Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona


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Towards Robust Comparisons of NLP Models: A Case Study
Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Comparing the test scores of different NLP models across downstream datasets to determine which model leads to the most accurate results is the ultimate step in any experimental work. Doing so via a single mean score may not accurately quantify the real capabilities of the models. Previous works have proposed diverse statistical tests to improve the comparison of NLP models; however, a key statistical phenomenon remains understudied: variability in test scores. We propose a type of regression analysis which better explains this phenomenon by isolating the effect of both nuisance factors (such as random seeds) and datasets from the effects of the models’ capabilities. We showcase our approach via a case study of some of the most popular biomedical NLP models: after isolating nuisance factors and datasets, our results show that the difference between BioLinkBERT and MSR BiomedBERT is, actually, 7 times smaller than previously reported.


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Multilevel Analysis of Biomedical Domain Adaptation of Llama 2: What Matters the Most? A Case Study
Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona | Shanshan Jiang | Takeshi Suzuki | Bin Dong
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

Domain adaptation of Large Language Models (LLMs) leads to models better suited for a particular domain by capturing patterns from domain text which leads to improvements in downstream tasks. To the naked eye, these improvements are visible; however, the patterns are not so. How can we know which patterns and how much they contribute to changes in downstream scores? Through a Multilevel Analysis we discover and quantify the effect of text patterns on downstream scores of domain-adapted Llama 2 for the task of sentence similarity (BIOSSES dataset). We show that text patterns from PubMed abstracts such as clear writing and simplicity, as well as the amount of biomedical information, are the key for improving downstream scores. Also, we show how another factor not usually quantified contributes equally to downstream scores: choice of hyperparameters for both domain adaptation and fine-tuning.

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How Well Can a Genetic Algorithm Fine-tune Transformer Encoders? A First Approach
Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been studied across different fields such as engineering or medicine to optimize diverse problems such as network routing, or medical image segmentation. Moreover, they have been used to automatically find optimal architectures for deep neural networks. However, to our knowledge, they have not been applied as a weight optimizer for the Transformer model. While gradient descent has been the main paradigm for this task, we believe that GAs have advantages to bring to the table. In this paper, we will show that even though GAs are capable of fine-tuning Transformer encoders, their generalization ability is considerably poorer than that from Adam; however, on a closer look, GAs ability to exploit knowledge from 2 different pretraining datasets surpasses Adam’s ability to do so.


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Intent Segmentation of User Queries Via Discourse Parsing
Vicente Ivan Sanchez Carmona | Yibing Yang | Ziyue Wen | Ruosen Li | Xiaohua Wang | Changjian Hu
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop of Discourse Processing

In this paper, we explore a new approach based on discourse analysis for the task of intent segmentation. Our target texts are user queries from a real-world chatbot. Our results show the feasibility of our approach with an F1-score of 82.97 points, and some advantages and disadvantages compared to two machine learning baselines: BERT and LSTM+CRF.