Jialiang Xu


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SUQL: Conversational Search over Structured and Unstructured Data with Large Language Models
Shicheng Liu | Jialiang Xu | Wesley Tjangnaka | Sina Semnani | Chen Yu | Monica Lam
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

While most conversational agents are grounded on either free-text or structured knowledge, many knowledge corpora consist of hybrid sources.This paper presents the first conversational agent that supports the full generality of hybrid data access for large knowledge corpora, through a language we developed called SUQL (Structured and Unstructured Query Language). Specifically, SUQL extends SQL with free-text primitives (\smallSUMMARY and \smallANSWER), so information retrieval can be composed with structured data accesses arbitrarily in a formal, succinct, precise, and interpretable notation. With SUQL, we propose the first semantic parser, an LLM with in-context learning, that can handle hybrid data sources.Our in-context learning-based approach, when applied to the HybridQA dataset, comes within 8.9% Exact Match and 7.1% F1 of the SOTA, which was trained on 62K data samples. More significantly, unlike previous approaches, our technique is applicable to large databases and free-text corpora. We introduce a dataset consisting of crowdsourced questions and conversations on Yelp, a large, real restaurant knowledge base with structured and unstructured data. We show that our few-shot conversational agent based on SUQL finds an entity satisfying all user requirements 90.3% of the time, compared to 63.4% for a baseline based on linearization.


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AnaMeta: A Table Understanding Dataset of Field Metadata Knowledge Shared by Multi-dimensional Data Analysis Tasks
Xinyi He | Mengyu Zhou | Mingjie Zhou | Jialiang Xu | Xiao Lv | Tianle Li | Yijia Shao | Shi Han | Zejian Yuan | Dongmei Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Tabular data analysis is performed everyday across various domains. It requires an accurate understanding of field semantics to correctly operate on table fields and find common patterns in daily analysis. In this paper, we introduce the AnaMeta dataset, a collection of 467k tables with derived supervision labels for four types of commonly used field metadata: measure/dimension dichotomy, common field roles, semantic field type, and default aggregation function. We evaluate a wide range of models for inferring metadata as the benchmark. We also propose a multi-encoder framework, called KDF, which improves the metadata understanding capability of tabular models by incorporating distribution and knowledge information. Furthermore, we propose four interfaces for incorporating field metadata into downstream analysis tasks.


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Towards Robust Numerical Question Answering: Diagnosing Numerical Capabilities of NLP Systems
Jialiang Xu | Mengyu Zhou | Xinyi He | Shi Han | Dongmei Zhang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Numerical Question Answering is the task of answering questions that require numerical capabilities. Previous works introduce general adversarial attacks to Numerical Question Answering, while not systematically exploring numerical capabilities specific to the topic. In this paper, we propose to conduct numerical capability diagnosis on a series of Numerical Question Answering systems and datasets. A series of numerical capabilities are highlighted, and corresponding dataset perturbations are designed. Empirical results indicate that existing systems are severely challenged by these perturbations. E.g., Graph2Tree experienced a 53.83% absolute accuracy drop against the “Extra” perturbation on ASDiv-a, and BART experienced 13.80% accuracy drop against the “Language” perturbation on the numerical subset of DROP. As a counteracting approach, we also investigate the effectiveness of applying perturbations as data augmentation to relieve systems’ lack of robust numerical capabilities. With experiment analysis and empirical studies, it is demonstrated that Numerical Question Answering with robust numerical capabilities is still to a large extent an open question. We discuss future directions of Numerical Question Answering and summarize guidelines on future dataset collection and system design.