Junwen Duan


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MARE: Multi-Aspect Rationale Extractor on Unsupervised Rationale Extraction
Han Jiang | Junwen Duan | Zhe Qu | Jianxin Wang
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Unsupervised rationale extraction aims to extract text snippets to support model predictions without explicit rationale annotation.Researchers have made many efforts to solve this task. Previous works often encode each aspect independently, which may limit their ability to capture meaningful internal correlations between aspects. While there has been significant work on mitigating spurious correlations, our approach focuses on leveraging the beneficial internal correlations to improve multi-aspect rationale extraction. In this paper, we propose a Multi-Aspect Rationale Extractor (MARE) to explain and predict multiple aspects simultaneously. Concretely, we propose a Multi-Aspect Multi-Head Attention (MAMHA) mechanism based on hard deletion to encode multiple text chunks simultaneously. Furthermore, multiple special tokens are prepended in front of the text with each corresponding to one certain aspect. Finally, multi-task training is deployed to reduce the training overhead. Experimental results on two unsupervised rationale extraction benchmarks show that MARE achieves state-of-the-art performance. Ablation studies further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our codes have been available at https://github.com/CSU-NLP-Group/MARE.

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Multi-modal Concept Alignment Pre-training for Generative Medical Visual Question Answering
Quan Yan | Junwen Duan | Jianxin Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

Medical Visual Question Answering (Med-VQA) seeks to accurately respond to queries regarding medical images, a task particularly challenging for open-ended questions. This study unveils the Multi-modal Concept Alignment Pre-training (MMCAP) approach for generative Med-VQA, leveraging a knowledge graph sourced from medical image-caption datasets and the Unified Medical Language System. MMCAP advances the fusion of visual and textual medical knowledge via a graph attention network and a transformer decoder. Additionally, it incorporates a Type Conditional Prompt in the fine-tuning phase, markedly boosting the accuracy and relevance of answers to open-ended questions. Our tests on benchmark datasets illustrate MMCAP’s superiority over existing methods, demonstrating its high efficiency in data-limited settings and effective knowledge-image alignment capability.


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CDA: A Contrastive Data Augmentation Method for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection
Junwen Duan | Fangyuan Wei | Jin Liu | Hongdong Li | Tianming Liu | Jianxin Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that significantly impacts a patient’s ability to communicate and organize language. Traditional methods for detecting AD, such as physical screening or neurological testing, can be challenging and time-consuming. Recent research has explored the use of deep learning techniques to distinguish AD patients from non-AD patients by analysing the spontaneous speech. These models, however, are limited by the availability of data. To address this, we propose a novel contrastive data augmentation method, which simulates the cognitive impairment of a patient by randomly deleting a proportion of text from the transcript to create negative samples. The corrupted samples are expected to be in worse conditions than the original by a margin. Experimental results on the benchmark ADReSS Challenge dataset demonstrate that our model achieves the best performance among language-based models.

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Towards Better Representations for Multi-Label Text Classification with Multi-granularity Information
Fangfang Li | Puzhen Su | Junwen Duan | Weidong Xiao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Multi-label text classification (MLTC) aims to assign multiple labels to a given text. Previous works have focused on text representation learning and label correlations modeling using pre-trained language models (PLMs). However, studies have shown that PLMs generate word frequency-oriented text representations, causing texts with different labels to be closely distributed in a narrow region, which is difficult to classify. To address this, we present a novel framework CL( ̲Contrastive  ̲Learning)-MIL ( ̲Multi-granularity  ̲Information  ̲Learning) to refine the text representation for MLTC task. We first use contrastive learning to generate uniform initial text representation and incorporate label frequency implicitly. Then, we design a multi-task learning module to integrate multi-granularity (diverse text-labels correlations, label-label relations and label frequency) information into text representations, enhancing their discriminative ability. Experimental results demonstrate the complementarity of the modules in CL-MIL, improving the quality of text representations and yielding stable and competitive improvements for MLTC.


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WSpeller: Robust Word Segmentation for Enhancing Chinese Spelling Check
Fangfang Li | Youran Shan | Junwen Duan | Xingliang Mao | Minlie Huang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Chinese spelling check (CSC) detects and corrects spelling errors in Chinese texts. Previous approaches have combined character-level phonetic and graphic information, ignoring the importance of segment-level information. According to our pilot study, spelling errors are always associated with incorrect word segmentation. When appropriate word boundaries are provided, CSC performance is greatly enhanced. Based on these findings, we present WSpeller, a CSC model that takes into account word segmentation. A fundamental component of WSpeller is a W-MLM, which is trained by predicting visually and phonetically similar words. Through modification of the embedding layer’s input, word segmentation information can be incorporated. Additionally, a robust module is trained to assist the W-MLM-based correction module by predicting the correct word segmentations from sentences containing spelling errors. We evaluate WSpeller on the widely used benchmark datasets SIGHAN13, SIGHAN14, and SIGHAN15. Our model is superior to state-of-the-art baselines on SIGHAN13 and SIGHAN15 and maintains equal performance on SIGHAN14.


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Event Representation Learning Enhanced with External Commonsense Knowledge
Xiao Ding | Kuo Liao | Ting Liu | Zhongyang Li | Junwen Duan
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Prior work has proposed effective methods to learn event representations that can capture syntactic and semantic information over text corpus, demonstrating their effectiveness for downstream tasks such as script event prediction. On the other hand, events extracted from raw texts lacks of commonsense knowledge, such as the intents and emotions of the event participants, which are useful for distinguishing event pairs when there are only subtle differences in their surface realizations. To address this issue, this paper proposes to leverage external commonsense knowledge about the intent and sentiment of the event. Experiments on three event-related tasks, i.e., event similarity, script event prediction and stock market prediction, show that our model obtains much better event embeddings for the tasks, achieving 78% improvements on hard similarity task, yielding more precise inferences on subsequent events under given contexts, and better accuracies in predicting the volatilities of the stock market.


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Learning Sentence Representations over Tree Structures for Target-Dependent Classification
Junwen Duan | Xiao Ding | Ting Liu
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

Target-dependent classification tasks, such as aspect-level sentiment analysis, perform fine-grained classifications towards specific targets. Semantic compositions over tree structures are promising for such tasks, as they can potentially capture long-distance interactions between targets and their contexts. However, previous work that operates on tree structures resorts to syntactic parsers or Treebank annotations, which are either subject to noise in informal texts or highly expensive to obtain. To address above issues, we propose a reinforcement learning based approach, which automatically induces target-specific sentence representations over tree structures. The underlying model is a RNN encoder-decoder that explores possible binary tree structures and a reward mechanism that encourages structures that improve performances on downstream tasks. We evaluate our approach on two benchmark tasks: firm-specific cumulative abnormal return prediction (based on formal news texts) and aspect-level sentiment analysis (based on informal social media texts). Experimental results show that our model gives superior performances compared to previous work that operates on parsed trees. Moreover, our approach gives some intuitions on how target-specific sentence representations can be achieved from its word constituents.

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Learning Target-Specific Representations of Financial News Documents For Cumulative Abnormal Return Prediction
Junwen Duan | Yue Zhang | Xiao Ding | Ching-Yun Chang | Ting Liu
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Texts from the Internet serve as important data sources for financial market modeling. Early statistical approaches rely on manually defined features to capture lexical, sentiment and event information, which suffers from feature sparsity. Recent work has considered learning dense representations for news titles and abstracts. Compared to news titles, full documents can contain more potentially helpful information, but also noise compared to events and sentences, which has been less investigated in previous work. To fill this gap, we propose a novel target-specific abstract-guided news document representation model. The model uses a target-sensitive representation of the news abstract to weigh sentences in the news content, so as to select and combine the most informative sentences for market modeling. Results show that document representations can give better performance for estimating cumulative abnormal returns of companies when compared to titles and abstracts. Our model is especially effective when it used to combine information from multiple document sources compared to the sentence-level baselines.


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Knowledge-Driven Event Embedding for Stock Prediction
Xiao Ding | Yue Zhang | Ting Liu | Junwen Duan
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Representing structured events as vectors in continuous space offers a new way for defining dense features for natural language processing (NLP) applications. Prior work has proposed effective methods to learn event representations that can capture syntactic and semantic information over text corpus, demonstrating their effectiveness for downstream tasks such as event-driven stock prediction. On the other hand, events extracted from raw texts do not contain background knowledge on entities and relations that they are mentioned. To address this issue, this paper proposes to leverage extra information from knowledge graph, which provides ground truth such as attributes and properties of entities and encodes valuable relations between entities. Specifically, we propose a joint model to combine knowledge graph information into the objective function of an event embedding learning model. Experiments on event similarity and stock market prediction show that our model is more capable of obtaining better event embeddings and making more accurate prediction on stock market volatilities.


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Using Structured Events to Predict Stock Price Movement: An Empirical Investigation
Xiao Ding | Yue Zhang | Ting Liu | Junwen Duan
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)