In this paper, we report our effort to tackle the challenge of extracting chemotimelines from EHR notes across a dataset of three cancer types. We focus on the two subtasks: 1) detection and classification of temporal relations given the annotated chemotherapy events and time expressions and 2) directly extracting patient chemotherapy timelines from EHR notes. We address both subtasks using Large Language Models. Our best-performing methods in both subtasks use Flan-T5, an instruction-tuned language model. Our proposed system achieves the highest average score in both subtasks. Our results underscore the effectiveness of finetuning general-domain large language models in domain-specific and unseen tasks.
Soft Prompt Tuning (SPT) is a parameter-efficient method for adapting pre-trained language models (PLMs) to specific tasks by inserting learnable embeddings, or soft prompts, at the input layer of the PLM, without modifying its parameters. This paper investigates the potential of SPT for cross-lingual transfer. Unlike previous studies on SPT for cross-lingual transfer that often fine-tune both the soft prompt and the model parameters, we adhere to the original intent of SPT by keeping the model parameters frozen and only training the soft prompt. This does not only reduce the computational cost and storage overhead of full-model fine-tuning, but we also demonstrate that this very parameter efficiency intrinsic to SPT can enhance cross-lingual transfer performance to linguistically distant languages. Moreover, we explore how different factors related to the prompt, such as the length or its reparameterization, affect cross-lingual transfer performance.
In NLP, zero-shot classification (ZSC) is the task of assigning labels to textual data without any labeled examples for the target classes. A common method for ZSC is to fine-tune a language model on a Natural Language Inference (NLI) dataset and then use it to infer the entailment between the input document and the target labels. However, this approach faces certain challenges, particularly for languages with limited resources. In this paper, we propose an alternative solution that leverages dictionaries as a source of data for ZSC. We focus on Luxembourgish, a low-resource language spoken in Luxembourg, and construct two new topic relevance classification datasets based on a dictionary that provides various synonyms, word translations and example sentences. We evaluate the usability of our dataset and compare it with the NLI-based approach on two topic classification tasks in a zero-shot manner. Our results show that by using the dictionary-based dataset, the trained models outperform the ones following the NLI-based approach for ZSC. While we focus on a single low-resource language in this study, we believe that the efficacy of our approach can also transfer to other languages where such a dictionary is available.
In recent years, pre-trained Multilingual Language Models (MLLMs) have shown a strong ability to transfer knowledge across different languages. However, given that the aspiration for such an ability has not been explicitly incorporated in the design of the majority of MLLMs, it is challenging to obtain a unique and straightforward explanation for its emergence. In this review paper, we survey literature that investigates different factors contributing to the capacity of MLLMs to perform zero-shot cross-lingual transfer and subsequently outline and discuss these factors in detail. To enhance the structure of this review and to facilitate consolidation with future studies, we identify five categories of such factors. In addition to providing a summary of empirical evidence from past studies, we identify consensuses among studies with consistent findings and resolve conflicts among contradictory ones. Our work contextualizes and unifies existing research streams which aim at explaining the cross-lingual potential of MLLMs. This review provides, first, an aligned reference point for future research and, second, guidance for a better-informed and more efficient way of leveraging the cross-lingual capacity of MLLMs.
Large-scale language models with millions, billions, or trillions of trainable parameters are becoming increasingly popular. However, they risk becoming rapidly over-parameterized and the adaptation cost of fully fine-tuning them increases significantly. Storing them becomes progressively impractical as it requires keeping a separate copy of all the fine-tuned weights for each task. By freezing all pre-trained weights during fine-tuning, parameter-efficient tuning approaches have become an appealing alternative to traditional fine-tuning. The performance of these approaches has been evaluated on common NLP tasks of the GLUE benchmark and shown to match full fine-tuning performance, however, their impact is less researched in domain-specific fields such as finance. This work compares the performance of a set of financial BERT-like models to their fully fine-tuned counterparts by leveraging different parameter-efficient tuning methods. We see that results are comparable to traditional fine-tuning while gaining in time and resource efficiency.
Prior research has investigated the impact of various linguistic features on cross-lingual transfer performance. In this study, we investigate the manner in which this effect can be mapped onto the representation space. While past studies have focused on the impact on cross-lingual alignment in multilingual language models during fine-tuning, this study examines the absolute evolution of the respective language representation spaces produced by MLLMs. We place a specific emphasis on the role of linguistic characteristics and investigate their inter-correlation with the impact on representation spaces and cross-lingual transfer performance. Additionally, this paper provides preliminary evidence of how these findings can be leveraged to enhance transfer to linguistically distant languages.
Political debates offer a rare opportunity for citizens to compare the candidates’ positions on the most controversial topics of the campaign. Thus they represent a natural application scenario for Argument Mining. As existing research lacks solid empirical investigation of the typology of argument components in political debates, we fill this gap by proposing an Argument Mining approach to political debates. We address this task in an empirical manner by annotating 39 political debates from the last 50 years of US presidential campaigns, creating a new corpus of 29k argument components, labeled as premises and claims. We then propose two tasks: (1) identifying the argumentative components in such debates, and (2) classifying them as premises and claims. We show that feature-rich SVM learners and Neural Network architectures outperform standard baselines in Argument Mining over such complex data. We release the new corpus USElecDeb60To16 and the accompanying software under free licenses to the research community.