Shady Shehata


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ArabicMMLU: Assessing Massive Multitask Language Understanding in Arabic
Fajri Koto | Haonan Li | Sara Shatnawi | Jad Doughman | Abdelrahman Sadallah | Aisha Alraeesi | Khalid Almubarak | Zaid Alyafeai | Neha Sengupta | Shady Shehata | Nizar Habash | Preslav Nakov | Timothy Baldwin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The focus of language model evaluation has transitioned towards reasoning and knowledge-intensive tasks, driven by advancements in pretraining large models. While state-of-the-art models are partially trained on large Arabic texts, evaluating their performance in Arabic remains challenging due to the limited availability of relevant datasets. To bridge this gap, we present ArabicMMLU, the first multi-task language understanding benchmark for the Arabic language, sourced from school exams across diverse educational levels in different countries spanning North Africa, the Levant, and the Gulf regions. Our data comprises 40 tasks and 14,575 multiple-choice questions in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and is carefully constructed by collaborating with native speakers in the region. Our comprehensive evaluations of 35 models reveal substantial room for improvement, particularly among the best open-source models. Notably, BLOOMZ, mT0, LLama2, and Falcon struggle to achieve a score of 50%, while even the top-performing Arabic-centric model only achieves a score of 62.3%.

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Data Augmentation for Speech-Based Diacritic Restoration
Sara Shatnawi | Sawsan Alqahtani | Shady Shehata | Hanan Aldarmaki
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

This paper describes a data augmentation technique for boosting the performance of speech-based diacritic restoration. Our experiments demonstrate the utility of this appraoch, resulting in improved generalization of all models across different test sets. In addition, we describe the first multi-modal diacritic restoration model, utilizing both speech and text as input modalities. This type of model can be used to diacritize speech transcripts. Unlike previous work that relies on an external ASR model, the proposed model is far more compact and efficient. While the multi-modal framework does not surpass the ASR-based model for this task, it offers a promising approach for improving the efficiency of speech-based diacritization, with a potential for improvement using data augmentation and other methods.

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From Nile Sands to Digital Hands: Machine Translation of Coptic Texts
Muhammed Saeed | Asim Mohamed | Mukhtar Mohamed | Shady Shehata | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference

The Coptic language, rooted in the historical landscapes of Egypt, continues to serve as a vital liturgical medium for the Coptic Orthodox and Catholic Churches across Egypt, North Sudan, Libya, and the United States, with approximately ten million speakers worldwide. However, the scarcity of digital resources in Coptic has resulted in its exclusion from digital systems, thereby limiting its accessibility and preservation in modern technological contexts. Our research addresses this issue by developing the most extensive parallel Coptic-centered corpus to date. This corpus comprises over 8,000 parallel sentences between Arabic and Coptic, and more than 24,000 parallel sentences between English and Coptic. We have also developed the first neural machine translation system between Coptic, English, and Arabic. Lastly, we evaluate the capability of leading proprietary Large Language Models (LLMs) to translate to and from Coptic using a few-shot learning approach (in-context learning). Our code and data are available at


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Detecting Propaganda Techniques in Code-Switched Social Media Text
Muhammad Salman | Asif Hanif | Shady Shehata | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Propaganda is a form of communication intended to influence the opinions and the mindset of the public to promote a particular agenda. With the rise of social media, propaganda has spread rapidly, leading to the need for automatic propaganda detection systems. Most work on propaganda detection has focused on high-resource languages, such as English, and little effort has been made to detect propaganda for low-resource languages. Yet, it is common to find a mix of multiple languages in social media communication, a phenomenon known as code-switching. Code-switching combines different languages within the same text, which poses a challenge for automatic systems. Considering this premise, we propose a novel task of detecting propaganda techniques in code-switched text. To support this task, we create a corpus of 1,030 texts code-switching between English and Roman Urdu, annotated with 20 propaganda techniques at fragment-level. We perform a number of experiments contrasting different experimental setups, and we find that it is important to model the multilinguality directly rather than using translation as well as to use the right fine-tuning strategy. We plan to publicly release our code and dataset.

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Can a Prediction’s Rank Offer a More Accurate Quantification of Bias? A Case Study Measuring Sexism in Debiased Language Models
Jad Doughman | Shady Shehata | Leen Al Qadi | Youssef Nafea | Fakhri Karray
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems

Pre-trained language models are known to inherit a plethora of contextual biases from their training data. These biases have proven to be projected onto a variety of downstream applications, making their detection and mitigation imminent. Limited research has been conducted to quantify specific bias types, such as benevolent sexism, which may be subtly present within the inferred connotations of a sentence. To this extent, our work aims to: (1) provide a benchmark of sexism sentences; (2) adapt two bias metrics: mean probability score and mean normalized rank; (3) conduct a case study to quantify and analyze sexism in base and de-biased masked language models. We find that debiasing, even in its most effective form (Auto-Debias), solely nullifies the probability score of biasing tokens, while retaining them in high ranks. Auto-Debias illustrates a 90%-96% reduction in mean probability scores from base to debiased models, while only a 3%-16% reduction in mean normalized ranks. Similar to the application of non-parametric statistical tests for data that does not follow a normal distribution, operating on the ranks of predictions rather than their probability scores offers a more representative bias measure.

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Enhancing Video-based Learning Using Knowledge Tracing: Personalizing Students’ Learning Experience with ORBITS
Shady Shehata | David Santandreu Calonge | Philip Purnell | Mark Thompson
Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2023)

As the world regains its footing following the COVID-19 pandemic, academia is striving to consolidate the gains made in students’ education experience. New technologies such as video-based learning have shown some early improvement in student learning and engagement. In this paper, we present ORBITS predictive engine at YOURIKA company, a video-based student support platform powered by knowledge tracing. In an exploratory case study of one master’s level Speech Processing course at the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) in Abu Dhabi, half the students used the system while the other half did not. Student qualitative feedback was universally positive and compared the system favorably against current available methods. These findings support the use of artificial intelligence techniques to improve the student learning experience.

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AraDiaWER: An Explainable Metric For Dialectical Arabic ASR
Abdulwahab Sahyoun | Shady Shehata
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Applications to Field Linguistics

Linguistic variability poses a challenge to many modern ASR systems, particularly Dialectical Arabic (DA) ASR systems dealing with low-resource dialects and resulting morphological and orthographic variations in text and speech. Traditional evaluation metrics such as the word error rate (WER) inadequately capture these complexities, leading to an incomplete assessment of DA ASR performance. We propose AraDiaWER, an ASR evaluation metric for Dialectical Arabic (DA) speech recognition systems, focused on the Egyptian dialect. AraDiaWER uses language model embeddings for the syntactic and semantic aspects of ASR errors to identify their root cause, not captured by traditional WER. MiniLM generates the semantic score, capturing contextual differences between reference and predicted transcripts. CAMeLBERT-Mix assigns morphological and lexical tags using a fuzzy matching algorithm to calculate the syntactic score. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of AraDiaWER. By incorporating language model embeddings, AraDiaWER enables a more interpretable evaluation, allowing us to improve DA ASR systems. We position the proposed metric as a complementary tool to WER, capturing syntactic and semantic features not represented by WER. Additionally, we use UMAP analysis to observe the quality of ASR embeddings in the proposed evaluation framework.