Jivnesh Sandhan


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CSSL: Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning for Dependency Parsing on Relatively Free Word Ordered and Morphologically Rich Low Resource Languages
Pretam Ray | Jivnesh Sandhan | Amrith Krishna | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Neural dependency parsing has achieved remarkable performance for low resource morphologically rich languages. It has also been well-studied that morphologically rich languages exhibit relatively free word order. This prompts a fundamental investigation: Is there a way to enhance dependency parsing performance, making the model robust to word order variations utilizing the relatively free word order nature of morphologically rich languages? In this work, we examine the robustness of graph-based parsing architectures on 7 relatively free word order languages. We focus on scrutinizing essential modifications such as data augmentation and the removal of position encoding required to adapt these architectures accordingly. To this end, we propose a contrastive self-supervised learning method to make the model robust to word order variations. Furthermore, our proposed modification demonstrates a substantial average gain of 3.03/2.95 points in 7 relatively free word order languages, as measured by the UAS/LAS Score metric when compared to the best performing baseline.


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SanskritShala: A Neural Sanskrit NLP Toolkit with Web-Based Interface for Pedagogical and Annotation Purposes
Jivnesh Sandhan | Anshul Agarwal | Laxmidhar Behera | Tushar Sandhan | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

We present a neural Sanskrit Natural Language Processing (NLP) toolkit named SanskritShala (a school of Sanskrit) to facilitate computational linguistic analyses for several tasks such as word segmentation, morphological tagging, dependency parsing, and compound type identification. Our systems currently report state-of-the-art performance on available benchmark datasets for all tasks. SanskritShala is deployed as a web-based application, which allows a user to get real-time analysis for the given input. It is built with easy-to-use interactive data annotation features that allow annotators to correct the system predictions when it makes mistakes. We publicly release the source codes of the 4 modules included in the toolkit, 7 word embedding models that have been trained on publicly available Sanskrit corpora and multiple annotated datasets such as word similarity, relatedness, categorization, analogy prediction to assess intrinsic properties of word embeddings. So far as we know, this is the first neural-based Sanskrit NLP toolkit that has a web-based interface and a number of NLP modules. We are sure that the people who are willing to work with Sanskrit will find it useful for pedagogical and annotative purposes. SanskritShala is available at: https://cnerg.iitkgp.ac.in/sanskritshala. The demo video of our platform can be accessed at: https://youtu.be/x0X31Y9k0mw4.

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Systematic Investigation of Strategies Tailored for Low-Resource Settings for Low-Resource Dependency Parsing
Jivnesh Sandhan | Laxmidhar Behera | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In this work, we focus on low-resource dependency parsing for multiple languages. Several strategies are tailored to enhance performance in low-resource scenarios. While these are well-known to the community, it is not trivial to select the best-performing combination of these strategies for a low-resource language that we are interested in, and not much attention has been given to measuring the efficacy of these strategies. We experiment with 5 low-resource strategies for our ensembled approach on 7 Universal Dependency (UD) low-resource languages. Our exhaustive experimentation on these languages supports the effective improvements for languages not covered in pretrained models. We show a successful application of the ensembled system on a truly low-resource language Sanskrit. The code and data are available at: https://github.com/Jivnesh/SanDP

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DepNeCTI: Dependency-based Nested Compound Type Identification for Sanskrit
Jivnesh Sandhan | Yaswanth Narsupalli | Sreevatsa Muppirala | Sriram Krishnan | Pavankumar Satuluri | Amba Kulkarni | Pawan Goyal
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Multi-component compounding is a prevalent phenomenon in Sanskrit, and understanding the implicit structure of a compound’s components is crucial for deciphering its meaning. Earlier approaches in Sanskrit have focused on binary compounds and neglected the multi-component compound setting. This work introduces the novel task of nested compound type identification (NeCTI), which aims to identify nested spans of a multi-component compound and decode the implicit semantic relations between them. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt in the field of lexical semantics to propose this task. We present 2 newly annotated datasets including an out-of-domain dataset for this task. We also benchmark these datasets by exploring the efficacy of the standard problem formulations such as nested named entity recognition, constituency parsing and seq2seq, etc. We present a novel framework named DepNeCTI: Dependency-based Nested Compound Type Identifier that surpasses the performance of the best baseline with an average absolute improvement of 13.1 points F1-score in terms of Labeled Span Score (LSS) and a 5-fold enhancement in inference efficiency. In line with the previous findings in the binary Sanskrit compound identification task, context provides benefits for the NeCTI task. The codebase and datasets are publicly available at: https://github.com/yaswanth-iitkgp/DepNeCTI

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Evaluating Neural Word Embeddings for Sanskrit
Jivnesh Sandhan | Om Adideva Paranjay | Komal Digumarthi | Laxmidhar Behra | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference


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A Novel Multi-Task Learning Approach for Context-Sensitive Compound Type Identification in Sanskrit
Jivnesh Sandhan | Ashish Gupta | Hrishikesh Terdalkar | Tushar Sandhan | Suvendu Samanta | Laxmidhar Behera | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The phenomenon of compounding is ubiquitous in Sanskrit. It serves for achieving brevity in expressing thoughts, while simultaneously enriching the lexical and structural formation of the language. In this work, we focus on the Sanskrit Compound Type Identification (SaCTI) task, where we consider the problem of identifying semantic relations between the components of a compound word. Earlier approaches solely rely on the lexical information obtained from the components and ignore the most crucial contextual and syntactic information useful for SaCTI. However, the SaCTI task is challenging primarily due to the implicitly encoded context-sensitive semantic relation between the compound components. Thus, we propose a novel multi-task learning architecture which incorporates the contextual information and enriches the complementary syntactic information using morphological tagging and dependency parsing as two auxiliary tasks. Experiments on the benchmark datasets for SaCTI show 6.1 points (Accuracy) and 7.7 points (F1-score) absolute gain compared to the state-of-the-art system. Further, our multi-lingual experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed architecture in English and Marathi languages.

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TransLIST: A Transformer-Based Linguistically Informed Sanskrit Tokenizer
Jivnesh Sandhan | Rathin Singha | Narein Rao | Suvendu Samanta | Laxmidhar Behera | Pawan Goyal
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Sanskrit Word Segmentation (SWS) is essential in making digitized texts available and in deploying downstream tasks. It is, however, non-trivial because of the sandhi phenomenon that modifies the characters at the word boundaries, and needs special treatment. Existing lexicon driven approaches for SWS make use of Sanskrit Heritage Reader, a lexicon-driven shallow parser, to generate the complete candidate solution space, over which various methods are applied to produce the most valid solution. However, these approaches fail while encountering out-of-vocabulary tokens. On the other hand, purely engineering methods for SWS have made use of recent advances in deep learning, but cannot make use of the latent word information on availability. To mitigate the shortcomings of both families of approaches, we propose Transformer based Linguistically Informed Sanskrit Tokenizer (TransLIST) consisting of (1) a module that encodes the character input along with latent-word information, which takes into account the sandhi phenomenon specific to SWS and is apt to work with partial or no candidate solutions, (2) a novel soft-masked attention to prioritize potential candidate words and (3) a novel path ranking algorithm to rectify the corrupted predictions. Experiments on the benchmark datasets for SWS show that TransLIST outperforms the current state-of-the-art system by an average 7.2 points absolute gain in terms of perfect match (PM) metric.

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Prabhupadavani: A Code-mixed Speech Translation Data for 25 Languages
Jivnesh Sandhan | Ayush Daksh | Om Adideva Paranjay | Laxmidhar Behera | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 6th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature

Nowadays, the interest in code-mixing has become ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing (NLP); however, not much attention has been given to address this phenomenon for Speech Translation (ST) task. This can be solely attributed to the lack of code-mixed ST task labelled data. Thus, we introduce Prabhupadavani, which is a multilingual code-mixed ST dataset for 25 languages. It is multi-domain, covers ten language families, containing 94 hours of speech by 130+ speakers, manually aligned with corresponding text in the target language. The Prabhupadavani is about Vedic culture and heritage from Indic literature, where code-switching in the case of quotation from literature is important in the context of humanities teaching. To the best of our knowledge, Prabhupadvani is the first multi-lingual code-mixed ST dataset available in the ST literature. This data also can be used for a code-mixed machine translation task. All the dataset can be accessed at: https://github.com/frozentoad9/CMST.


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A Little Pretraining Goes a Long Way: A Case Study on Dependency Parsing Task for Low-resource Morphologically Rich Languages
Jivnesh Sandhan | Amrith Krishna | Ashim Gupta | Laxmidhar Behera | Pawan Goyal
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Neural dependency parsing has achieved remarkable performance for many domains and languages. The bottleneck of massive labelled data limits the effectiveness of these approaches for low resource languages. In this work, we focus on dependency parsing for morphological rich languages (MRLs) in a low-resource setting. Although morphological information is essential for the dependency parsing task, the morphological disambiguation and lack of powerful analyzers pose challenges to get this information for MRLs. To address these challenges, we propose simple auxiliary tasks for pretraining. We perform experiments on 10 MRLs in low-resource settings to measure the efficacy of our proposed pretraining method and observe an average absolute gain of 2 points (UAS) and 3.6 points (LAS).


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Revisiting the Role of Feature Engineering for Compound Type Identification in Sanskrit
Jivnesh Sandhan | Amrith Krishna | Pawan Goyal | Laxmidhar Behera
Proceedings of the 6th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium