Tom Sherborne


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Extrinsic Evaluation of Machine Translation Metrics
Nikita Moghe | Tom Sherborne | Mark Steedman | Alexandra Birch
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Automatic machine translation (MT) metrics are widely used to distinguish the quality of machine translation systems across relatively large test sets (system-level evaluation). However, it is unclear if automatic metrics are reliable at distinguishing good translations from bad translations at the sentence level (segment-level evaluation). In this paper, we investigate how useful MT metrics are at detecting the segment-level quality by correlating metrics with how useful the translations are for downstream task. We evaluate the segment-level performance of the most widely used MT metrics (chrF, COMET, BERTScore, etc.) on three downstream cross-lingual tasks (dialogue state tracking, question answering, and semantic parsing). For each task, we only have access to a monolingual task-specific model and a translation model. We calculate the correlation between the metric’s ability to predict a good/bad translation with the success/failure on the final task for the machine translated test sentences. Our experiments demonstrate that all metrics exhibit negligible correlation with the extrinsic evaluation of the downstream outcomes. We also find that the scores provided by neural metrics are not interpretable, in large part due to having undefined ranges. We synthesise our analysis into recommendations for future MT metrics to produce labels rather than scores for more informative interaction between machine translation and multilingual language understanding.

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Meta-Learning a Cross-lingual Manifold for Semantic Parsing
Tom Sherborne | Mirella Lapata
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Localizing a semantic parser to support new languages requires effective cross-lingual generalization. Recent work has found success with machine-translation or zero-shot methods, although these approaches can struggle to model how native speakers ask questions. We consider how to effectively leverage minimal annotated examples in new languages for few-shot cross-lingual semantic parsing. We introduce a first-order meta-learning algorithm to train a semantic parser with maximal sample efficiency during cross-lingual transfer. Our algorithm uses high-resource languages to train the parser and simultaneously optimizes for cross-lingual generalization to lower-resource languages. Results across six languages on ATIS demonstrate that our combination of generalization steps yields accurate semantic parsers sampling ≤10% of source training data in each new language. Our approach also trains a competitive model on Spider using English with generalization to Chinese similarly sampling ≤10% of training data.1

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Optimal Transport Posterior Alignment for Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing
Tom Sherborne | Tom Hosking | Mirella Lapata
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Cross-lingual semantic parsing transfers parsing capability from a high-resource language (e.g., English) to low-resource languages with scarce training data. Previous work has primarily considered silver-standard data augmentation or zero-shot methods; exploiting few-shot gold data is comparatively unexplored. We propose a new approach to cross-lingual semantic parsing by explicitly minimizing cross-lingual divergence between probabilistic latent variables using Optimal Transport. We demonstrate how this direct guidance improves parsing from natural languages using fewer examples and less training. We evaluate our method on two datasets, MTOP and MultiATIS++SQL, establishing state-of-the-art results under a few-shot cross-lingual regime. Ablation studies further reveal that our method improves performance even without parallel input translations. In addition, we show that our model better captures cross-lingual structure in the latent space to improve semantic representation similarity.1


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Zero-Shot Cross-lingual Semantic Parsing
Tom Sherborne | Mirella Lapata
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent work in cross-lingual semantic parsing has successfully applied machine translation to localize parsers to new languages. However, these advances assume access to high-quality machine translation systems and word alignment tools. We remove these assumptions and study cross-lingual semantic parsing as a zero-shot problem, without parallel data (i.e., utterance-logical form pairs) for new languages. We propose a multi-task encoder-decoder model to transfer parsing knowledge to additional languages using only English-logical form paired data and in-domain natural language corpora in each new language. Our model encourages language-agnostic encodings by jointly optimizing for logical-form generation with auxiliary objectives designed for cross-lingual latent representation alignment. Our parser performs significantly above translation-based baselines and, in some cases, competes with the supervised upper-bound.


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Bootstrapping a Crosslingual Semantic Parser
Tom Sherborne | Yumo Xu | Mirella Lapata
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Recent progress in semantic parsing scarcely considers languages other than English but professional translation can be prohibitively expensive. We adapt a semantic parser trained on a single language, such as English, to new languages and multiple domains with minimal annotation. We query if machine translation is an adequate substitute for training data, and extend this to investigate bootstrapping using joint training with English, paraphrasing, and multilingual pre-trained models. We develop a Transformer-based parser combining paraphrases by ensembling attention over multiple encoders and present new versions of ATIS and Overnight in German and Chinese for evaluation. Experimental results indicate that MT can approximate training data in a new language for accurate parsing when augmented with paraphrasing through multiple MT engines. Considering when MT is inadequate, we also find that using our approach achieves parsing accuracy within 2% of complete translation using only 50% of training data.