Lindia Tjuatja


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Wav2Gloss: Generating Interlinear Glossed Text from Speech
Taiqi He | Kwanghee Choi | Lindia Tjuatja | Nathaniel Robinson | Jiatong Shi | Shinji Watanabe | Graham Neubig | David Mortensen | Lori Levin
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Thousands of the world’s languages are in danger of extinction—a tremendous threat to cultural identities and human language diversity. Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT) is a form of linguistic annotation that can support documentation and resource creation for these languages’ communities. IGT typically consists of (1) transcriptions, (2) morphological segmentation, (3) glosses, and (4) free translations to a majority language. We propose Wav2Gloss: a task in which these four annotation components are extracted automatically from speech, and introduce the first dataset to this end, Fieldwork: a corpus of speech with all these annotations, derived from the work of field linguists, covering 37 languages, with standard formatting, and train/dev/test splits. We provide various baselines to lay the groundwork for future research on IGT generation from speech, such as end-to-end versus cascaded, monolingual versus multilingual, and single-task versus multi-task approaches.


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Syntax and Semantics Meet in the “Middle”: Probing the Syntax-Semantics Interface of LMs Through Agentivity
Lindia Tjuatja | Emmy Liu | Lori Levin | Graham Neubig
Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023)

Recent advances in large language models have prompted researchers to examine their abilities across a variety of linguistic tasks, but little has been done to investigate how models handle the interactions in meaning across words and larger syntactic forms—i.e. phenomena at the intersection of syntax and semantics. We present the semantic notion of agentivity as a case study for probing such interactions. We created a novel evaluation dataset by utilitizing the unique linguistic properties of a subset of optionally transitive English verbs. This dataset was used to prompt varying sizes of three model classes to see if they are sensitive to agentivity at the lexical level, and if they can appropriately employ these word-level priors given a specific syntactic context. Overall, GPT-3 text-davinci-003 performs extremely well across all experiments, outperforming all other models tested by far. In fact, the results are even better correlated with human judgements than both syntactic and semantic corpus statistics. This suggests that LMs may potentially serve as more useful tools for linguistic annotation, theory testing, and discovery than select corpora for certain tasks.

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Generalized Glossing Guidelines: An Explicit, Human- and Machine-Readable, Item-and-Process Convention for Morphological Annotation
David R. Mortensen | Ela Gulsen | Taiqi He | Nathaniel Robinson | Jonathan Amith | Lindia Tjuatja | Lori Levin
Proceedings of the 20th SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

Interlinear glossing provides a vital type of morphosyntactic annotation, both for linguists and language revitalists, and numerous conventions exist for representing it formally and computationally. Some of these formats are human readable; others are machine readable. Some are easy to edit with general-purpose tools. Few represent non-concatentative processes like infixation, reduplication, mutation, truncation, and tonal overwriting in a consistent and formally rigorous way (on par with affixation). We propose an annotation convention—Generalized Glossing Guidelines (GGG) that combines all of these positive properties using an Item-and-Process (IP) framework. We describe the format, demonstrate its linguistic adequacy, and compare it with two other interlinear glossed text annotation schemes.

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SigMoreFun Submission to the SIGMORPHON Shared Task on Interlinear Glossing
Taiqi He | Lindia Tjuatja | Nathaniel Robinson | Shinji Watanabe | David R. Mortensen | Graham Neubig | Lori Levin
Proceedings of the 20th SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

In our submission to the SIGMORPHON 2023 Shared Task on interlinear glossing (IGT), we explore approaches to data augmentation and modeling across seven low-resource languages. For data augmentation, we explore two approaches: creating artificial data from the provided training data and utilizing existing IGT resources in other languages. On the modeling side, we test an enhanced version of the provided token classification baseline as well as a pretrained multilingual seq2seq model. Additionally, we apply post-correction using a dictionary for Gitksan, the language with the smallest amount of data. We find that our token classification models are the best performing, with the highest word-level accuracy for Arapaho and highest morpheme-level accuracy for Gitksan out of all submissions. We also show that data augmentation is an effective strategy, though applying artificial data pretraining has very different effects across both models tested.