Entity and relation extraction is a conventional task in the field of information extraction. Existing work primarily focuses on detecting specific relations between entities, often constrained to particular fields and lacking general applicability. In response, we propose a novel task: nominal compound relation extraction (NCRE), which concentrates on abstract and broadly applicable relation extraction between noun phrases. This task diverges significantly from traditional entity and relation extraction in two key respects. Firstly, our task involves general nominal compounds rather than named entities, which are longer and encompass a broader scope, presenting significant challenges for extraction. Secondly, relation extraction in NCRE demands an in-depth understanding of context to detect abstract relations. We manually annotate a high-quality Chinese dataset for the NCRE task and develop a model incorporating the rotary position-enhanced word pair (RoWP) detection schema. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of our RoWP model over previous baselines, while the suboptimal F1 scores indicate that NCRE remains a challenging task. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/yeecjc/NCRE.
Structured Sentiment Analysis (SSA) was cast as a problem of bi-lexical dependency graph parsing by prior studies.Multiple formulations have been proposed to construct the graph, which share several intrinsic drawbacks:(1) The internal structures of spans are neglected, thus only the boundary tokens of spans are used for relation prediction and span recognition, thus hindering the model’s expressiveness;(2) Long spans occupy a significant proportion in the SSA datasets, which further exacerbates the problem of internal structure neglect.In this paper, we treat the SSA task as a dependency parsing task on partially-observed dependency trees, regarding flat spans without determined tree annotations as latent subtrees to consider internal structures of spans.We propose a two-stage parsing method and leverage TreeCRFs with a novel constrained inside algorithm to model latent structures explicitly, which also takes advantages of joint scoring graph arcs and headed spans for global optimization and inference. Results of extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets reveal that our method performs significantly better than all previous bi-lexical methods, achieving new state-of-the-art.
Document-level event extraction aims to extract structured event information from unstructured text. However, a single document often contains limited event information and the roles of different event arguments may be biased due to the influence of the information source.This paper addresses the limitations of traditional document-level event extraction by proposing the task of cross-document event extraction (CDEE) to integrate event information from multiple documents and provide a comprehensive perspective on events. We construct a novel cross-document event extraction dataset, namely CLES, which contains 20,059 documents and 37,688 mention-level events, where over 70% of them are cross-document. To address the task, we propose a CDEE pipeline that includes 5 steps, namely event extraction, coreference resolution, entity normalization, role normalization and entity-role resolution. Our CDEE pipeline achieves about 72% F1 in end-to-end cross-document event extraction, suggesting the challenge of this task and setting up a benchmark for future research. Our work builds a new line of information extraction research and will attract new research attention.
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is extensively researched in the NLP community, yet related models face challenges due to data sparsity when shifting to a new domain. Hence, data augmentation for cross-domain ABSA has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, two key points have been neglected in prior studies: First, target domain unlabeled data are labeled with pseudo labels by the model trained in the source domain with little quality control, leading to inaccuracy and error propagation. Second, the label and text patterns of generated labeled data are monotonous, thus limiting the robustness and generalization ability of trained ABSA models. In this paper, we aim to design a simple yet effective framework to address the above shortages in ABSA data augmentation, called Refining and Synthesis Data Augmentation (RSDA). Our framework roughly includes two steps: First, it refines generated labeled data using a natural language inference (NLI) filter to control data quality. Second, it synthesizes diverse labeled data via novel label composition and paraphrase approaches. We conduct experiments on 4 kinds of ABSA subtasks, and our framework outperforms 7 strong baselines, demonstrating its effectiveness.
Existing cross-document event coreference resolution models, which either compute mention similarity directly or enhance mention representation by extracting event arguments (such as location, time, agent, and patient), lackingmthe ability to utilize document-level information. As a result, they struggle to capture long-distance dependencies. This shortcoming leads to their underwhelming performance in determining coreference for the events where their argument information relies on long-distance dependencies. In light of these limitations, we propose the construction of document-level Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) trees and cross-document Lexical Chains to model the structural and semantic information of documents. Subsequently, cross-document heterogeneous graphs are constructed and GAT is utilized to learn the representations of events. Finally, a pair scorer calculates the similarity between each pair of events and co-referred events can be recognized using standard clustering algorithm. Additionally, as the existing cross-document event coreference datasets are limited to English, we have developed a large-scale Chinese cross-document event coreference dataset to fill this gap, which comprises 53,066 event mentions and 4,476 clusters. After applying our model on the English and Chinese datasets respectively, it outperforms all baselines by large margins.
Large Language Models (LLMs) are now being considered as judges of high efficiency to evaluate the quality of answers generated by candidate models. However, their judgments may be influenced by complex scenarios and inherent biases, raising concerns about their reliability. This study aims to bridge this gap by introducing four unexplored factors and examining the performance of LLMs as judges, namely answer quantity, inducing statements, judging strategy, and judging style. Additionally, we introduce a new dimension of question difficulty to provide a more comprehensive understanding of LLMs’ judgments across varying question intricacies. We employ ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, and Claude-2 as judges and conduct experiments on Vicuna Benchmark and MT-bench. Our study reveals that LLMs’ judging abilities are susceptible to the influence of these four factors, and analyzing from the newly proposed dimension of question difficulty is highly necessary. We also provide valuable insights into optimizing LLMs’ performance as judges, enhancing their reliability and adaptability across diverse evaluation scenarios.
Generalized category discovery faces a key issue: the lack of supervision for new and unseen data categories. Traditional methods typically combine supervised pretraining with self-supervised learning to create models, and then employ clustering for category identification. However, these approaches tend to become overly tailored to known categories, failing to fully resolve the core issue. Hence, we propose to integrate the feedback from LLMs into an active learning paradigm. Specifically, our method innovatively employs uncertainty propagation to select data samples from high-uncertainty regions, which are then labeled using LLMs through a comparison-based prompting scheme. This not only eases the labeling task but also enhances accuracy in identifying new categories. Additionally, a soft feedback propagation mechanism is introduced to minimize the spread of inaccurate feedback. Experiments on various datasets demonstrate our framework’s efficacy and generalizability, significantly improving baseline models at a nominal average cost.
This paper describes the architecture of our system developed for participation in Task 3 of SemEval-2024: Multimodal Emotion-Cause Analysis in Conversations. Our project targets the challenges of subtask 2, dedicated to Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction with Emotion Category (MECPE-Cat), and constructs a dual-component system tailored to the unique challenges of this task. We divide the task into two subtasks: emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) and emotion-cause pair extraction (ECPE). To address these subtasks, we capitalize on the abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), which have consistently demonstrated state-of-the-art performance across various natural language processing tasks and domains. Most importantly, we design an approach of emotion-cause-aware instruction-tuning for LLMs, to enhance the perception of the emotions with their corresponding causal rationales. Our method enables us to adeptly navigate the complexities of MECPE-Cat, achieving an average 34.71% F1 score of the task, and securing the 2nd rank on the leaderboard. The code and metadata to reproduce our experiments are all made publicly available.
While sentiment analysis systems try to determine the sentiment polarities of given targets based on the key opinion expressions in input texts, in implicit sentiment analysis (ISA) the opinion cues come in an implicit and obscure manner. Thus detecting implicit sentiment requires the common-sense and multi-hop reasoning ability to infer the latent intent of opinion. Inspired by the recent chain-of-thought (CoT) idea, in this work we introduce a Three-hop Reasoning (THOR) CoT framework to mimic the human-like reasoning process for ISA. We design a three-step prompting principle for THOR to step-by-step induce the implicit aspect, opinion, and finally the sentiment polarity. Our THOR+Flan-T5 (11B) pushes the state-of-the-art (SoTA) by over 6% F1 on supervised setup. More strikingly, THOR+GPT3 (175B) boosts the SoTA by over 50% F1 on zero-shot setting.
The rapid development of aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) within recent decades shows great potential for real-world society. The current ABSA works, however, are mostly limited to the scenario of a single text piece, leaving the study in dialogue contexts unexplored. To bridge the gap between fine-grained sentiment analysis and conversational opinion mining, in this work, we introduce a novel task of conversational aspect-based sentiment quadruple analysis, namely DiaASQ, aiming to detect the quadruple of target-aspect-opinion-sentiment in a dialogue. We manually construct a large-scale high-quality DiaASQ dataset in both Chinese and English languages. We deliberately develop a neural model to benchmark the task, which advances in effectively performing end-to-end quadruple prediction, and manages to incorporate rich dialogue-specific and discourse feature representations for better cross-utterance quadruple extraction. We hope the new benchmark will spur more advancements in the sentiment analysis community.
Event extraction (EE) is an essential task of information extraction, which aims to extract structured event information from unstructured text. Most prior work focuses on extracting flat events while neglecting overlapped or nested ones. A few models for overlapped and nested EE includes several successive stages to extract event triggers and arguments,which suffer from error propagation. Therefore, we design a simple yet effective tagging scheme and model to formulate EE as word-word relation recognition, called OneEE. The relations between trigger or argument words are simultaneously recognized in one stage with parallel grid tagging, thus yielding a very fast event extraction speed. The model is equipped with an adaptive event fusion module to generate event-aware representations and a distance-aware predictor to integrate relative distance information for word-word relation recognition, which are empirically demonstrated to be effective mechanisms. Experiments on 3 overlapped and nested EE benchmarks, namely FewFC, Genia11, and Genia13, show that OneEE achieves the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Moreover, the inference speed of OneEE is faster than those of baselines in the same condition, and can be further substantially improved since it supports parallel inference.