Neel Nanda


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Language Models Linearly Represent Sentiment
Curt Tigges | Oskar J. Hollinsworth | Atticus Geiger | Neel Nanda
Proceedings of the 7th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

Sentiment is a pervasive feature in natural language text, yet it is an open question how sentiment is represented within Large Language Models (LLMs). In this study, we reveal that across a range of models, sentiment is represented linearly: a single direction in activation space mostly captures the feature across a range of tasks with one extreme for positive and the other for negative. In a causal analysis, we isolate this direction using interventions and show it is causal in both toy tasks and real world datasets such as Stanford Sentiment Treebank. We analyze the mechanisms that involve this direction and discover a phenomenon which we term the summarization motif: sentiment is not just represented on valenced words, but is also summarized at intermediate positions without inherent sentiment, such as punctuation and names. We show that in SST classification, ablating the sentiment direction across all tokens results in a drop in accuracy from 100% to 62% (vs. 50% random baseline), while ablating the summarized sentiment direction at comma positions alone produces close to half this result (reducing accuracy to 82%).

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Gemma Scope: Open Sparse Autoencoders Everywhere All At Once on Gemma 2
Tom Lieberum | Senthooran Rajamanoharan | Arthur Conmy | Lewis Smith | Nicolas Sonnerat | Vikrant Varma | Janos Kramar | Anca Dragan | Rohin Shah | Neel Nanda
Proceedings of the 7th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

Sparse autoencoders (SAEs) are an unsupervised method for learning a sparse decomposition of a neural network’s latent representations into seemingly interpretable features.Despite recent excitement about their potential, research applications outside of industry are limited by the high cost of training a comprehensive suite of SAEs.In this work, we introduce Gemma Scope, an open suite of JumpReLU SAEs trained on all layers and sub-layers of Gemma 2 2B and 9B and select layers of Gemma 2 27B base models.We primarily train SAEs on the Gemma 2 pre-trained models, but additionally release SAEs trained on instruction-tuned Gemma 2 9B for comparison.We evaluate the quality of each SAE on standard metrics and release these results.We hope that by releasing these SAE weights, we can help make more ambitious safety and interpretability research easier for the community. Weights and a tutorial can be found at and an interactive demo can be found at

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Copy Suppression: Comprehensively Understanding a Motif in Language Model Attention Heads
Callum Stuart McDougall | Arthur Conmy | Cody Rushing | Thomas McGrath | Neel Nanda
Proceedings of the 7th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

We present the copy suppression motif: an algorithm implemented by attention heads in large language models that reduces loss.If i) language model components in earlier layers predict a certain token, ii) this token appears earlier in the context and iii) later attention heads in the model suppress prediction of the token, then this is copy suppression. To show the importance of copy suppression, we focus on reverse-engineering attention head 10.7 (L10H7) in GPT-2 Small. This head suppresses naive copying behavior which improves overall model calibration, which explains why multiple prior works studying certain narrow tasks found negative heads that systematically favored the wrong answer. We uncover the mechanism that the negative heads use for copy suppression with weights-based evidence and are able to explain 76.9% of the impact of L10H7 in GPT-2 Small, by this motif alone.To the best of our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive description of the complete role of a component in a language model to date. One major effect of copy suppression is its role in self-repair. Self-repair refers to how ablating crucial model components results in downstream neural network parts compensating for this ablation. Copy suppression leads to self-repair: if an initial overconfident copier is ablated, then there is nothing to suppress. We show that self-repair is implemented by several mechanisms, one of which is copy suppression, which explains 39% of the behavior in a narrow task. Interactive visualizations of the copy suppression phenomena may be seen at our web app


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Emergent Linear Representations in World Models of Self-Supervised Sequence Models
Neel Nanda | Andrew Lee | Martin Wattenberg
Proceedings of the 6th BlackboxNLP Workshop: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

How do sequence models represent their decision-making process? Prior work suggests that Othello-playing neural network learned nonlinear models of the board state (Li et al., 2023a). In this work, we provide evidence of a closely related linear representation of the board. In particular, we show that probing for “my colour” vs. “opponent’s colour” may be a simple yet powerful way to interpret the model’s internal state. This precise understanding of the internal representations allows us to control the model’s behaviour with simple vector arithmetic. Linear representations enable significant interpretability progress, which we demonstrate with further exploration of how the world model is computed.