Pretrain-Finetune Based Training of Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems in a Real-World Setting
Manisha Srivastava
Yichao Lu
Riley Peschon
Chenyang Li
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Papers
One main challenge in building task-oriented dialogue systems is the limited amount of supervised training data available. In this work, we present a method for training retrieval-based dialogue systems using a small amount of high-quality, annotated data and a larger, unlabeled dataset. We show that pretraining using unlabeled data can bring better model performance with a 31% boost in Recall@1 compared with no pretraining. The proposed finetuning technique based on a small amount of high-quality, annotated data resulted in 26% offline and 33% online performance improvement in Recall@1 over the pretrained model. The model is deployed in an agent-support application and evaluated on live customer service contacts, providing additional insights into the real-world implications compared with most other publications in the domain often using asynchronous transcripts (e.g. Reddit data). The high performance of 74% Recall@1 shown in the customer service example demonstrates the effectiveness of this pretrain-finetune approach in dealing with the limited supervised data challenge.
Weakly Supervised Extractive Summarization with Attention
Yingying Zhuang
Yichao Lu
Simi Wang
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
Automatic summarization aims to extract important information from large amounts of textual data in order to create a shorter version of the original texts while preserving its information. Training traditional extractive summarization models relies heavily on human-engineered labels such as sentence-level annotations of summary-worthiness. However, in many use cases, such human-engineered labels do not exist and manually annotating thousands of documents for the purpose of training models may not be feasible. On the other hand, indirect signals for summarization are often available, such as agent actions for customer service dialogues, headlines for news articles, diagnosis for Electronic Health Records, etc. In this paper, we develop a general framework that generates extractive summarization as a byproduct of supervised learning tasks for indirect signals via the help of attention mechanism. We test our models on customer service dialogues and experimental results demonstrated that our models can reliably select informative sentences and words for automatic summarization.
Don’t Use English Dev: On the Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Evaluation of Contextual Embeddings
Phillip Keung
Yichao Lu
Julian Salazar
Vikas Bhardwaj
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
Multilingual contextual embeddings have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning, where multilingual BERT is fine-tuned on one source language and evaluated on a different target language. However, published results for mBERT zero-shot accuracy vary as much as 17 points on the MLDoc classification task across four papers. We show that the standard practice of using English dev accuracy for model selection in the zero-shot setting makes it difficult to obtain reproducible results on the MLDoc and XNLI tasks. English dev accuracy is often uncorrelated (or even anti-correlated) with target language accuracy, and zero-shot performance varies greatly at different points in the same fine-tuning run and between different fine-tuning runs. These reproducibility issues are also present for other tasks with different pre-trained embeddings (e.g., MLQA with XLM-R). We recommend providing oracle scores alongside zero-shot results: still fine-tune using English data, but choose a checkpoint with the target dev set. Reporting this upper bound makes results more consistent by avoiding arbitrarily bad checkpoints.
The Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus
Phillip Keung
Yichao Lu
György Szarvas
Noah A. Smith
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
We present the Multilingual Amazon Reviews Corpus (MARC), a large-scale collection of Amazon reviews for multilingual text classification. The corpus contains reviews in English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, and Chinese, which were collected between 2015 and 2019. Each record in the dataset contains the review text, the review title, the star rating, an anonymized reviewer ID, an anonymized product ID, and the coarse-grained product category (e.g., ‘books’, ‘appliances’, etc.) The corpus is balanced across the 5 possible star ratings, so each rating constitutes 20% of the reviews in each language. For each language, there are 200,000, 5,000, and 5,000 reviews in the training, development, and test sets, respectively. We report baseline results for supervised text classification and zero-shot cross-lingual transfer learning by fine-tuning a multilingual BERT model on reviews data. We propose the use of mean absolute error (MAE) instead of classification accuracy for this task, since MAE accounts for the ordinal nature of the ratings.
Unsupervised Bitext Mining and Translation via Self-Trained Contextual Embeddings
Phillip Keung
Julian Salazar
Yichao Lu
Noah A. Smith
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 8
We describe an unsupervised method to create pseudo-parallel corpora for machine translation (MT) from unaligned text. We use multilingual BERT to create source and target sentence embeddings for nearest-neighbor search and adapt the model via self-training. We validate our technique by extracting parallel sentence pairs on the BUCC 2017 bitext mining task and observe up to a 24.5 point increase (absolute) in F1 scores over previous unsupervised methods. We then improve an XLM-based unsupervised neural MT system pre-trained on Wikipedia by supplementing it with pseudo-parallel text mined from the same corpus, boosting unsupervised translation performance by up to 3.5 BLEU on the WMT’14 French-English and WMT’16 German-English tasks and outperforming the previous state-of-the-art. Finally, we enrich the IWSLT’15 English-Vietnamese corpus with pseudo-parallel Wikipedia sentence pairs, yielding a 1.2 BLEU improvement on the low-resource MT task. We demonstrate that unsupervised bitext mining is an effective way of augmenting MT datasets and complements existing techniques like initializing with pre-trained contextual embeddings.
Adversarial Learning with Contextual Embeddings for Zero-resource Cross-lingual Classification and NER
Phillip Keung
Yichao Lu
Vikas Bhardwaj
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
Contextual word embeddings (e.g. GPT, BERT, ELMo, etc.) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on various NLP tasks. Recent work with the multilingual version of BERT has shown that the model performs surprisingly well in cross-lingual settings, even when only labeled English data is used to finetune the model. We improve upon multilingual BERT’s zero-resource cross-lingual performance via adversarial learning. We report the magnitude of the improvement on the multilingual MLDoc text classification and CoNLL 2002/2003 named entity recognition tasks. Furthermore, we show that language-adversarial training encourages BERT to align the embeddings of English documents and their translations, which may be the cause of the observed performance gains.
Goal-Oriented End-to-End Conversational Models with Profile Features in a Real-World Setting
Yichao Lu
Manisha Srivastava
Jared Kramer
Heba Elfardy
Andrea Kahn
Song Wang
Vikas Bhardwaj
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Industry Papers)
End-to-end neural models for goal-oriented conversational systems have become an increasingly active area of research, though results in real-world settings are few. We present real-world results for two issue types in the customer service domain. We train models on historical chat transcripts and test on live contacts using a human-in-the-loop research platform. Additionally, we incorporate customer profile features to assess their impact on model performance. We experiment with two approaches for response generation: (1) sequence-to-sequence generation and (2) template ranking. To test our models, a customer service agent handles live contacts and at each turn we present the top four model responses and allow the agent to select (and optionally edit) one of the suggestions or to type their own. We present results for turn acceptance rate, response coverage, and edit rate based on approximately 600 contacts, as well as qualitative analysis on patterns of turn rejection and edit behavior. Top-4 turn acceptance rate across all models ranges from 63%-80%. Our results suggest that these models are promising for an agent-support application.
A neural interlingua for multilingual machine translation
Yichao Lu
Phillip Keung
Faisal Ladhak
Vikas Bhardwaj
Shaonan Zhang
Jason Sun
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Machine Translation: Research Papers
We incorporate an explicit neural interlingua into a multilingual encoder-decoder neural machine translation (NMT) architecture. We demonstrate that our model learns a language-independent representation by performing direct zero-shot translation (without using pivot translation), and by using the source sentence embeddings to create an English Yelp review classifier that, through the mediation of the neural interlingua, can also classify French and German reviews. Furthermore, we show that, despite using a smaller number of parameters than a pairwise collection of bilingual NMT models, our approach produces comparable BLEU scores for each language pair in WMT15.