COLING 1992 Volume 1: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- C92-1
- Month:
- Year:
- 1992
- Address:
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
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- DOI:
COLING 1992 Volume 1: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Prefaces et communications thematiques
Ongoing directions in Computational Linguistics
Martin Kay
Welcome to COLING-92!
Francois Peccoud
The scientific programme of COLING-92
Antonio Zampolli
About these proceedings
Christian Boitet
On Text Coherence Parsing
Udo Hahn
Feature Structure Based Semantic Head Driven Generation
Gen-ichiro Kikui
Parsing Agglutinative Word Structures and Its Application to Spelling Checking for Turkish
Aysin Solak
Kemal Oflazer
Processing Complex Noun Phrases in a Natural Language Interface to a Statistical Database
Fred Popowich
Paul McFetridge
Dan Fass
Gary Hall
Towards Developing Reusable NLP Dictionaries
Pim van der Eijk
Laura Bloksma
Mark van der Kraan
Synchronous TAGs and French Pronominal Clitics
Anne Abeille
A High-level Morphological Description Language Exploiting Inflectional Paradigms
Peter Anick
Suzanne Artemieff
Finite-State Phonology in HPSG
Steven Bird
Using Active Constraints to Parse GPSGs
Philippe Blache
Trace & Unification Grammar
Hans Ulrich Block
Stefanie Schachtl
A Lexicalist Account of Icelandic Case Marking
Gosse Bouma
Word Identification for Mandarin Chinese Sentences
Keh-Jiann Chen
Shing-Huan Liu
On the Satisfiability of Complex Constraints
Luis Damas
Hopfield Models as Nondeterministic Finite-State Machines
Marc F.J. Drossaers
Chart Parsing of Robust Grammars
Sebastian Goeser
Stock of Shared Knowledge - A Tool for Solving Pronominal Anaphora
Eva Hajicova
Vladislav Kubon
Petr Kubon
Chart Parsing Lambek Grammars: Modal Extensions and Incrementality
Mark Hepple
Two-Level Morphology with Composition
Lauri Karttunen
Ronald M. Kaplan
Annie Zaenen
Data Types in Computational Phonology
Ewan Klein
Compiling and Using Finite-State Syntactic Rules
Kimmo Koskenniemi
Pasi Tapanainen
Atro Voutilainen
Modularity, Parallelism, and Licensing in a Principle-Based Parser for German
Sebastian Millies
Dynamic Programming Method for Analyzing Conjunctive Structures in Japanese
Sadao Kurohashi
Makoto Nagao
An Empirical Study on Rule Granularity and Unification Interleaving Toward an Efficient Unification-Based Parsing System
Masaaki Nagata
The Proper Treatment of Word Order in Hpsg
Karel Oliva
Left-Corner Parsing and Psychological Plausibility
Philip Resnik
TTP: A Fast and Robust Parser for Natural Language
Tomek Strzalkowski
Structure Sharing in Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
K. Vijay-Shanker
Yves Schabes
Categorial Semantics for LFG
Mary Dalrymple
Semantic and Pragmatic Interpretation of Japanese Sentences With Dake (Only)
Naohiko Noguchi
Yasunari Harada
Genetic NPs and Habitual VPs
Allan Ramsay
A Fast Algorithm for the Generation of Referring Expressions
Ehud Reiter
Robert Dale
Syntactic Preferences for Robust Parsing With Semantic Preferences
Jin Wang
Conceptual Structures and CCG: Linking Theory and Incorporated Argument Adjuncts
Michael White
Generation of Accent in Nominally Premodified Noun Phrases
Ron Zacharski
On compositional semantics
Wlodek Zadrozny
Action Relations in Rationale Clauses and Means Clauses
Cecile T. Balkanski
An Acquisition Model for both Choosing and Resolving Anaphora in Conjoined Mandarin Chinese Sentences
Benjamin L. Chen
Von-Wun Soo
Aspect-Switching and Subordination: the Role of It-Clefts in Discourse
Judy Delin
Jon Oberlander
On Representing the Temporal Structure of a Natural Language Text
Kurt Eberle
Une ontologie du temps pour le langage naturel
Francoise Gayral
Philippe Grandemange
VP Ellipsis and Contextual Interpretation
Daniel Hardt
Using Linguistic, World, and Contextual Knowledge in a Plan Recognition Model of Dialogue
Lynn Lambert
Sandra Carberry
Incrementing Discourse with the Negation Relation
Megan Moser
Zero Pronouns as Experiencer in Japanese Discourse
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Temporal Structure of Discourse
Irene Pimenta Rodrigues
Jose Gabriel P. Lopes
Organizing Dialogue From an Incoherent Stream of Goals
Elise H. Turner
Redundancy in Collaborative Dialogue
Marilyn A. Walker
Syntactic Ambiguity Resolution Using A Discrimination and Robustness Oriented Adaptive Learning Algorithm
Tung-Hui Chiang
Yi-Chung Lin
Keh-Yih Su
Lexical Disambiguation using Simulated Annealing
Jim Cowie
Joe Guthrie
Louise Guthrie
A Generalized Greibach Normal Form for Definite Clause Grammars
Marc Dymetman
The Primordial Soup Algorithm A Systematic Approach to the Specification of Parallel Parsers
Wil Janssen
Mannes Poel
Klaas Sikkel
Job Zwiers
A Treatment of Negative Descriptions of Typed Feature Structures
Kiyoshi Kogure
An Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of Unrestricted Hidden Stochastic Context-Free Grammars
Julian Kupiec
Proof-Nets and Dependencies
Alain Lecomte
A Chart-based Method of ID/LP Parsing with Generalized Discrimination Networks
Surapant Meknavin
Manabu Okumura
Hozumi Tanaka
The Typology of Unknown Words: An Experimental Study of Two Corpora
Xiaobo Ren
Francois Perrault