Improving Tool Retrieval by Leveraging Large Language Models for Query Generation
Mohammad Kachuee
Sarthak Ahuja
Vaibhav Kumar
Puyang Xu
Xiaohu Liu
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Industry Track
Using tools by Large Language Models (LLMs) is a promising avenue to extend their reach beyond language or conversational settings. The number of tools can scale to thousands as they enable accessing sensory information, fetching updated factual knowledge, or taking actions in the real world. In such settings, in-context learning by providing a short list of relevant tools in the prompt is a viable approach. To retrieve relevant tools, various approaches have been suggested, ranging from simple frequency-based matching to dense embedding-based semantic retrieval. However, such approaches lack the contextual and common-sense understanding required to retrieve the right tools for complex user requests. Rather than increasing the complexity of the retrieval component itself, we propose leveraging LLM understanding to generate a retrieval query. Then, the generated query is embedded and used to find the most relevant tools via a nearest-neighbor search. We investigate three approaches for query generation: zero-shot prompting, supervised fine-tuning on tool descriptions, and alignment learning by iteratively optimizing a reward metric measuring retrieval performance. By conducting extensive experiments on a dataset covering complex and multi-tool scenarios, we show that leveraging LLMs for query generation improves the retrieval for in-domain (seen tools) and out-of-domain (unseen tools) settings.
UseClean: learning from complex noisy labels in named entity recognition
Jinjin Tian
Kun Zhou
Meiguo Wang
Yu Zhang
Benjamin Yao
Xiaohu Liu
Chenlei Guo
Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD)
We investigate and refine denoising methods for NER task on data that potentially contains extremely noisy labels from multi-sources. In this paper, we first summarized all possible noise types and noise generation schemes, based on which we built a thorough evaluation system. We then pinpoint the bottleneck of current state-of-art denoising methods using our evaluation system. Correspondingly, we propose several refinements, including using a two-stage framework to avoid error accumulation; a novel confidence score utilizing minimal clean supervision to increase predictive power; an automatic cutoff fitting to save extensive hyper-parameter tuning; a warm started weighted partial CRF to better learn on the noisy tokens. Additionally, we propose to use adaptive sampling to further boost the performance in long-tailed entity settings. Our method improves F1 score by on average at least 5 10% over current state-of-art across extensive experiments.
CL-QR: Cross-Lingual Enhanced Query Reformulation for Multi-lingual Conversational AI Agents
Zhongkai Sun
Zhengyang Zhao
Sixing Lu
Chengyuan Ma
Xiaohu Liu
Xing Fan
Wei Shen
Chenlei Guo
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track
The growing popularity of conversational AI agents such as Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri rely on accurate spoken language comprehension. The query reformulation (QR) method, which reformulates defective user queries, has been broadly adopted to mitigate the challenges posed by understanding user’s intent from imperfect spoken recognition result. However, due to the scarcity of non-English QR labels, providing high-quality QR for non-English users still remains a challenge. This work proposes a novel cross-lingual QR framework, CL-QR, to leverage the abundant reformulation resources in English to improve non-English QR performance. The proposed work also proposes a Module-wise Mutually-supervised Feedback learning (MMF) algorithm to enable the continually self-improving of the CL-QR, which alleviates the lack of cross-lingual QR training data and enhances the delivery of high-quality reformulations learned in English for multilingual queries. Both offline evaluation and online A/B testing demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
KEPLET: Knowledge-Enhanced Pretrained Language Model with Topic Entity Awareness
Yichuan Li
Jialong Han
Kyumin Lee
Chengyuan Ma
Benjamin Yao
Xiaohu Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023
In recent years, Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have shown their superiority by pre-training on unstructured text corpus and then fine-tuning on downstream tasks. On entity-rich textual resources like Wikipedia, Knowledge-Enhanced PLMs (KEPLMs) incorporate the interactions between tokens and mentioned entities in pre-training, and are thus more effective on entity-centric tasks such as entity linking and relation classification. Although exploiting Wikipedia’s rich structures to some extent, conventional KEPLMs still neglect a unique layout of the corpus where each Wikipedia page is around a topic entity (identified by the page URL and shown in the page title). In this paper, we demonstrate that KEPLMs without incorporating the topic entities will lead to insufficient entity interaction and biased (relation) word semantics. We thus propose KEPLET, a novel Knowledge-Énhanced Pre-trained LanguagE model with Topic entity awareness. In an end-to-end manner, KEPLET identifies where to add the topic entity’s information in a Wikipedia sentence, fuses such information into token and mentioned entities representations, and supervises the network learning, through which it takes topic entities back into consideration. Experiments demonstrated the generality and superiority of KEPLET which was applied to two representative KEPLMs, achieving significant improvements on four entity-centric tasks.
PersonaPKT: Building Personalized Dialogue Agents via Parameter-efficient Knowledge Transfer
Xu Han
Bin Guo
Yoon Jung
Benjamin Yao
Yu Zhang
Xiaohu Liu
Chenlei Guo
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
Joint Goal Segmentation and Goal Success Prediction on Multi-Domain Conversations
Meiguo Wang
Benjamin Yao
Bin Guo
Xiaohu Liu
Yu Zhang
Tuan-Hung Pham
Chenlei Guo
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
To evaluate the performance of a multi-domain goal-oriented Dialogue System (DS), it is important to understand what the users’ goals are for the conversations and whether those goals are successfully achieved. The success rate of goals directly correlates with user satisfaction and perceived usefulness of the DS. In this paper, we propose a novel automatic dialogue evaluation framework that jointly performs two tasks: goal segmentation and goal success prediction. We extend the RoBERTa-IQ model (Gupta et al., 2021) by adding multi-task learning heads for goal segmentation and success prediction. Using an annotated dataset from a commercial DS, we demonstrate that our proposed model reaches an accuracy that is on-par with single-pass human annotation comparing to a three-pass gold annotation benchmark.
Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting During Domain Adaptation of Seq2seq Language Generation
Dingcheng Li
Zheng Chen
Eunah Cho
Jie Hao
Xiaohu Liu
Fan Xing
Chenlei Guo
Yang Liu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Seq2seq language generation models that are trained offline with multiple domains in a sequential fashion often suffer from catastrophic forgetting. Lifelong learning has been proposed to handle this problem. However, existing work such as experience replay or elastic weighted consolidation requires incremental memory space. In this work, we propose an innovative framework, RMR_DSEthat leverages a recall optimization mechanism to selectively memorize important parameters of previous tasks via regularization, and uses a domain drift estimation algorithm to compensate the drift between different do-mains in the embedding space. These designs enable the model to be trained on the current task while keep-ing the memory of previous tasks, and avoid much additional data storage. Furthermore, RMR_DSE can be combined with existing lifelong learning approaches. Our experiments on two seq2seq language generation tasks, paraphrase and dialog response generation, show thatRMR_DSE outperforms SOTA models by a considerable margin and reduces forgetting greatly.
Task Completion Platform: A self-serve multi-domain goal oriented dialogue platform
Paul Crook
Alex Marin
Vipul Agarwal
Khushboo Aggarwal
Tasos Anastasakos
Ravi Bikkula
Daniel Boies
Asli Celikyilmaz
Senthilkumar Chandramohan
Zhaleh Feizollahi
Roman Holenstein
Minwoo Jeong
Omar Khan
Young-Bum Kim
Elizabeth Krawczyk
Xiaohu Liu
Danko Panic
Vasiliy Radostev
Nikhil Ramesh
Jean-Phillipe Robichaud
Alexandre Rochette
Logan Stromberg
Ruhi Sarikaya
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations
Compact Lexicon Selection with Spectral Methods
Young-Bum Kim
Karl Stratos
Xiaohu Liu
Ruhi Sarikaya
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Mixed Language Query Disambiguation
Pascale Fung
Xiaohu Liu
Chi Shun Cheung
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics