Coling 1982: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- C82-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 1982
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
Coling 1982: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A learning of object structures by verbalism
Norihiro Abe
Saburo TsuJl
Cognitive Models for Computer Vision
G. Adorni
A. Boccalatte
M. Di Manzo
Knowledge Representation Method Based on Predicate Calculus in an Intelligent CAI System
Barbara Begier
Implementation and Conversational Environment of ARIANE 78.4, An Integrated System for Automated Translation and Human Revision
Ch. Boitet
P. Guillaume
M. Quezel-Ambrunaz
Transformation of Natural Language Into Logical Formulas
Leonard Bolc
Tomasz Strzalkowskl
Flexible Parsing of Discretely Uttered Sentences
Luigi Borghesi
Chiara Favareto
A Metric Space Defined on English and Its Relation to Error Correction
James Bradford
Pragmatics in Speech Understanding - Revisited
Astrid Brietzmann
Recherches Sur La Representation Des Connaissances Le Systeme ARCHES
Eugene Chouraqui
A Formalism for the Structural Analysis of Dialogues
Helder Coelho
Frame Based Recognition of Theme Continuity
James T. Critz
Tree Directed Grammars
Werner Dilger
Forward and Backward Reasoning in Automatic Abstracting
Danilo Fum
Giovanni Guida
Carlo Tasso
Natural Language Interfaces Using Limited Semantic Information
Ralph Grishman
Lynette Hirschman
Carol Friedman
DIALOGIC: A Core Natural-Language Processing System
Barbara Grosz
Norman Haas
Gary Hendrix
Jerry Hobbs
Paul Martin
Robert Moore
Jane Robinson
Stanley Rosenschein
Referential Nets With Attributes
Christopher U. Habel
The Role of the Hierarchy of Activation in the Process of Natural Language Understanding
Eva Hajicova
Jarka Vrbova
Lexical-Functional Grammar and Order-Free Semantic Composition
Per-Kristian Halvorsen
An Experimental Parser
Anna Sagvall Hein
Natural Language Access to Structured Text
Jerry R. Hobbs
Donald E. Walker
Robert A. Amsler
A Multilayered Approach to the Handling of Word Formation
Wolfgang Hoeppner
A Lesniewskian Version of Montague Grammar
Arata Ishimoto
Processing of Sentences With Intra-Sentential Code-Switching
Aravind K. Joshi
Incremental Sentence Generation: Implications for the Structure of a Syntactic Processor
Gerard Kempen
Edward Hoenkamp
On a Device in Dictionary Operations in Machine Translation
Zdenek Kirschner
Recognition of Abstract Objects - A Decision Theory Approach Within Natural Language Processing
Gerhard Knorz
Markedness and Frequency: A Computational Analysis
Henry Kucera
Machine Translation Based on Logically Isomorphic Montague Grammars
Jan Landsbergen
Conversion of a French Surface Expression Into Its Semantic Representation According to the RESEDA Metalanguage
Jacqueline Leon
TULIPS-2 - Natural Language Learning System
Michael G. Malkovsky
The Anatomy of a Systemic Choice
William C. Mann
Analysis and Processing of Compact Text
Elaine Marsh
Naomi Sager
Surface Analysis of Queries Directed Toward a Database
Lawrence J. Mazlack
Richard A. Feinauer
Multi-Level Translation Aids in a Distributed System
Alan K. Melby
ARBUS, A Tool for Developing Application Grammars
D. Memmi
J. Mariani
Approaches to Thesaurus Production
A. Michiels
J. Noel
A Software Environment for Developing Natural Language Understanding System
Fumio Mizoguchi
Shozo Kondo
On a Semantic Model for Multi-Lingual Paraphrasing
Kazunori Muraki
An English Japanese Machine Translation System of the Titles of Scientific and Engineering Papers
Makoto Nagao
Jun-ichi Tsujii
Koji Yada
Toshihiro Kakimoto
Parser Which Learns the Application Order of Rewriting Rules
Makoto Nagao
Jun-ichi Nakamura
Zum Wiederauffinden Von Informationen in Automatischen Worterbochern
Gunter Neubert
TERMSERVICE - An Automated System for Terminology Services
Bonka Nikolova
Irina Nenova
Japanese-English Translation Through Internal Expressions
Fujio Nishida
Shinobu Takamatsu
An English-Japanese Machine Translation System Based on Formal Semantics of Natural Language
Toyo-aki Nishida
Shuji Doshita
A Heuristic Approach to English-Into-Japanese Machine Translation
Yoshihiko Nitta
Atsushi Okajima
Fumiyuki Yamano
Koichiro Ishihara
Machine Translation Systems and Computer Dictionaries in the Information Service. Ways of Their Development and Operation
Ivan I. Oubine
Boris D. Tikhomirov
Random Generation of Czech Sentences
Jarmila Panevova
Empirical Data and Automatic Analysis
Ferenc Papp
A Message-Passing Control Structure for Text Understanding
Brian Phillips
James A. Hendler
Composition of Translation Schemes with D-Trees
Martin Platek
Procedural Meaning Representation by Connotative Dependency Structures. An Empirical Approach to Word Semantics for Analogical Referencing
Burghard B. Rieger
Formalization of Argumentation Structures in Newspaper Texts
Dietmar F. Roesner
Joachim H. Laubsch
Towards a mechanical analysis of French tense forms in texts.
Christian Rohrer
An Improved Left-Corner Parsing Algorithm
Kenneth M. Ross
Lexical Parallelism in Text Structure Determination and Content Analysis
Yoshiyuki Sakamoto
Tetsuya Okamoto
Natural Language Updates
Sharon C. Salveter
David Maier
Knowledge Representation and Machine Translation
Susumu Sawai
Hiromichi Fukushima
Masakatsu Sugimoto
Naoya Ukai
Natural Language Understanding and the Perspectives of Question Answering
Petr Sgall
Parsing German
Ingeborg Steinacker
Harald Trost
Computational Analysis of Mandarin Sounds With Reference to the English Language
Ching Y. Suen
Quantification of Meaning and the Computer
Marie Tesitelova
The Transfer Phase In an English-Japanese Translation System
Jun-ichi Tsujii
Computational Data Analysis for Syntax
Ludmila Uhlihova
Iva Nebeska
Jan Kralik
Utilisation Du Parallelisme En Traduction Automatisee Par Ordinateur
J.N. Verastegui-Carvajal
Natural-Language-Access Systems and the Organization and Use of Information
Donald E. Walker
Taking the Initiative in Natural Language Data Base Interactions: Justifying Why
Bonnie Webber
Aravind Joshi
Man-Assisted Machine Construction of a Semantic Dictionary for Natural Language Processing
Sho Yoshida
Hiroaki Tsurumaru
Tooru Hitaka