Cosine similarity is widely used to measure the similarity between two embeddings, while interpretations based on angle and correlation coefficient are common. In this study, we focus on the interpretable axes of embeddings transformed by Independent Component Analysis (ICA), and propose a novel interpretation of cosine similarity as the sum of semantic similarities over axes. The normalized ICA-transformed embeddings exhibit sparsity, enhancing the interpretability of each axis, and the semantic similarity defined by the product of the components represents the shared meaning between the two embeddings along each axis. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through intuitive numerical examples and thorough numerical experiments. By deriving the probability distributions that govern each component and the product of components, we propose a method for selecting statistically significant axes.
Contextualized embeddings vary by context, even for the same token, and form a distribution in the embedding space. To analyze this distribution, we focus on the norm of the mean embedding and the variance of the embeddings. In this study, we first demonstrate that these values follow the well-known formula for variance in statistics and provide an efficient sequential computation method. Then, by observing embeddings from intermediate layers of several Transformer models, we found a strong trade-off relationship between the norm and the variance: as the mean embedding becomes closer to the origin, the variance increases. Furthermore, when the sets of token embeddings are treated as clusters, we show that the variance of the entire embedding set can theoretically be decomposed into the within-cluster variance and the between-cluster variance. We found experimentally that as the layers of Transformer models deepen, the embeddings move farther from the origin, the between-cluster variance relatively decreases, and the within-cluster variance relatively increases. These results are consistent with existing studies on the anisotropy of the embedding spaces across layers.
In this paper, we present our approach to the shared task “Discharge Me!” at the BioNLP Workshop 2024. The primary goal of this task is to reduce the time and effort clinicians spend on writing detailed notes in the electronic health record (EHR). Participants develop a pipeline to generate the “Brief Hospital Course” and “Discharge Instructions” sections from the EHR. Our approach involves a first step of extracting the relevant sections from the EHR. We then add explanatory prompts to these sections and concatenate them with separate tokens to create the input text. To train a text generation model, we perform LoRA fine-tuning on the ClinicalT5-large model. On the final test data, our approach achieved a ROUGE-1 of 0.394, which is comparable to the top solutions.
The main objective of Knowledge Graph (KG) embeddings is to learn low-dimensional representations of entities and relations, enabling the prediction of missing facts. A significant challenge in achieving better KG embeddings lies in capturing relation patterns, including symmetry, antisymmetry, inversion, commutative composition, non-commutative composition, hierarchy, and multiplicity. This study introduces a novel model called 3H-TH (3D Rotation and Translation in Hyperbolic space) that captures these relation patterns simultaneously. In contrast, previous attempts have not achieved satisfactory performance across all the mentioned properties at the same time. The experimental results demonstrate that the new model outperforms existing state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy, hierarchy property, and other relation patterns in low-dimensional space, meanwhile performing similarly in high-dimensional space.
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) offers interpretable semantic components of embeddings.While ICA theory assumes that embeddings can be linearly decomposed into independent components, real-world data often do not satisfy this assumption. Consequently, non-independencies remain between the estimated components, which ICA cannot eliminate. We quantified these non-independencies using higher-order correlations and demonstrated that when the higher-order correlation between two components is large, it indicates a strong semantic association between them, along with many words sharing common meanings with both components. The entire structure of non-independencies was visualized using a maximum spanning tree of semantic components. These findings provide deeper insights into embeddings through ICA.
Word embedding is one of the most important components in natural language processing, but interpreting high-dimensional embeddings remains a challenging problem. To address this problem, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is identified as an effective solution. ICA-transformed word embeddings reveal interpretable semantic axes; however, the order of these axes are arbitrary. In this study, we focus on this property and propose a novel method, Axis Tour, which optimizes the order of the axes. Inspired by Word Tour, a one-dimensional word embedding method, we aim to improve the clarity of the word embedding space by maximizing the semantic continuity of the axes. Furthermore, we show through experiments on downstream tasks that Axis Tour yields better or comparable low-dimensional embeddings compared to both PCA and ICA.
The primary aim of Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGE) is to learn low-dimensional representations of entities and relations for predicting missing facts. While rotation-based methods like RotatE and QuatE perform well in KGE, they face two challenges: limited model flexibility requiring proportional increases in relation size with entity dimension, and difficulties in generalizing the model for higher-dimensional rotations. To address these issues, we introduce OrthogonalE, a novel KGE model employing matrices for entities and block-diagonal orthogonal matrices with Riemannian optimization for relations. This approach not only enhances the generality and flexibility of KGE models but also captures several relation patterns that rotation-based methods can identify. Experimental results indicate that our new KGE model, OrthogonalE, offers generality and flexibility, captures several relation patterns, and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art KGE models while substantially reducing the number of relation parameters.
Distributed representations of words encode lexical semantic information, but what type of information is encoded and how? Focusing on the skip-gram with negative-sampling method, we found that the squared norm of static word embedding encodes the information gain conveyed by the word; the information gain is defined by the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the co-occurrence distribution of the word to the unigram distribution. Our findings are explained by the theoretical framework of the exponential family of probability distributions and confirmed through precise experiments that remove spurious correlations arising from word frequency. This theory also extends to contextualized word embeddings in language models or any neural networks with the softmax output layer. We also demonstrate that both the KL divergence and the squared norm of embedding provide a useful metric of the informativeness of a word in tasks such as keyword extraction, proper-noun discrimination, and hypernym discrimination.
This study utilizes Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to unveil a consistent semantic structure within embeddings of words or images. Our approach extracts independent semantic components from the embeddings of a pre-trained model by leveraging anisotropic information that remains after the whitening process in Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We demonstrate that each embedding can be expressed as a composition of a few intrinsic interpretable axes and that these semantic axes remain consistent across different languages, algorithms, and modalities. The discovery of a universal semantic structure in the geometric patterns of embeddings enhances our understanding of the representations in embeddings.
Measuring the semantic similarity between two sentences is still an important task. The word mover’s distance (WMD) computes the similarity via the optimal alignment between the sets of word embeddings. However, WMD does not utilize word order, making it challenging to distinguish sentences with significant overlaps of similar words, even if they are semantically very different. Here, we attempt to improve WMD by incorporating the sentence structure represented by BERT’s self-attention matrix (SAM). The proposed method is based on the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which simultaneously considers the similarity of the word embedding and the SAM for calculating the optimal transport between two sentences. Experiments demonstrate the proposed method enhances WMD and its variants in paraphrase identification with near-equivalent performance in semantic textual similarity.
We propose a new type of representation learning method that models words, phrases and sentences seamlessly. Our method does not depend on word segmentation and any human-annotated resources (e.g., word dictionaries), yet it is very effective for noisy corpora written in unsegmented languages such as Chinese and Japanese. The main idea of our method is to ignore word boundaries completely (i.e., segmentation-free), and construct representations for all character n-grams in a raw corpus with embeddings of compositional sub-n-grams. Although the idea is simple, our experiments on various benchmarks and real-world datasets show the efficacy of our proposal.
We propose a new word embedding method called word-like character n-gram embedding, which learns distributed representations of words by embedding word-like character n-grams. Our method is an extension of recently proposed segmentation-free word embedding, which directly embeds frequent character n-grams from a raw corpus. However, its n-gram vocabulary tends to contain too many non-word n-grams. We solved this problem by introducing an idea of expected word frequency. Compared to the previously proposed methods, our method can embed more words, along with the words that are not included in a given basic word dictionary. Since our method does not rely on word segmentation with rich word dictionaries, it is especially effective when the text in the corpus is in unsegmented language and contains many neologisms and informal words (e.g., Chinese SNS dataset). Our experimental results on Sina Weibo (a Chinese microblog service) and Twitter show that the proposed method can embed more words and improve the performance of downstream tasks.
In this paper, we propose a novel method for multimodal word embedding, which exploit a generalized framework of multi-view spectral graph embedding to take into account visual appearances or scenes denoted by words in a corpus. We evaluated our method through word similarity tasks and a concept-to-image search task, having found that it provides word representations that reflect visual information, while somewhat trading-off the performance on the word similarity tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that our method captures multimodal linguistic regularities, which enable recovering relational similarities between words and images by vector arithmetics.