Selene Báez Santamaría

Also published as: Selene Baez Santamaria


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NLP@IIMAS-CLTL at Multilingual Counterspeech Generation: Combating Hate Speech Using Contextualized Knowledge Graph Representations and LLMs
David Salvador Preciado Márquez | Helena Gómez Adorno | Ilia Markov | Selene Baez Santamaria
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Multilingual Counterspeech Generation

We present our approach for the shared task on Multilingual Counterspeech Generation (MCG) to counteract hate speech (HS) in Spanish, English, Basque, and Italian. To accomplish this, we followed two different strategies: 1) a graph-based generative model that encodes graph representations of knowledge related to hate speech, and 2) leveraging prompts for a large language model (LLM), specifically GPT-4o. We find that our graph-based approach tends to perform better in terms of traditional evaluation metrics (i.e., RougeL, BLEU, BERTScore), while the JudgeLM evaluation employed in the shared task favors the counter-narratives generated by the LLM-based approach, which was ranked second for English and third for Spanish on the leaderboard.


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Contextualized Graph Representations for Generating Counter-Narratives against Hate Speech
Selene Baez Santamaria | Helena Gomez Adorno | Ilia Markov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024

Hate speech (HS) is a widely acknowledged societal problem with potentially grave effects on vulnerable individuals and minority groups. Developing counter-narratives (CNs) that confront biases and stereotypes driving hateful narratives is considered an impactful strategy. Current automatic methods focus on isolated utterances to detect and react to hateful content online, often omitting the conversational context where HS naturally occurs. In this work, we explore strategies for the incorporation of conversational history for CN generation, comparing text and graphical representations with varying degrees of context. Overall, automatic and human evaluations show that 1) contextualized representations are comparable to those of isolated utterances, and 2) models based on graph representations outperform text representations, thus opening new research directions for future work.

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Knowledge-centered conversational agents with a drive to learn
Selene Baez Santamaria
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

We create an adaptive conversational agent that assesses the quality of its knowledge and is driven to become more knowledgeable. Unlike agents with predefined tasks, ours can leverage people as diverse sources to meet its knowledge needs. We test the agent in social contexts, where personal and subjective information can be obtained through dialogue. We provide the agent both with generic methods for assessing its knowledge quality (e.g. correctness, completeness, redundancy, interconnectedness, and diversity), as well as with generic capabilities to improve its knowledge by leveraging external sources. We demonstrate that the agent can learn effective policies to acquire the knowledge needed by assessing the efficiency of these capabilities during interaction. Our framework enables on-the-fly learning, offering a dynamic and adaptive approach to shaping conversational interactions.

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Graph Representations for Machine Translation in Dialogue Settings
Lea Krause | Selene Baez Santamaria | Jan-Christoph Kalo
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Machine Translation

In this paper, we present our approach to the WMT24 - Chat Task, addressing the challenge of translating chat conversations.Chat conversations are characterised by their informal, ungrammatical nature and strong reliance on context posing significant challenges for machine translation systems. To address these challenges, we augment large language models with explicit memory mechanisms designed to enhance coherence and consistency across dialogues. Specifically, we employ graph representations to capture and utilise dialogue context, leveraging concept connectivity as a compressed memory. Our approach ranked second place for Dutch and French, and third place for Portuguese and German, based on COMET-22 scores and human evaluation.


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Leveraging Few-Shot Data Augmentation and Waterfall Prompting for Response Generation
Lea Krause | Selene Báez Santamaría | Michiel van der Meer | Urja Khurana
Proceedings of The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge

This paper discusses our approaches for task-oriented conversational modelling using subjective knowledge, with a particular emphasis on response generation. Our methodology was shaped by an extensive data analysis that evaluated key factors such as response length, sentiment, and dialogue acts present in the provided dataset. We used few-shot learning to augment the data with newly generated subjective knowledge items and present three approaches for DSTC11: (1) task-specific model exploration, (2) incorporation of the most frequent question into all generated responses, and (3) a waterfall prompting technique using a combination of both GPT-3 and ChatGPT.

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Confidently Wrong: Exploring the Calibration and Expression of (Un)Certainty of Large Language Models in a Multilingual Setting
Lea Krause | Wondimagegnhue Tufa | Selene Baez Santamaria | Angel Daza | Urja Khurana | Piek Vossen
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multimodal, Multilingual Natural Language Generation and Multilingual WebNLG Challenge (MM-NLG 2023)

While the fluency and coherence of Large Language Models (LLMs) in text generation have seen significant improvements, their competency in generating appropriate expressions of uncertainty remains limited.Using a multilingual closed-book QA task and GPT-3.5, we explore how well LLMs are calibrated and express certainty across a diverse set of languages, including low-resource settings. Our results reveal strong performance in high-resource languages but a marked decline in performance in lower-resource languages. Across all, we observe an exaggerated expression of confidence in the model, which does not align with the correctness or likelihood of its responses. Our findings highlight the need for further research into accurate calibration of LLMs especially in a multilingual setting.


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Will It Blend? Mixing Training Paradigms & Prompting for Argument Quality Prediction
Michiel van der Meer | Myrthe Reuver | Urja Khurana | Lea Krause | Selene Baez Santamaria
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Argument Mining

This paper describes our contributions to the Shared Task of the 9th Workshop on Argument Mining (2022). Our approach uses Large Language Models for the task of Argument Quality Prediction. We perform prompt engineering using GPT-3, and also investigate the training paradigms multi-task learning, contrastive learning, and intermediate-task training. We find that a mixed prediction setup outperforms single models. Prompting GPT-3 works best for predicting argument validity, and argument novelty is best estimated by a model trained using all three training paradigms.

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Evaluating Agent Interactions Through Episodic Knowledge Graphs
Selene Baez Santamaria | Piek Vossen | Thomas Baier
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Customized Chat Grounding Persona and Knowledge

We present a new method based on episodic Knowledge Graphs (eKGs) for evaluating (multimodal) conversational agents in open domains. This graph is generated by interpreting raw signals during conversation and is able to capture the accumulation of knowledge over time. We apply structural and semantic analysis of the resulting graphs and translate the properties into qualitative measures. We compare these measures with existing automatic and manual evaluation metrics commonly used for conversational agents. Our results show that our Knowledge-Graph-based evaluation provides more qualitative insights into interaction and the agent’s behavior.


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EMISSOR: A platform for capturing multimodal interactions as Episodic Memories and Interpretations with Situated Scenario-based Ontological References
Selene Baez Santamaria | Thomas Baier | Taewoon Kim | Lea Krause | Jaap Kruijt | Piek Vossen
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Multimodal Semantic Representations (MMSR)

We present EMISSOR: a platform to capture multimodal interactions as recordings of episodic experiences with explicit referential interpretations that also yield an episodic Knowledge Graph (eKG). The platform stores streams of multiple modalities as parallel signals. Each signal is segmented and annotated independently with interpretation. Annotations are eventually mapped to explicit identities and relations in the eKG. As we ground signal segments from different modalities to the same instance representations, we also ground different modalities across each other. Unique to our eKG is that it accepts different interpretations across modalities, sources and experiences and supports reasoning over conflicting information and uncertainties that may result from multimodal experiences. EMISSOR can record and annotate experiments in virtual and real-world, combine data, evaluate system behavior and their performance for preset goals but also model the accumulation of knowledge and interpretations in the Knowledge Graph as a result of these episodic experiences.


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Normalization of Long-tail Adverse Drug Reactions in Social Media
Emmanouil Manousogiannis | Sepideh Mesbah | Alessandro Bozzon | Robert-Jan Sips | Zoltan Szlanik | Selene Baez Santamaria
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis

The automatic mapping of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) reports from user-generated content to concepts in a controlled medical vocabulary provides valuable insights for monitoring public health. While state-of-the-art deep learning-based sequence classification techniques achieve impressive performance for medical concepts with large amounts of training data, they show their limit with long-tail concepts that have a low number of training samples. The above hinders their adaptability to the changes of layman’s terminology and the constant emergence of new informal medical terms. Our objective in this paper is to tackle the problem of normalizing long-tail ADR mentions in user-generated content. In this paper, we exploit the implicit semantics of rare ADRs for which we have few training samples, in order to detect the most similar class for the given ADR. The evaluation results demonstrate that our proposed approach addresses the limitations of the existing techniques when the amount of training data is limited.


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Give It a Shot: Few-shot Learning to Normalize ADR Mentions in Social Media Posts
Emmanouil Manousogiannis | Sepideh Mesbah | Alessandro Bozzon | Selene Baez Santamaria | Robert Jan Sips
Proceedings of the Fourth Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) Workshop & Shared Task

This paper describes the system that team MYTOMORROWS-TU DELFT developed for the 2019 Social Media Mining for Health Applications (SMM4H) Shared Task 3, for the end-to-end normalization of ADR tweet mentions to their corresponding MEDDRA codes. For the first two steps, we reuse a state-of-the art approach, focusing our contribution on the final entity-linking step. For that we propose a simple Few-Shot learning approach, based on pre-trained word embeddings and data from the UMLS, combined with the provided training data. Our system (relaxed F1: 0.337-0.345) outperforms the average (relaxed F1 0.2972) of the participants in this task, demonstrating the potential feasibility of few-shot learning in the context of medical text normalization.