Xiao Liang


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Chunk, Align, Select: A Simple Long-sequence Processing Method for Transformers
Jiawen Xie | Pengyu Cheng | Xiao Liang | Yong Dai | Nan Du
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Although dominant in natural language processing, transformer-based models still struggle with long-sequence processing, due to the computational costs of their self-attention operations, which increase exponentially as the length of the input sequence grows. To address this challenge, we propose a **Sim**ple framework to enhance the long-content processing of off-the-shelf pre-trained transformers via three steps: **C**hunk, **A**lign, and **S**elect (SimCAS). More specifically, we first divide each long-sequence input into a batch of chunks, then align the inter-chunk information during the encoding steps, and finally, select the most representative hidden states from the encoder for the decoding process. With our SimCAS, the computation and memory costs can be reduced to linear complexity. In experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on various real-world long-text summarization and reading comprehension tasks, in which SimCAS significantly outperforms prior long-sequence processing baselines. The code is at [https://github.com/xjw-nlp/SimCAS](https://github.com/xjw-nlp/SimCAS).

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TMFN: A Target-oriented Multi-grained Fusion Network for End-to-end Aspect-based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Di Wang | Yuzheng He | Xiao Liang | Yumin Tian | Shaofeng Li | Lin Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

End-to-end multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis (MABSA) combines multimodal aspect terms extraction (MATE) with multimodal aspect sentiment classification (MASC), aiming to simultaneously extract aspect words and classify the sentiment polarity of each aspect. However, existing MABSA methods have overlooked two issues: (i) They only focus on fusing image regional information and textual words for two subtasks of MABSA. Whereas, MATE subtask relies more on global image information to assist in obtaining the quantity and attributes of aspects. Ignoring the integration with global information may affect the performance of MABSA methods. (ii) They fail to take advantage of target information. Nevertheless, the fine-grained details of targets are important for classifying sentiments of aspects. To solve these problems, we propose a Target-oriented Multi-grained Fusion Network(TMFN). It fuses text information with global coarse-grained image information for MATE subtask and with fine-grained image information for MASC subtask. In addition, a target-oriented feature alignment (TOFA) module is designed to enhance target-related information in image features with target details. In such a way, image features will contain more target emotional-related information which is beneficial to sentiment classification. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on two benchmark datasets.


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面向垂直领域的阅读理解数据增强方法(Method for reading comprehension data enhancement in vertical field)
Zhengwei Lv (吕政伟) | Lei Yang (杨雷) | Zhizhong Shi (石智中) | Xiao Liang (梁霄) | Tao Lei (雷涛) | Duoxing Liu (刘多星)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



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AUTOHOME-ORCA at SemEval-2019 Task 8: Application of BERT for Fact-Checking in Community Forums
Zhengwei Lv | Duoxing Liu | Haifeng Sun | Xiao Liang | Tao Lei | Zhizhong Shi | Feng Zhu | Lei Yang
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

Fact checking is an important task for maintaining high quality posts and improving user experience in Community Question Answering forums. Therefore, the SemEval-2019 task 8 is aimed to identify factual question (subtask A) and detect true factual information from corresponding answers (subtask B). In order to address this task, we propose a system based on the BERT model with meta information of questions. For the subtask A, the outputs of fine-tuned BERT classification model are combined with the feature of length of questions to boost the performance. For the subtask B, the predictions of several variants of BERT model encoding the meta information are combined to create an ensemble model. Our system achieved competitive results with an accuracy of 0.82 in the subtask A and 0.83 in the subtask B. The experimental results validate the effectiveness of our system.