Shimo Lab at “Discharge Me!”: Discharge Summarization by Prompt-Driven Concatenation of Electronic Health Record Sections
Yunzhen He
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
In this paper, we present our approach to the shared task “Discharge Me!” at the BioNLP Workshop 2024. The primary goal of this task is to reduce the time and effort clinicians spend on writing detailed notes in the electronic health record (EHR). Participants develop a pipeline to generate the “Brief Hospital Course” and “Discharge Instructions” sections from the EHR. Our approach involves a first step of extracting the relevant sections from the EHR. We then add explanatory prompts to these sections and concatenate them with separate tokens to create the input text. To train a text generation model, we perform LoRA fine-tuning on the ClinicalT5-large model. On the final test data, our approach achieved a ROUGE-1 of 0.394, which is comparable to the top solutions.
Understanding Higher-Order Correlations Among Semantic Components in Embeddings
Momose Oyama
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) offers interpretable semantic components of embeddings.While ICA theory assumes that embeddings can be linearly decomposed into independent components, real-world data often do not satisfy this assumption. Consequently, non-independencies remain between the estimated components, which ICA cannot eliminate. We quantified these non-independencies using higher-order correlations and demonstrated that when the higher-order correlation between two components is large, it indicates a strong semantic association between them, along with many words sharing common meanings with both components. The entire structure of non-independencies was visualized using a maximum spanning tree of semantic components. These findings provide deeper insights into embeddings through ICA.
Axis Tour: Word Tour Determines the Order of Axes in ICA-transformed Embeddings
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Yusuke Takase
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024
Word embedding is one of the most important components in natural language processing, but interpreting high-dimensional embeddings remains a challenging problem. To address this problem, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is identified as an effective solution. ICA-transformed word embeddings reveal interpretable semantic axes; however, the order of these axes are arbitrary. In this study, we focus on this property and propose a novel method, Axis Tour, which optimizes the order of the axes. Inspired by Word Tour, a one-dimensional word embedding method, we aim to improve the clarity of the word embedding space by maximizing the semantic continuity of the axes. Furthermore, we show through experiments on downstream tasks that Axis Tour yields better or comparable low-dimensional embeddings compared to both PCA and ICA.
Discovering Universal Geometry in Embeddings with ICA
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Momose Oyama
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
This study utilizes Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to unveil a consistent semantic structure within embeddings of words or images. Our approach extracts independent semantic components from the embeddings of a pre-trained model by leveraging anisotropic information that remains after the whitening process in Principal Component Analysis (PCA). We demonstrate that each embedding can be expressed as a composition of a few intrinsic interpretable axes and that these semantic axes remain consistent across different languages, algorithms, and modalities. The discovery of a universal semantic structure in the geometric patterns of embeddings enhances our understanding of the representations in embeddings.
Improving word mover’s distance by leveraging self-attention matrix
Hiroaki Yamagiwa
Sho Yokoi
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023
Measuring the semantic similarity between two sentences is still an important task. The word mover’s distance (WMD) computes the similarity via the optimal alignment between the sets of word embeddings. However, WMD does not utilize word order, making it challenging to distinguish sentences with significant overlaps of similar words, even if they are semantically very different. Here, we attempt to improve WMD by incorporating the sentence structure represented by BERT’s self-attention matrix (SAM). The proposed method is based on the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance, which simultaneously considers the similarity of the word embedding and the SAM for calculating the optimal transport between two sentences. Experiments demonstrate the proposed method enhances WMD and its variants in paraphrase identification with near-equivalent performance in semantic textual similarity.