Jingbo Zhou


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Visualization Recommendation with Prompt-based Reprogramming of Large Language Models
Xinhang Li | Jingbo Zhou | Wei Chen | Derong Xu | Tong Xu | Enhong Chen
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Visualization recommendations, which aim to automatically match proper visual charts for specific data tables, can significantly simplify the data analysis process. Traditional approaches in this domain have primarily relied on rule-based or machine learning-based methodologies. These methods often demand extensive manual maintenance and yet fail to fully comprehend the tabular data, leading to unsatisfactory performance. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools, exhibiting strong reasoning capabilities. This advancement suggests their substantial promise in addressing visualization recommendation challenges. However, effectively harnessing LLMs to discern and rationalize patterns in tabular data, and consequently deduce the essential information for chart generation, remains an unresolved challenge. To this end, we introduce a novel Hierarchical Table Prompt-based reprogramming framework, named HTP. This framework aims to integrate multi-dimensional tabular data into LLMs through a strategically crafted prompt learning method while keeping the LLMs’ backbone and weights unaltered. The HTP framework uniquely incorporates a four-level prompt structure, encompassing general, instance, cluster, and column levels. This multi-level approach is engineered to provide a comprehensive understanding of both general distribution and multifaceted fine-grained features of tabular data, before inputting the tabular data into the frozen LLM. Our empirical studies confirm that the HTP framework achieves state-of-the-art performance, marking an advancement in the field of data visualization and analysis. The code and data will be made publicly available upon acceptance.


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A Table-to-Text Framework with Heterogeneous Multidominance Attention and Self-Evaluated Multi-Pass Deliberation
Xi Chen | Xinjiang Lu | Haoran Xin | Wenjun Peng | Haoyang Duan | Feihu Jiang | Jingbo Zhou | Hui Xiong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Though big progress in table-to-text works, effectively leveraging table structure signals, e.g., hierarchical structure, remains challenging. Besides, deliberating generated descriptions proves to be effective for table-to-text. However, determining the appropriate outcome when encountering multi-pass candidates is another challenge. To this end, we propose a novel table-to-text approach on top of Self-evaluated multi-pass Generation and Heterogenous Multidominance Attention, namely SG-HMA. Specifically, we formulate the table structure into a multidominance (MD) structure and devise a heterogenous multidominance attention (HMA) to comprehensively explore the complex interactions encoded in the hierarchical structure, which can further deliver rich signals for text generation with the help of pre-trained language models (PLMs). Afterward, a contrastive loss is introduced to align the generation objective with evaluation metrics, so the more faithful generated descriptions can be guaranteed. We conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets, demonstrating that SG-HMA outperforms several SOTA methods quantitatively and qualitatively.


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A Speaker-Aware Co-Attention Framework for Medical Dialogue Information Extraction
Yuan Xia | Zhenhui Shi | Jingbo Zhou | Jiayu Xu | Chao Lu | Yehui Yang | Lei Wang | Haifeng Huang | Xia Zhang | Junwei Liu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the development of medical digitization, the extraction and structuring of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) have become challenging but fundamental tasks. How to accurately and automatically extract structured information from medical dialogues is especially difficult because the information needs to be inferred from complex interactions between the doctor and the patient. To this end, in this paper, we propose a speaker-aware co-attention framework for medical dialogue information extraction. To better utilize the pre-trained language representation model to perceive the semantics of the utterance and the candidate item, we develop a speaker-aware dialogue encoder with multi-task learning, which considers the speaker’s identity into account. To deal with complex interactions between different utterances and the correlations between utterances and candidate items, we propose a co-attention fusion network to aggregate the utterance information. We evaluate our framework on the public medical dialogue extraction datasets to demonstrate the superiority of our method, which can outperform the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Codes will be publicly available upon acceptance.


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Point-of-Interest Oriented Question Answering with Joint Inference of Semantic Matching and Distance Correlation
Yifei Yuan | Jingbo Zhou | Wai Lam
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Point-of-Interest (POI) oriented question answering (QA) aims to return a list of POIs given a question issued by a user. Recent advances in intelligent virtual assistants have opened the possibility of engaging the client software more actively in the provision of location-based services, thereby showing great promise for automatic POI retrieval. Some existing QA methods can be adopted on this task such as QA similarity calculation and semantic parsing using pre-defined rules. The returned results, however, are subject to inherent limitations due to the lack of the ability for handling some important POI related information, including tags, location entities, and proximity-related terms (e.g. “nearby”, “close”). In this paper, we present a novel deep learning framework integrated with joint inference to capture both tag semantic and geographic correlation between question and POIs. One characteristic of our model is to propose a special cross attention question embedding neural network structure to obtain question-to-POI and POI-to-question information. Besides, we utilize a skewed distribution to simulate the spatial relationship between questions and POIs. By measuring the results offered by the model against existing methods, we demonstrate its robustness and practicability, and supplement our conclusions with empirical evidence.

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Joint Intent Detection and Entity Linking on Spatial Domain Queries
Lei Zhang | Runze Wang | Jingbo Zhou | Jingsong Yu | Zhenhua Ling | Hui Xiong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Continuous efforts have been devoted to language understanding (LU) for conversational queries with the fast and wide-spread popularity of voice assistants. In this paper, we first study the LU problem in the spatial domain, which is a critical problem for providing location-based services by voice assistants but is without in-depth investigation in existing studies. Spatial domain queries have several unique properties making them be more challenging for language understanding than common conversational queries, including lexical-similar but diverse intents and highly ambiguous words. Thus, a special tailored LU framework for spatial domain queries is necessary. To the end, a dataset was extracted and annotated based on the real-life queries from a voice assistant service. We then proposed a new multi-task framework that jointly learns the intent detection and entity linking tasks on the with invented hierarchical intent detection method and triple-scoring mechanism for entity linking. A specially designed spatial GCN is also utilized to model spatial context information among entities. We have conducted extensive experimental evaluations with state-of-the-art entity linking and intent detection methods, which demonstrated that can outperform all baselines with a significant margin.