Gautam Shroff


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An Interactive Co-Pilot for Accelerated Research Ideation
Harshit Nigam | Manasi Patwardhan | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Bridging Human--Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing

In the realm of research support tools, there exists a notable void in resources tailored specifically for aiding researchers during the crucial ideation phase of the research life-cycle. We address this gap by introducing ‘Acceleron’, a ‘Co-Pilot’ for researchers, designed specifically to accelerate the ideation phase of the research life-cycle. Leveraging the reasoning and domain-specific skills of Large Language Models (LLMs) within an agent-based architecture with distinct personas, Acceleron aids researchers through the formulation of a comprehensive research proposals. It emulates the ideation process, engaging researchers in an interactive fashion to validate the novelty of the proposal and generate plausible set-of hypotheses. Notably, it addresses challenges inherent in LLMs, such as hallucinations, implements a two-stage aspect-based retrieval to manage precision-recall trade-offs, and tackles issues of unanswerability. Our observations and end-user evaluations illustrate the efficacy of Acceleron as an enhancer of researcher’s productivity.

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Beyond Retrieval: Topic-based Alignment of Scientific Papers to Research Proposal
Rudra Palit | Manasi Patwardhan | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2024)

The inception of a research agenda typically commences with the creation of a comprehensive research proposal. The efficacy of the proposal often hinges on its ability to connect with the existing scientific literature that supports its ideas. To effectively assess the relevance of existing articles to a research proposal, it is imperative to categorize these articles into high-level thematic groups, referred to as topics, that align with the proposal. This paper introduces a novel task of aligning scientific articles, relevant to a proposal, with researcher-provided proposal topics. Additionally, we construct a dataset to serve as a benchmark for this task. We establish human and Large Language Model (LLM) baselines and propose a novel three-stage approach to address this challenge. We synthesize and use pseudo-labels that map proposal topics to text spans from cited articles to train Language Models (LMs) for two purposes: (i) as a retriever, to extract relevant text spans from cited articles for each topic, and (ii) as a classifier, to categorize the articles into the proposal topics. Our retriever-classifier pipeline, which employs very small open-source LMs fine-tuned with our constructed dataset, achieves results comparable to a vanilla paid LLM-based classifier, demonstrating its efficacy. However, a notable gap of 23.57 F1 score between our approach and the human baseline highlights the complexity of this task and emphasizes the need for further research.

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AutoRef: Generating Refinements of Reviews Given Guidelines
Soham Chitnis | Manasi Patwardhan | | | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing (SDP 2024)

When examining reviews of research papers, we can distinguish between two hypothetical referees: the maximally lenient referee who accepts any paper with a vacuous review and the maximally strict one who rejects any paper with an overly pedantic review. Clearly, both are of no practical value. Our interest is in a referee who makes a balanced judgement and provides a review abiding by the guidelines. In this paper, we present a case study of automatic correction of an existing machine-generated or human review. The \tt{AutoRef}\ system implements an iterative approach that progressively “refines” a review by attempting to make it more compliant with pre-defined requirements of a “good” review. It implements the following steps: (1) Translate the review requirements into a specification in natural language, of “yes/no” questions; (2) Given a (paper,review) pair, extract answers to the questions; (3) Use the results in (2) to generate a new review; and (4) Return to Step (2) with the paper and the new review. Here, (2) and (3) are implemented by large language model (LLM) based agents. We present a case study using papers and reviews made available for the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). Our initial empirical results suggest that \tt{AutoRef}\ progressively improves the compliance of the generated reviews to the specification. Currently designed specification makes \tt{AutoRef}\ progressively generate reviews which are stricter, making the decisions more inclined towards “rejections”. This demonstrates the applicability of $AutoRef $ for: (1) The progressive correction of overly lenient reviews, being useful for referees and meta-reviewers; and (2) The generation of progressively stricter reviews for a paper, starting from a vacuous review (“Great paper. Accept.”), facilitating authors when trying to assess weaknesses in their papers.


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Program Synthesis for Complex QA on Charts via Probabilistic Grammar Based Filtered Iterative Back-Translation
Shabbirhussain Bhaisaheb | Shubham Paliwal | Rajaswa Patil | Manasi Patwardhan | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Answering complex reasoning questions from chart images is a challenging problem requiring a combination of natural language understanding, fine-grained perception, and analytical reasoning. Current chart-based Question Answering (QA) approaches largely address structural, visual or simple data retrieval-type questions with fixed-vocabulary answers and perform poorly on reasoning queries. We focus on answering realistic, complex, reasoning-based questions where the answer needs to be computed and not selected from a fixed set of choices. Our approach employs a neural semantic parser to transform Natural Language (NL) questions into SQL programs and execute them on a standardized schema populated from the extracted chart contents. In the absence of program annotations, i.e., in a weak supervision setting, we obtain initial SQL predictions from a pre-trained CodeT5 semantic parser and employ Filtered Iterative Back-Translation (FIBT) for iteratively augmenting our NL-SQL training set. The forward (neural semantic parser) and backward (language model) models are initially trained with an external NL-SQL dataset. We iteratively move towards the NL query distribution by generating NL questions from the synthesized SQL programs using a Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar (PCFG) where the production rule probabilities are induced to be inversely proportional to the probabilities in the training data. We filter out the generated NL queries with mismatched structures and compositions. Our FIBT approach achieves State-of-the-Art (SOTA) results on reasoning-based queries in the PlotQA dataset yielding a test accuracy of 60.44%, superseding the previous baselines by a large margin.

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Adapt and Decompose: Efficient Generalization of Text-to-SQL via Domain Adapted Least-To-Most Prompting
Aseem Arora | Shabbirhussain Bhaisaheb | Harshit Nigam | Manasi Patwardhan | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the 1st GenBench Workshop on (Benchmarking) Generalisation in NLP

Cross-domain and cross-compositional generalization of Text-to-SQL semantic parsing is a challenging task. Existing Large Language Model (LLM) based solutions rely on inference-time retrieval of few-shot exemplars from the training set to synthesize a run-time prompt for each Natural Language (NL) test query. In contrast, we devise an algorithm which performs offline sampling of a minimal set-of few-shots from the training data, with complete coverage of SQL clauses, operators and functions, and maximal domain coverage within the allowed token length. This allows for synthesis of a fixed Generic Prompt (GP), with a diverse set-of exemplars common across NL test queries, avoiding expensive test time exemplar retrieval. We further auto-adapt the GP to the target database domain (DA-GP), to better handle cross-domain generalization; followed by a decomposed Least-To-Most-Prompting (LTMP-DA-GP) to handle cross-compositional generalization. The synthesis of LTMP-DA-GP is an offline task, to be performed one-time per new database with minimal human intervention. Our approach demonstrates superior performance on the KaggleDBQA dataset, designed to evaluate generalizability for the Text-to-SQL task. We further showcase consistent performance improvement of LTMP-DA-GP over GP, across LLMs and databases of KaggleDBQA, highlighting the efficacy and model agnostic benefits of our prompt based adapt and decompose approach.


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Intent Detection and Discovery from User Logs via Deep Semi-Supervised Contrastive Clustering
Rajat Kumar | Mayur Patidar | Vaibhav Varshney | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Intent Detection is a crucial component of Dialogue Systems wherein the objective is to classify a user utterance into one of multiple pre-defined intents. A pre-requisite for developing an effective intent identifier is a training dataset labeled with all possible user intents. However, even skilled domain experts are often unable to foresee all possible user intents at design time and for practical applications, novel intents may have to be inferred incrementally on-the-fly from user utterances. Therefore, for any real-world dialogue system, the number of intents increases over time and new intents have to be discovered by analyzing the utterances outside the existing set of intents. In this paper, our objective is to i) detect known intent utterances from a large number of unlabeled utterance samples given a few labeled samples and ii) discover new unknown intents from the remaining unlabeled samples. Existing SOTA approaches address this problem via alternate representation learning and clustering wherein pseudo labels are used for updating the representations and clustering is used for generating the pseudo labels. Unlike existing approaches that rely on epoch wise cluster alignment, we propose an end-to-end deep contrastive clustering algorithm that jointly updates model parameters and cluster centers via supervised and self-supervised learning and optimally utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data. Our proposed approach outperforms competitive baselines on five public datasets for both settings: (i) where the number of undiscovered intents are known in advance, and (ii) where the number of intents are estimated by an algorithm. We also propose a human-in-the-loop variant of our approach for practical deployment which does not require an estimate of new intents and outperforms the end-to-end approach.

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Prompt Augmented Generative Replay via Supervised Contrastive Learning for Lifelong Intent Detection
Vaibhav Varshney | Mayur Patidar | Rajat Kumar | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Identifying all possible user intents for a dialog system at design time is challenging even for skilled domain experts. For practical applications, novel intents may have to be inferred incrementally on the fly. This typically entails repeated retraining of the intent detector on both the existing and novel intents which can be expensive and would require storage of all past data corresponding to prior intents. In this paper, the objective is to continually train an intent detector on new intents while maintaining performance on prior intents without mandating access to prior intent data. Several data replay-based approaches have been introduced to avoid catastrophic forgetting during continual learning, including exemplar and generative replay. Current generative replay approaches struggle to generate representative samples because the generation is conditioned solely on the class/task label. Motivated by the recent work around prompt-based generation via pre-trained language models (PLMs), we employ generative replay using PLMs for incremental intent detection. Unlike exemplar replay, we only store the relevant contexts per intent in memory and use these stored contexts (with the class label) as prompts for generating intent-specific utterances. We use a common model for both generation and classification to promote optimal sharing of knowledge across both tasks. To further improve generation, we employ supervised contrastive fine-tuning of the PLM. Our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) for lifelong intent detection on four public datasets and even outperforms exemplar replay-based approaches. The technique also achieves SOTA on a lifelong relation extraction task, suggesting that the approach is extendable to other continual learning tasks beyond intent detection.


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Complex Question Answering on knowledge graphs using machine translation and multi-task learning
Saurabh Srivastava | Mayur Patidar | Sudip Chowdhury | Puneet Agarwal | Indrajit Bhattacharya | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Question answering (QA) over a knowledge graph (KG) is a task of answering a natural language (NL) query using the information stored in KG. In a real-world industrial setting, this involves addressing multiple challenges including entity linking, multi-hop reasoning over KG, etc. Traditional approaches handle these challenges in a modularized sequential manner where errors in one module lead to the accumulation of errors in downstream modules. Often these challenges are inter-related and the solutions to them can reinforce each other when handled simultaneously in an end-to-end learning setup. To this end, we propose a multi-task BERT based Neural Machine Translation (NMT) model to address these challenges. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach on one publicly available and one proprietary dataset.


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From Monolingual to Multilingual FAQ Assistant using Multilingual Co-training
Mayur Patidar | Surabhi Kumari | Manasi Patwardhan | Shirish Karande | Puneet Agarwal | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019)

Recent research on cross-lingual transfer show state-of-the-art results on benchmark datasets using pre-trained language representation models (PLRM) like BERT. These results are achieved with the traditional training approaches, such as Zero-shot with no data, Translate-train or Translate-test with machine translated data. In this work, we propose an approach of “Multilingual Co-training” (MCT) where we augment the expert annotated dataset in the source language (English) with the corresponding machine translations in the target languages (e.g. Arabic, Spanish) and fine-tune the PLRM jointly. We observe that the proposed approach provides consistent gains in the performance of BERT for multiple benchmark datasets (e.g. 1.0% gain on MLDocs, and 1.2% gain on XNLI over translate-train with BERT), while requiring a single model for multiple languages. We further consider a FAQ dataset where the available English test dataset is translated by experts into Arabic and Spanish. On such a dataset, we observe an average gain of 4.9% over all other cross-lingual transfer protocols with BERT. We further observe that domain-specific joint pre-training of the PLRM using HR policy documents in English along with the machine translations in the target languages, followed by the joint finetuning, provides a further improvement of 2.8% in average accuracy.


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Information Bottleneck Inspired Method For Chat Text Segmentation
S Vishal | Mohit Yadav | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present a novel technique for segmenting chat conversations using the information bottleneck method (Tishby et al., 2000), augmented with sequential continuity constraints. Furthermore, we utilize critical non-textual clues such as time between two consecutive posts and people mentions within the posts. To ascertain the effectiveness of the proposed method, we have collected data from public Slack conversations and Fresco, a proprietary platform deployed inside our organization. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method yields an absolute (relative) improvement of as high as 3.23% (11.25%). To facilitate future research, we are releasing manual annotations for segmentation on public Slack conversations.

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Learning and Knowledge Transfer with Memory Networks for Machine Comprehension
Mohit Yadav | Lovekesh Vig | Gautam Shroff
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 1, Long Papers

Enabling machines to read and comprehend unstructured text remains an unfulfilled goal for NLP research. Recent research efforts on the “machine comprehension” task have managed to achieve close to ideal performance on simulated data. However, achieving similar levels of performance on small real world datasets has proved difficult; major challenges stem from the large vocabulary size, complex grammar, and, the frequent ambiguities in linguistic structure. On the other hand, the requirement of human generated annotations for training, in order to ensure a sufficiently diverse set of questions is prohibitively expensive. Motivated by these practical issues, we propose a novel curriculum inspired training procedure for Memory Networks to improve the performance for machine comprehension with relatively small volumes of training data. Additionally, we explore various training regimes for Memory Networks to allow knowledge transfer from a closely related domain having larger volumes of labelled data. We also suggest the use of a loss function to incorporate the asymmetric nature of knowledge transfer. Our experiments demonstrate improvements on Dailymail, CNN, and MCTest datasets.