Afra Amini


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Reverse-Engineering the Reader
Samuel Kiegeland | Ethan Wilcox | Afra Amini | David Robert Reich | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Numerous previous studies have sought to determine to what extent language models, pretrained on natural language text, can serve as useful models of human cognition.In this paper, we are interested in the opposite question: whether we can directly optimize a language model to be a useful cognitive model by aligning it to human psychometric data.To achieve this, we introduce a novel alignment technique in which we fine-tune a language model to implicitly optimize the parameters of a linear regressor that directly predicts humans’ reading times of in-context linguistic units, e.g., phonemes, morphemes, or words, using surprisal estimates derived from the language model. Using words as a test case, we evaluate our technique across multiple model sizes and datasets and find that it improves language models’ psychometric predictive power.However, we find an inverse relationship between psychometric power and a model’s performance on downstream NLP tasks as well as its perplexity on held-out test data.While this latter trend has been observed before (Oh et al., 2022; Shain et al., 2024), we are the first to induce it by manipulating a model’s alignment to psychometric data.

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Direct Preference Optimization with an Offset
Afra Amini | Tim Vieira | Ryan Cotterell
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

Direct preference optimization (DPO) is a successful fine-tuning strategy for aligning large language models with human preferences without the need to train a reward model or employ reinforcement learning. DPO, as originally formulated, relies on binary preference data and fine-tunes a language model to increase the likelihood of a preferred response over a dispreferred response. However, not all preference pairs are equal. Sometimes, the preferred response is only slightly better than the dispreferred one. In other cases, the preference is much stronger. For instance, if a response contains harmful or toxic content, the annotator will have a strong preference for that response. In this paper, we propose a generalization of DPO, termed DPO with an offset (ODPO), that does not treat every preference pair equally during fine-tuning. Intuitively, ODPO requires the difference between the likelihood of the preferred and dispreferred response to be greater than an offset value. The offset is determined based on the extent to which one response is preferred over another. Our experiments on various tasks suggest that ODPO significantly outperforms DPO in aligning language models, especially when the number of preference pairs is limited.

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The Role of n-gram Smoothing in the Age of Neural Networks
Luca Malagutti | Andrius Buinovskij | Anej Svete | Clara Meister | Afra Amini | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

For nearly three decades, language models derived from the n-gram assumption held the state of the art on the task. The key to their success lay in the application of various smoothing techniques that served to combat overfitting. However, when neural language models toppled n-gram models as the best performers, n-gram smoothing techniques became less relevant. Indeed, it would hardly be an understatement to suggest that the line of inquiry into n-gram smoothing techniques became dormant. This paper re-opens the role classical n-gram smoothing techniques may play in the age of neural language models. First, we draw a formal equivalence between label smoothing, a popular regularization technique for neural language models, and add-𝜆 smoothing. Second, we derive a generalized framework for converting any n-gram smoothing technique into a regularizer compatible with neural language models. Our empirical results find that our novel regularizers are comparable to and, indeed, sometimes outperform label smoothing on language modeling and machine translation.


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Hexatagging: Projective Dependency Parsing as Tagging
Afra Amini | Tianyu Liu | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We introduce a novel dependency parser, the hexatagger, that constructs dependency trees by tagging the words in a sentence with elements from a finite set of possible tags. In contrast to many approaches to dependency parsing, our approach is fully parallelizable at training time, i.e., the structure-building actions needed to build a dependency parse can be predicted in parallel to each other. Additionally, exact decoding is linear in time and space complexity. Furthermore, we derive a probabilistic dependency parser that predicts hexatags using no more than a linear model with features from a pretrained language model, i.e., we forsake a bespoke architecture explicitly designed for the task. Despite the generality and simplicity of our approach, we achieve state-of-the-art performance of 96.4 LAS and 97.4 UAS on the Penn Treebank test set. Additionally, our parser’s linear time complexity and parallelism significantly improve computational efficiency, with a roughly 10-times speed-up over previous state-of-the-art models during decoding.

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Which Spurious Correlations Impact Reasoning in NLI Models? A Visual Interactive Diagnosis through Data-Constrained Counterfactuals
Robin Chan | Afra Amini | Mennatallah El-Assady
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

We present a human-in-the-loop dashboard tailored to diagnosing potential spurious features that NLI models rely on for predictions. The dashboard enables users to generate diverse and challenging examples by drawing inspiration from GPT-3 suggestions. Additionally, users can receive feedback from a trained NLI model on how challenging the newly created example is and make refinements based on the feedback. Through our investigation, we discover several categories of spurious correlations that impact the reasoning of NLI models, which we group into three categories: Semantic Relevance, Logical Fallacies, and Bias. Based on our findings, we identify and describe various research opportunities, including diversifying training data and assessing NLI models’ robustness by creating adversarial test suites.

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Generating Text from Language Models
Afra Amini | Ryan Cotterell | John Hewitt | Luca Malagutti | Clara Meister | Tiago Pimentel
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 6: Tutorial Abstracts)

An increasingly large percentage of natural language processing (NLP) tasks center around the generation of text from probabilistic language models. Despite this trend, techniques for improving or specifying preferences in these generated texts rely mostly on intuition-based heuristics. Further, there lacks a unified presentation of their motivations, practical implementation, successes and pitfalls. Practitioners must, therefore, choose somewhat blindly between generation algorithms—like top-p sampling or beam search—which can lead to wildly different results. At the same time, language generation research continues to criticize and improve the standard toolboxes, further adding entropy to the state of the field. In this tutorial, we will provide a centralized and cohesive discussion of critical considerations when choosing how to generate from a language model. We will cover a wide range of empirically-observed problems (like degradation, hallucination, repetition) and their corresponding proposed algorithmic solutions from recent research (like top-p sampling and its successors). We will then discuss a subset of these algorithms under a unified light; most stochastic generation strategies can be framed as locally adapting the probabilities of a model to avoid failure cases. Finally, we will then cover methods in controlled generation, that go beyond just ensuring coherence to ensure text exhibits specific desired properties. We aim for NLP practitioners and researchers to leave our tutorial with a unified framework which they can use to evaluate and contribute to the latest research in language generation.

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Linear-Time Modeling of Linguistic Structure: An Order-Theoretic Perspective
Tianyu Liu | Afra Amini | Mrinmaya Sachan | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Tasks that model the relation between pairs of tokens in a string are a vital part of understanding natural language. Such tasks, in general, require exhaustive pair-wise comparisons of tokens, thus having a quadratic runtime complexity in the length of the string. We show that these exhaustive comparisons can be avoided, and, moreover, the complexity of such tasks can be reduced to linear by casting the relation between tokens as a partial order over the string. Our method predicts real numbers for each token in a string in parallel and sorts the tokens accordingly, resulting in total orders of the tokens in the string. Each total order implies a set of arcs oriented from smaller to greater tokens, sorted by their predicted numbers. The intersection of total orders results in a partial order over the set of tokens in the string, which is then decoded into a directed graph representing the desired linguistic structure. Our experiments on dependency parsing and coreference resolution show that our method achieves state-of-the-art or comparable performance. Moreover, the linear complexity and parallelism of our method double the speed of graph-based coreference resolution models, and bring a 10-times speed-up over graph-based dependency parsers.

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Naturalistic Causal Probing for Morpho-Syntax
Afra Amini | Tiago Pimentel | Clara Meister | Ryan Cotterell
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Probing has become a go-to methodology for interpreting and analyzing deep neural models in natural language processing. However, there is still a lack of understanding of the limitations and weaknesses of various types of probes. In this work, we suggest a strategy for input-level intervention on naturalistic sentences. Using our approach, we intervene on the morpho-syntactic features of a sentence, while keeping the rest of the sentence unchanged. Such an intervention allows us to causally probe pre-trained models. We apply our naturalistic causal probing framework to analyze the effects of grammatical gender and number on contextualized representations extracted from three pre-trained models in Spanish, the multilingual versions of BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT-2. Our experiments suggest that naturalistic interventions lead to stable estimates of the causal effects of various linguistic properties. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate the importance of naturalistic causal probing when analyzing pre-trained models.


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On Parsing as Tagging
Afra Amini | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

There are many proposals to reduce constituency parsing to tagging. To figure out what these approaches have in common, we offer a unifying pipeline, which consists of three steps: linearization, learning, and decoding. We prove that classic shift–reduce parsing can be reduced to tetratagging—the state-of-the-art constituency tagger—under two assumptions: right-corner transformation in the linearization step and factored scoring in the learning step. We ask what is the most critical factor that makes parsing-as-tagging methods accurate while being efficient. To answer this question, we empirically evaluate a taxonomy of tagging pipelines with different choices of linearizers, learners, and decoders. Based on the results in English as well as a set of 8 typologically diverse languages, we conclude that the linearization of the derivation tree and its alignment with the input sequence is the most critical factor in achieving accurate parsers as taggers.


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Conditional Poisson Stochastic Beams
Clara Meister | Afra Amini | Tim Vieira | Ryan Cotterell
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Beam search is the default decoding strategy for many sequence generation tasks in NLP. The set of approximate K-best items returned by the algorithm is a useful summary of the distribution for many applications; however, the candidates typically exhibit high overlap and may give a highly biased estimate for expectations under our model. These problems can be addressed by instead using stochastic decoding strategies. In this work, we propose a new method for turning beam search into a stochastic process: Conditional Poisson stochastic beam search. Rather than taking the maximizing set at each iteration, we sample K candidates without replacement according to the conditional Poisson sampling design. We view this as a more natural alternative to Kool et al. (2019)’s stochastic beam search (SBS). Furthermore, we show how samples generated under the CPSBS design can be used to build consistent estimators and sample diverse sets from sequence models. In our experiments, we observe CPSBS produces lower variance and more efficient estimators than SBS, even showing improvements in high entropy settings.