Zheng Gong


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ChatCoT: Tool-Augmented Chain-of-Thought Reasoning on Chat-based Large Language Models
Zhipeng Chen | Kun Zhou | Beichen Zhang | Zheng Gong | Xin Zhao | Ji-Rong Wen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Although large language models (LLMs) have achieved excellent performance in a variety of evaluation benchmarks, they still struggle in complex reasoning tasks which require specific knowledge and multi-hop reasoning. To improve the reasoning abilities, we propose ChatCoT, a tool-augmented chain-of-thought reasoning framework for chat-based LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT). In ChatCoT, we model the chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning as multi-turn conversations, to utilize tools in a more natural way through chatting. At each turn, LLMs can either interact with tools or perform the reasoning. Our approach can effectively leverage the multi-turn conversation ability of chat-based LLMs, and integrate the thought chain following and tools manipulation in a unified way. Specially, we initialize the early turns of the conversation by the knowledge about tools, tasks, and reasoning format, and propose an iterative tool-augmented reasoning step to perform step-by-step tool-augmented reasoning. The experiment results on two complex reasoning datasets (MATH and HotpotQA) have shown the effectiveness of ChatCoT on complex reasoning tasks, achieving a 7.9% relative improvement over the state-of-the-art baseline.


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ElitePLM: An Empirical Study on General Language Ability Evaluation of Pretrained Language Models
Junyi Li | Tianyi Tang | Zheng Gong | Lixin Yang | Zhuohao Yu | Zhipeng Chen | Jingyuan Wang | Xin Zhao | Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Nowadays, pretrained language models (PLMs) have dominated the majority of NLP tasks. While, little research has been conducted on systematically evaluating the language abilities of PLMs. In this paper, we present a large-scale empirical study on general language ability evaluation of PLMs (ElitePLM). In our study, we design four evaluation dimensions, memory, comprehension, reasoning, and composition, to measure ten widely-used PLMs within five categories. Our empirical results demonstrate that: (1) PLMs with varying training objectives and strategies are good at different ability tests; (2) fine-tuning PLMs in downstream tasks is usually sensitive to the data size and distribution; (3) PLMs have excellent transferability between similar tasks. Moreover, the prediction results of PLMs in our experiments are released as an open resource for more deep and detailed analysis on the language abilities of PLMs. This paper can guide the future work to select, apply, and design PLMs for specific tasks. We have made all the details of experiments publicly available at https://github.com/RUCAIBox/ElitePLM.

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Continual Pre-training of Language Models for Math Problem Understanding with Syntax-Aware Memory Network
Zheng Gong | Kun Zhou | Xin Zhao | Jing Sha | Shijin Wang | Ji-Rong Wen
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we study how to continually pre-train language models for improving the understanding of math problems. Specifically, we focus on solving a fundamental challenge in modeling math problems, how to fuse the semantics of textual description and formulas, which are highly different in essence. To address this issue, we propose a new approach called COMUS to continually pre-train language models for math problem understanding with syntax-aware memory network. In this approach, we first construct the math syntax graph to model the structural semantic information, by combining the parsing trees of the text and formulas, and then design the syntax-aware memory networks to deeply fuse the features from the graph and text. With the help of syntax relations, we can model the interaction between the token from the text and its semantic-related nodes within the formulas, which is helpful to capture fine-grained semantic correlations between texts and formulas. Besides, we devise three continual pre-training tasks to further align and fuse the representations of the text and math syntax graph. Experimental results on four tasks in the math domain demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Our code and data are publicly available at the link: bluehttps://github.com/RUCAIBox/COMUS.