Fifth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Fifth Workshop on Very Large Corpora

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Summary of Invited Speech
Mitch Marcus

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Commercial Implementation of Text Recognition Tools for VLC
John Rausch

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Commercial Impact of VLC Research
Howard Turtle

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A Statistics-Based Chinese Parser
Qiang Zhou

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Probabilistic Parsing of Unrestricted English Text, With a Highly-Detailed Grammar
Ezra Black | Stephen Eubank | Hideki Kashioka | David Magerman

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Grammar Acquisition Based on Clustering Analysis and Its Application to Statistical Parsing
Thanaruk Theeramunkong | Manabu Okumura

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Reestimation and Best-First Parsing Algorithm for Probabilistic Dependency Grammars
Seungmi Lee | Key-Sun Choi

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Domain-Specific Semantic Class Disambiguation Using WordNet
Li Shiuau Peh

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Corpus Based PP Attachment Ambiguity Resolution with a Semantic Dictionary
Jiri Stetina | Makoto Nagao

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Corpus Based Statistical Generalization Tree in Rule Optimization
Joyce Yue Chai | Alan W. Biermann

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Clustering Co-occurrence Graph based on Transitivity
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii

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Knowledge Acquisition: Classification of Terms in a Thesaurus from a Corpus
Jean-David Sta

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Data Reliability and Its Effects on Automatic Abstracting
Tadashi Nomoto | Yuji Matsumoto

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Automatic Identification of Zero Pronouns and their Antecedents within Aligned Sentence Pairs
Hiromi Nakaiwa

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Statistical Acquisition of Terminology Dictionary
Xuan-jing Huang | Li-de Wu | Wen-xin Wang

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Acquiring German Prepositional Subcategorization Frames from Corpora
Erika F. de Lima

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A Natural Language Correction Model for Continuous Speech Recognition
Tomek Strzalkowski | Ronald Brandow

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The Effects of Corpus Size and Homogeneity on Language Model Quality
Tony G. Rose

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Finding Terminology Translations from Non-parallel Corpora
Pascale Fung

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A Self-Organizing Japanese Word Segmenter using Heuristic Word Identification and Re-estimation
Masaaki Nagata

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Collocation Lattices and Maximum Entropy Models
Andrei Mikheev

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Using Word Frequency Lists to Measure Corpus Homogeneity and Similarity between Corpora
Adam Kilgarriff

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Maximum Entropy Model Learning of Subcategorization Preference
Takehito Utsuro | Takashi Miyata

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Analysis of Unknown Lexical Items using Morphological and Syntactic Information with the TIMIT Corpus
Scott M. Thede | Mary Harper

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A Local Grammar-based Approach to Recognizing of Proper Names in Korean Texts
Jee-Sun Nam | Key-Sun Choi

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A Statistical Approach to Thai Morphological Analyzer
Asanee Kawtrakul | Chalathip Thumkanon

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Probabilistic Word Classification Based on Context-Sensitive Binary Tree Method
Jun Gao | XiXian Chen