Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)

Johan Bos, Stephen Pulman (Editors)

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Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Johan Bos | Stephen Pulman

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The Semantics of Dialogue Acts
Harry Bunt

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A New Semantics: Merging Propositional and Distributional Information
Eduard Hovy

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Deterministic Statistical Mapping of Sentences to Underspecified Semantics
Hiyan Alshawi | Pi-Chuan Chang | Michael Ringgaard

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Word Sense Disambiguation with Multilingual Features
Carmen Banea | Rada Mihalcea

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Using Inverse lambda and Generalization to Translate English to Formal Languages
Chitta Baral | Juraj Dzifcak | Marcos Alvarez Gonzalez | Jiayu Zhou

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A Model for Composing Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco | Dan Moldovan

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Implementing Weighted Abduction in Markov Logic
James Blythe | Jerry Hobbs | Pedro Domingos | Rohit Kate | Raymond Mooney

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Modular Graph Rewriting to Compute Semantics
Guillaume Bonfante | Bruno Guillaume | Mathieu Morey | Guy Perrier

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Interpreting tractable versus intractable reciprocal sentences
Oliver Bott | Fabian Schlotterbeck | Jakub Szymanik

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VerbNet Class Assignment as a WSD Task
Susan Windisch Brown | Dmitriy Dligach | Martha Palmer

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Acquiring entailment pairs across languages and domains: A Data Analysis
Manaal Faruqui | Sebastian Padó

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Integrating Logical Representations with Probabilistic Information using Markov Logic
Dan Garrette | Katrin Erk | Raymond Mooney

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An Abstract Schema for Representing Semantic Roles and Modelling the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Voula Gotsoulia

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Concrete Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Models of Meaning
Edward Grefenstette | Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh | Stephen Clark | Bob Coecke | Stephen Pulman

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Computing Semantic Compositionality in Distributional Semantics
Emiliano Raul Guevara

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Using Query Patterns to Learn the Duration of Events
Andrey Gusev | Nathanael Chambers | Divye Raj Khilnani | Pranav Khaitan | Steven Bethard | Dan Jurafsky

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A Representation Framework for Cross-lingual/Interlingual Lexical Semantic Correspondences
Yoshihiko Hayashi

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Formalising and specifying underquantification
Aurelie Herbelot | Ann Copestake

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The Exploitation of Spatial Information in Narrative Discourse
Blake Stephen Howald | E. Graham Katz

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Measuring the semantic relatedness between words and images
Chee Wee Leong | Rada Mihalcea

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Elaborating a Knowledge Base for Deep Lexical Semantics
Niloofar Montazeri | Jerry Hobbs

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The People’s Web meets Linguistic Knowledge: Automatic Sense Alignment of Wikipedia and WordNet
Elisabeth Niemann | Iryna Gurevych

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Recognizing Confinement in Web Texts
Megumi Ohki | Eric Nichols | Suguru Matsuyoshi | Koji Murakami | Junta Mizuno | Shouko Masuda | Kentaro Inui | Yuji Matsumoto

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Abductive Reasoning with a Large Knowledge Base for Discourse Processing
Ekaterina Ovchinnikova | Niloofar Montazeri | Theodore Alexandrov | Jerry Hobbs | Michael C. McCord | Rutu Mulkar-Mehta

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Incremental dialogue act understanding
Volha Petukhova | Harry Bunt

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Extracting aspects of determiner meaning from dialogue in a virtual world environment
Hilke Reckman | Jeff Orkin | Deb Roy

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On the Maximalization of the witness sets in Independent Set readings
Livio Robaldo

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Ontology-based Distinction between Polysemy and Homonymy
Jason Utt | Sebastian Padó

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Towards semi-automatic methods for improving WordNet
Nervo Verdezoto | Laure Vieu

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Compositional Expectation: A Purely Distributional Model of Compositional Semantics
Justin Washtell

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Structured Composition of Semantic Vectors
Stephen Wu | William Schuler

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Discovering Semantic Classes for Urdu N-V Complex Predicates
Tafseer Ahmed | Miriam Butt

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DISCUSS: A dialogue move taxonomy layered over semantic representations
Lee Becker | Wayne Ward | Sarel van Vuuren | Martha Palmer

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Using Topic Salience and Connotational Drifts to Detect Candidates to Semantic Change
Armelle Boussidan | Sabine Ploux

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Towards Component-Based Textual Entailment
Elena Cabrio | Bernardo Magnini

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Algebraic Approaches to Compositional Distributional Semantics
Daoud Clarke | David Weir | Rudi Lutz

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Question Classification for Email
Rachel Cotterill

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Towards a More Natural Multilingual Controlled Language Interface to OWL
Normunds Gruzitis | Guntis Barzdins

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BALLGAME: A Corpus for Computational Semantics
Ezra Keshet | Terrence Szymanski | Stephen Tyndall

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An Ontology Based Architecture for Translation
Leonardo Lesmo | Alessandro Mazzei | Daniele P. Radicioni

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Corpus-based approaches to processing the scope of negation cues: an evaluation of the state of the art
Roser Morante | Sarah Schrauwen | Walter Daelemans

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Classifying Arabic Verbs Using Sibling Classes
Jaouad Mousser

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Granularity in Natural Language Discourse
Rutu Mulkar-Mehta | Jerry Hobbs | Eduard Hovy

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Incremental Semantic Construction in a Dialogue System
Matthew Purver | Arash Eshghi | Julian Hough

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Extracting Contextual Evaluativity
Kevin Reschke | Pranav Anand

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Using MMIL for the High Level Semantic Annotation of the French MEDIA Dialogue Corpus
Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona | Thierry Bazillon | Matthieu Quignard | Fabrice Lefevre

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Collecting Semantic Data from Mechanical Turk for a Lexical Knowledge Resource in a Text to Picture Generating System
Masoud Rouhizadeh | Margit Bowler | Richard Sproat | Bob Coyne

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Edge dependent pathway scoring for calculating semantic similarity in ConceptNet
Steve Spagnola | Carl Lagoze

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Semantic Relatedness from Automatically Generated Semantic Networks
Pia-Ramona Wojtinnek | Stephen Pulman

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Semantic Parsing for Biomedical Event Extraction
Deyu Zhou | Yulan He