rd-8th graders from the Atlanta, Georgia area responding to the Test of Narrative Language. These results highlight the framework’s potential to enhance test development efficiency.
Extended Multimodal Hate Speech Event Detection During Russia-Ukraine Crisis - Shared Task at CASE 2024
Surendrabikram Thapa
Kritesh Rauniyar
Farhan Jafri
Hariram Veeramani
Raghav Jain
Sandesh Jain
Francielle Vargas
Ali Hürriyetoğlu
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2024)
Addressing the need for effective hate speech moderation in contemporary digital discourse, the Multimodal Hate Speech Event Detection Shared Task made its debut at CASE 2023, co-located with RANLP 2023. Building upon its success, an extended version of the shared task was organized at the CASE workshop in EACL 2024. Similar to the earlier iteration, in this shared task, participants address hate speech detection through two subtasks. Subtask A is a binary classification problem, assessing whether text-embedded images contain hate speech. Subtask B goes further, demanding the identification of hate speech targets, such as individuals, communities, and organizations within text-embedded images. Performance is evaluated using the macro F1-score metric in both subtasks. With a total of 73 registered participants, the shared task witnessed remarkable achievements, with the best F1-scores in Subtask A and Subtask B reaching 87.27% and 80.05%, respectively, surpassing the leaderboard of the previous CASE 2023 shared task. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the performance of seven teams that submitted results for Subtask A and five teams for Subtask B.
Stance and Hate Event Detection in Tweets Related to Climate Activism - Shared Task at CASE 2024
Surendrabikram Thapa
Kritesh Rauniyar
Farhan Jafri
Shuvam Shiwakoti
Hariram Veeramani
Raghav Jain
Guneet Singh Kohli
Ali Hürriyetoğlu
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2024)
Social media plays a pivotal role in global discussions, including on climate change. The variety of opinions expressed range from supportive to oppositional, with some instances of hate speech. Recognizing the importance of understanding these varied perspectives, the 7th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE) at EACL 2024 hosted a shared task focused on detecting stances and hate speech in climate activism-related tweets. This task was divided into three subtasks: subtasks A and B concentrated on identifying hate speech and its targets, while subtask C focused on stance detection. Participants’ performance was evaluated using the macro F1-score. With over 100 teams participating, the highest F1 scores achieved were 91.44% in subtask C, 78.58% in subtask B, and 74.83% in subtask A. This paper details the methodologies of 24 teams that submitted their results to the competition’s leaderboard.
Semantists at LegalLens-2024: Data-efficient Training of LLM’s for Legal Violation Identification
Kanagasabai Rajaraman
Hariram Veeramani
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2024
In this paper, we describe our system for LegalLens-2024 Shared Task on automatically identifying legal violations from unstructured text sources. We participate in Subtask B, called Legal Natural Language Inference (L-NLI), that aims to predict the relationship between a given premise summarizing a class action complaint and a hypothesis from an online media text, indicating any association between the review and the complaint. This task is challenging as it provides only limited labelled data. In our work, we adopt LLM based methods and explore various data-efficient learning approaches for maximizing performance. In the end, our best model employed an ensemble of LLM’s fine-tuned on the task-specific data, and achieved a Macro F1 score of 78.5% on test data, and ranked 2nd among all teams submissions.
MLInitiative@WILDRE7: Hybrid Approaches with Large Language Models for Enhanced Sentiment Analysis in Code-Switched and Code-Mixed Texts
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Indian Language Data: Resources and Evaluation
Code-switched and code-mixed languages are prevalent in multilingual societies, reflecting the complex interplay of cultures and languages in daily communication. Understanding the sentiment embedded in such texts is crucial for a range of applications, from improving social media analytics to enhancing customer feedback systems. Despite their significance, research in code-mixed and code-switched languages remains limited, particularly in less-resourced languages. This scarcity of research creates a gap in natural language processing (NLP) technologies, hindering their ability to accurately interpret the rich linguistic diversity of global communications. To bridge this gap, this paper presents a novel methodology for sentiment analysis in code-mixed and code-switched texts. Our approach combines the power of large language models (LLMs) and the versatility of the multilingual BERT (mBERT) framework to effectively process and analyze sentiments in multilingual data. By decomposing code-mixed texts into their constituent languages, employing mBERT for named entity recognition (NER) and sentiment label prediction, and integrating these insights into a decision-making LLM, we provide a comprehensive framework for understanding sentiment in complex linguistic contexts. Our system achieves competitive rank on all subtasks in the Code-mixed Less-Resourced Sentiment analysis (Code-mixed) shared task at WILDRE-7 (LREC-COLING).
KnowTellConvince at ArAIEval Shared Task: Disinformation and Persuasion Detection in Arabic using Similar and Contrastive Representation Alignment
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023
In an era of widespread digital communication, the challenge of identifying and countering disinformation has become increasingly critical. However, compared to the solutions available in the English language, the resources and strategies for tackling this multifaceted problem in Arabic are relatively scarce. To address this issue, this paper presents our solutions to tasks in ArAIEval 2023. Task 1 focuses on detecting persuasion techniques, while Task 2 centers on disinformation detection within Arabic text. Leveraging a multi-head model architecture, fine-tuning techniques, sequential learning, and innovative activation functions, our contributions significantly enhance persuasion techniques and disinformation detection accuracy. Beyond improving performance, our work fills a critical research gap in content analysis for Arabic, empowering individuals, communities, and digital platforms to combat deceptive content effectively and preserve the credibility of information sources within the Arabic-speaking world.
DialectNLU at NADI 2023 Shared Task: Transformer Based Multitask Approach Jointly Integrating Dialect and Machine Translation Tasks in Arabic
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023
With approximately 400 million speakers worldwide, Arabic ranks as the fifth most-spoken language globally, necessitating advancements in natural language processing. This paper addresses this need by presenting a system description of the approaches employed for the subtasks outlined in the Nuanced Arabic Dialect Identification (NADI) task at EMNLP 2023. For the first subtask, involving closed country-level dialect identification classification, we employ an ensemble of two Arabic language models. Similarly, for the second subtask, focused on closed dialect to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) machine translation, our approach combines sequence-to-sequence models, all trained on an Arabic-specific dataset. Our team ranks 10th and 3rd on subtask 1 and subtask 2 respectively.
LowResContextQA at Qur’an QA 2023 Shared Task: Temporal and Sequential Representation Augmented Question Answering Span Detection in Arabic
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023
The Qur’an holds immense theological and historical significance, and developing a technology-driven solution for answering questions from this sacred text is of paramount importance. This paper presents our approach to task B of Qur’an QA 2023, part of EMNLP 2023, addressing this challenge by proposing a robust method for extracting answers from Qur’anic passages. Leveraging the Qur’anic Reading Comprehension Dataset (QRCD) v1.2, we employ innovative techniques and advanced models to improve the precision and contextuality of answers derived from Qur’anic passages. Our methodology encompasses the utilization of start and end logits, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, and fusion mechanisms, contributing to the ongoing dialogue at the intersection of technology and spirituality.
Semantists at ImageArg-2023: Exploring Cross-modal Contrastive and Ensemble Models for Multimodal Stance and Persuasiveness Classification
Kanagasabai Rajaraman
Hariram Veeramani
Saravanan Rajamanickam
Adam Maciej Westerski
Jung-Jae Kim
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Argument Mining
In this paper, we describe our system for ImageArg-2023 Shared Task that aims to identify an image’s stance towards a tweet and determine its persuasiveness score concerning a specific topic. In particular, the Shared Task proposes two subtasks viz. subtask (A) Multimodal Argument Stance (AS) Classification, and subtask (B) Multimodal Image Persuasiveness (IP) Classification, using a dataset composed of tweets (images and text) from controversial topics, namely gun control and abortion. For subtask A, we employ multiple transformer models using a text based approach to classify the argumentative stance of the tweet. For sub task B we adopted text based as well as multimodal learning methods to classify image persuasiveness of the tweet. Surprisingly, the text-based approach of the tweet overall performed better than the multimodal approaches considered. In summary, our best system achieved a F1 score of 0.85 for sub task (A) and 0.50 for subtask (B), and ranked 2nd in subtask (A) and 4th in subtask (B), among all teams submissions.
LowResourceNLU at BLP-2023 Task 1 & 2: Enhancing Sentiment Classification and Violence Incitement Detection in Bangla Through Aggregated Language Models
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (BLP-2023)
Violence incitement detection and sentiment analysis hold significant importance in the field of natural language processing. However, in the case of the Bangla language, there are unique challenges due to its low-resource nature. In this paper, we address these challenges by presenting an innovative approach that leverages aggregated BERT models for two tasks at the BLP workshop in EMNLP 2023, specifically tailored for Bangla. Task 1 focuses on violence-inciting text detection, while task 2 centers on sentiment analysis. Our approach combines fine-tuning with textual entailment (utilizing BanglaBERT), Masked Language Model (MLM) training (making use of BanglaBERT), and the use of standalone Multilingual BERT. This comprehensive framework significantly enhances the accuracy of sentiment classification and violence incitement detection in Bangla text. Our method achieved the 11th rank in task 1 with an F1-score of 73.47 and the 4th rank in task 2 with an F1-score of 71.73. This paper provides a detailed system description along with an analysis of the impact of each component of our framework.
Enhancing ESG Impact Type Identification through Early Fusion and Multilingual Models
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing
In the evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) impact assessment, the ML-ESG-2 shared task proposes identifying ESG impact types. To address this challenge, we present a comprehensive system leveraging ensemble learning techniques, capitalizing on early and late fusion approaches. Our approach employs four distinct models: mBERT, FlauBERT-base, ALBERT-base-v2, and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) incorporating Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) features. Through extensive experimentation, we find that our early fusion ensemble approach, featuring the integration of LSA, TF-IDF, mBERT, FlauBERT-base, and ALBERT-base-v2, delivers the best performance. Our system offers a comprehensive ESG impact type identification solution, contributing to the responsible and sustainable decision-making processes vital in today’s financial and corporate governance landscape.
Automated Citation Function Classification and Context Extraction in Astrophysics: Leveraging Paraphrasing and Question Answering
Hariram Veeramani
Surendrabikram Thapa
Usman Naseem
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Information Extraction from Scientific Publications