Multimodal Argument Mining (MAM) is a recent area of research aiming to extend argument analysis and improve discourse understanding by incorporating multiple modalities. Initial results confirm the importance of paralinguistic cues in this field. However, the research community still lacks a comprehensive platform where results can be easily reproduced, and methods and models can be stored, compared, and tested against a variety of benchmarks. To address these challenges, we propose MAMKit, an open, publicly available, PyTorch toolkit that consolidates datasets and models, providing a standardized platform for experimentation. MAMKit also includes some new baselines, designed to stimulate research on text and audio encoding and fusion for MAM tasks. Our initial results with MAMKit indicate that advancements in MAM require novel annotation processes to encompass auditory cues effectively.
Recent advances in NLP suggest that some tasks, such as argument detection and relation classification, are better framed in a multimodal perspective. We propose multimodal argument mining for argumentative fallacy classification in political debates. To this end, we release the first corpus for multimodal fallacy classification. Our experiments show that the integration of the audio modality leads to superior classification performance. Our findings confirm that framing fallacy classification as a multimodal task is essential to capture paralinguistic aspects of fallacious arguments.
We propose misogyny detection as an Argumentative Reasoning task and we investigate the capacity of large language models (LLMs) to understand the implicit reasoning used to convey misogyny in both Italian and English. The central aim is to generate the missing reasoning link between a message and the implied meanings encoding the misogyny. Our study uses argumentation theory as a foundation to form a collection of prompts in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. These prompts integrate different techniques, including chain-of-thought reasoning and augmented knowledge. Our findings show that LLMs fall short on reasoning capabilities about misogynistic comments and that they mostly rely on their implicit knowledge derived from internalized common stereotypes about women to generate implied assumptions, rather than on inductive reasoning.
We develop novel annotation guidelines for sentence-level subjectivity detection, which are not limited to language-specific cues. We use our guidelines to collect NewsSD-ENG, a corpus of 638 objective and 411 subjective sentences extracted from English news articles on controversial topics. Our corpus paves the way for subjectivity detection in English and across other languages without relying on language-specific tools, such as lexicons or machine translation. We evaluate state-of-the-art multilingual transformer-based models on the task in mono-, multi-, and cross-language settings. For this purpose, we re-annotate an existing Italian corpus. We observe that models trained in the multilingual setting achieve the best performance on the task.
Misogyny is often expressed through figurative language. Some neutral words can assume a negative connotation when functioning as pejorative epithets. Disambiguating the meaning of such terms might help the detection of misogyny. In order to address such task, we present PejorativITy, a novel corpus of 1,200 manually annotated Italian tweets for pejorative language at the word level and misogyny at the sentence level. We evaluate the impact of injecting information about disambiguated words into a model targeting misogyny detection. In particular, we explore two different approaches for injection: concatenation of pejorative information and substitution of ambiguous words with univocal terms. Our experimental results, both on our corpus and on two popular benchmarks on Italian tweets, show that both approaches lead to a major classification improvement, indicating that word sense disambiguation is a promising preliminary step for misogyny detection. Furthermore, we investigate LLMs’ understanding of pejorative epithets by means of contextual word embeddings analysis and prompting.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) can provide tools for analyzing specific intricate language phenomena, such as offensiveness in language. In this study, we employ methods from pragmatics, more specifically Gricean theory, as well as NLP techniques, to analyze instances of online offensive language. We present a comparative analysis between offensive and non-offensive instances with regard to the degree to which the 4 Gricean Maxims (Quality, Quantity, Manner, and Relevance) are flouted or violated. To facilitate our analysis, we employ NLP tools to filter the instances and proceed to a more thorough qualitative analysis. Our findings reveal that offensive and non-offensive speech do not differ significantly when we evaluate with metrics that correspond to the Gricean Maxims, apart from some aspects of the Maxim of Quality and the Maxim of Manner. Through this paper, we advocate for a turn towards mixed approaches to linguistic topics by also paving the way for a modernization of discourse analysis and natural language understanding that encompasses computational methods. Warning: This paper contains offensive language that might be triggering for some individuals.
With recent advances in question-answering models, various datasets have been collected to improve and study the effectiveness of these models on scientific texts. Questions and answers in these datasets explore a scientific paper by seeking factual information from the paper’s content. However, these datasets do not tackle the argumentative content of scientific papers, which is of huge importance in persuasiveness of a scientific discussion. We introduce ArgSciChat, a dataset of 41 argumentative dialogues between scientists on 20 NLP papers. The unique property of our dataset is that it includes both exploratory and argumentative questions and answers in a dialogue discourse on a scientific paper. Moreover, the size of ArgSciChat demonstrates the difficulties in collecting dialogues for specialized domains. Thus, our dataset is a challenging resource to evaluate dialogue agents in low-resource domains, in which collecting training data is costly. We annotate all sentences of dialogues in ArgSciChat and analyze them extensively. The results confirm that dialogues in ArgSciChat include exploratory and argumentative interactions. Furthermore, we use our dataset to fine-tune and evaluate a pre-trained document-grounded dialogue agent. The agent achieves a low performance on our dataset, motivating a need for dialogue agents with a capability to reason and argue about their answers. We publicly release ArgSciChat.
The successful application of argument mining in the legal domain can dramatically impact many disciplines related to law. For this purpose, we present Demosthenes, a novel corpus for argument mining in legal documents, composed of 40 decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union on matters of fiscal state aid. The annotation specifies three hierarchical levels of information: the argumentative elements, their types, and their argument schemes. In our experimental evaluation, we address 4 different classification tasks, combining advanced language models and traditional classifiers.
We propose a study on multimodal argument mining in the domain of political debates. We collate and extend existing corpora and provide an initial empirical study on multimodal architectures, with a special emphasis on input encoding methods. Our results provide interesting indications about future directions in this important domain.
Cryptocurrencies have gained enormous momentum in finance and are nowadays commonly adopted as a medium of exchange for online payments. After recent events during which GameStop’s stocks were believed to be influenced by WallStreetBets subReddit, Reddit has become a very hot topic on the cryptocurrency market. The influence of public opinions on cryptocurrency price trends has inspired researchers on exploring solutions that integrate such information in crypto price change forecasting. A popular integration technique regards representing social media opinions via sentiment features. However, this research direction is still in its infancy, where a limited number of publicly available datasets with sentiment annotations exists. We propose a novel Bitcoin Reddit Sentiment Dataset, a ready-to-use dataset annotated with state-of-the-art sentiment and emotion recognition. The dataset contains pre-processed Reddit posts and comments about Bitcoin from several domain-related subReddits along with Bitcoin’s financial data. We evaluate several widely adopted neural architectures for crypto price change forecasting. Our results show controversial benefits of sentiment and emotion features advocating for more sophisticated social media integration techniques. We make our dataset publicly available for research.
Creating balanced labeled textual corpora for complex tasks, like legal analysis, is a challenging and expensive process that often requires the collaboration of domain experts. To address this problem, we propose a data augmentation method based on the combination of GloVe word embeddings and the WordNet ontology. We present an example of application in the legal domain, specifically on decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union.Our evaluation with human experts confirms that our method is more robust than the alternatives.