Wanqiu Long


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Multi-Label Classification for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Wanqiu Long | Siddharth N | Bonnie Webber
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

Discourse relations play a pivotal role in establishing coherence within textual content, uniting sentences and clauses into a cohesive narrative. The Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB) stands as one of the most extensively utilized datasets in this domain. In PDTB-3, the annotators can assign multiple labels to an example, when they believe the simultaneous presence of multiple relations. Prior research in discourse relation recognition has treated these instances as separate examples during training, with a gold-standard prediction matching one of the labels considered correct at test time. However, this approach is inadequate, as it fails to account for the interdependence of labels in real-world contexts and to distinguish between cases where only one sense relation holds and cases where multiple relations hold simultaneously. In our work, we address this challenge by exploring various multi-label classification frameworks to handle implicit discourse relation recognition. We show that the methods for multi-label prediction don’t depress performance for single-label prediction. Additionally, we give comprehensive analysis of results and data. Our work contributes to advancing the understanding and application of discourse relations and provide a foundation for the future study.


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Evaluating Discourse Cohesion in Pre-trained Language Models
Jie He | Wanqiu Long | Deyi Xiong
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

Large pre-trained neural models have achieved remarkable success in natural language process (NLP), inspiring a growing body of research analyzing their ability from different aspects. In this paper, we propose a test suite to evaluate the cohesive ability of pre-trained language models. The test suite contains multiple cohesion phenomena between adjacent and non-adjacent sentences. We try to compare different pre-trained language models on these phenomena and analyze the experimental results,hoping more attention can be given to discourse cohesion in the future. The built discourse cohesion test suite will be publicly available at https://github.com/probe2/discourse_cohesion.

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Facilitating Contrastive Learning of Discourse Relational Senses by Exploiting the Hierarchy of Sense Relations
Wanqiu Long | Bonnie Webber
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Implicit discourse relation recognition is a challenging task that involves identifying the sense or senses that hold between two adjacent spans of text, in the absense of an explicit connective between them. In both PDTB-2 (prasad et al., 2008) and PDTB-3 (Webber et al., 2019), discourse relational senses are organized into a three-level hierarchy ranging from four broad top-level senses, to more specific senses below them. Most previous work on implicitf discourse relation recognition have used the sense hierarchy simply to indicate what sense labels were available. Here we do more — incorporating the sense hierarchy into the recognition process itself and using it to select the negative examples used in contrastive learning. With no additional effort, the approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the task. Our code is released inhttps://github.com/wanqiulong 0923/Contrastive_IDRR.

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Automatically Discarding Straplines to Improve Data Quality for Abstractive News Summarization
Amr Keleg | Matthias Lindemann | Danyang Liu | Wanqiu Long | Bonnie L. Webber
Proceedings of NLP Power! The First Workshop on Efficient Benchmarking in NLP

Recent improvements in automatic news summarization fundamentally rely on large corpora of news articles and their summaries. These corpora are often constructed by scraping news websites, which results in including not only summaries but also other kinds of texts. Apart from more generic noise, we identify straplines as a form of text scraped from news websites that commonly turn out not to be summaries. The presence of these non-summaries threatens the validity of scraped corpora as benchmarks for news summarization. We have annotated extracts from two news sources that form part of the Newsroom corpus (Grusky et al., 2018), labeling those which were straplines, those which were summaries, and those which were both. We present a rule-based strapline detection method that achieves good performance on a manually annotated test set. Automatic evaluation indicates that removing straplines and noise from the training data of a news summarizer results in higher quality summaries, with improvements as high as 7 points ROUGE score.


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TED-CDB: A Large-Scale Chinese Discourse Relation Dataset on TED Talks
Wanqiu Long | Bonnie Webber | Deyi Xiong
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

As different genres are known to differ in their communicative properties and as previously, for Chinese, discourse relations have only been annotated over news text, we have created the TED-CDB dataset. TED-CDB comprises a large set of TED talks in Chinese that have been manually annotated according to the goals and principles of Penn Discourse Treebank, but adapted to features that are not present in English. It serves as a unique Chinese corpus of spoken discourse. Benchmark experiments show that TED-CDB poses a challenge for state-of-the-art discourse relation classifiers, whose F1 performance on 4-way classification is 60%. This is a dramatic drop of 35% from performance on the news text in the Chinese Discourse Treebank. Transfer learning experiments have been carried out with the TED-CDB for both same-language cross-domain transfer and same-domain cross-language transfer. Both demonstrate that the TED-CDB can improve the performance of systems being developed for languages other than Chinese and would be helpful for insufficient or unbalanced data in other corpora. The dataset and our Chinese annotation guidelines will be made freely available.

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Shallow Discourse Annotation for Chinese TED Talks
Wanqiu Long | Xinyi Cai | James Reid | Bonnie Webber | Deyi Xiong
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Text corpora annotated with language-related properties are an important resource for the development of Language Technology. The current work contributes a new resource for Chinese Language Technology and for Chinese-English translation, in the form of a set of TED talks (some originally given in English, some in Chinese) that have been annotated with discourse relations in the style of the Penn Discourse TreeBank, adapted to properties of Chinese text that are not present in English. The resource is currently unique in annotating discourse-level properties of planned spoken monologues rather than of written text. An inter-annotator agreement study demonstrates that the annotation scheme is able to achieve highly reliable results.