Wenxin Liang


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Hawkes based Representation Learning for Reasoning over Scale-free Community-structured Temporal Knowledge Graphs
Yuwei Du | Xinyue Liu | Wenxin Liang | Linlin Zong | Xianchao Zhang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Temporal knowledge graph (TKG) reasoning has become a hot topic due to its great value in many practical tasks. The key to TKG reasoning is modeling the structural information and evolutional patterns of the TKGs. While great efforts have been devoted to TKG reasoning, the structural and evolutional characteristics of real-world networks have not been considered. In the aspect of structure, real-world networks usually exhibit clear community structure and scale-free (long-tailed distribution) properties. In the aspect of evolution, the impact of an event decays with the time elapsing. In this paper, we propose a novel TKG reasoning model called Hawkes process-based Evolutional Representation Learning Network (HERLN), which learns structural information and evolutional patterns of a TKG simultaneously, considering the characteristics of real-world networks: community structure, scale-free and temporal decaying. First, we find communities in the input TKG to make the encoding get more similar intra-community embeddings. Second, we design a Hawkes process-based relational graph convolutional network to cope with the event impact-decaying phenomenon. Third, we design a conditional decoding method to alleviate biases towards frequent entities caused by long-tailed distribution. Experimental results show that HERLN achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art models.

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Conditional Semantic Textual Similarity via Conditional Contrastive Learning
Xinyue Liu | Zeyang Qin | Zeyu Wang | Wenxin Liang | Linlin Zong | Bo Xu
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Conditional semantic textual similarity (C-STS) assesses the similarity between pairs of sentence representations under different conditions. The current method encounters the over-estimation issue of positive and negative samples. Specifically, the similarity within positive samples is excessively high, while that within negative samples is excessively low. In this paper, we focus on the C-STS task and develop a conditional contrastive learning framework that constructs positive and negative samples from two perspectives, achieving the following primary objectives: (1) adaptive selection of the optimization direction for positive and negative samples to solve the over-estimation problem, (2) fully balance of the effects of hard and false negative samples. We validate the proposed method with five models based on bi-encoder and tri-encoder architectures, the results show that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at https://github.com/qinzeyang0919/CCL.


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SELP: A Semantically-Driven Approach for Separated and Accurate Class Prototypes in Few-Shot Text Classification
Wenxin Liang | Tingyu Zhang | Han Liu | Feng Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

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Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Dynamic Hypergraph Embedding
Xinyue Liu | Jianan Zhang | Chi Ma | Wenxin Liang | Bo Xu | Linlin Zong
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Reasoning over the Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) that predicts facts in the future has received much attention. Most previous works attempt to model temporal dynamics with knowledge graphs and graph convolution networks. However, these methods lack the consideration of high-order interactions between objects in TKG, which is an important factor to predict future facts. To address this problem, we introduce dynamic hypergraph embedding for temporal knowledge graph reasoning. Specifically, we obtain high-order interactions by constructing hypergraphs based on temporal knowledge graphs at different timestamps. Besides, we integrate the differences caused by time into the hypergraph representation in order to fit TKG. Then, we adapt dynamic meta-embedding for temporal hypergraph representation that allows our model to choose the appropriate high-order interactions for downstream reasoning. Experimental results on public TKG datasets show that our method outperforms the baselines. Furthermore, the analysis part demonstrates that the proposed method brings good interpretation for the predicted results.