Sonal Kumar


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ABEX: Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLU via Expanding Abstract Descriptions
Sreyan Ghosh | Utkarsh Tyagi | Sonal Kumar | Chandra Kiran Evuru | Ramaneswaran S | S Sakshi | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present ABEX, a novel and effective generative data augmentation methodology for low-resource Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks. ABEX is based on ABstract-and-EXpand, a novel paradigm for generating diverse forms of an input document – we first convert a document into its concise, abstract description and then generate new documents based on expanding the resultant abstraction. To learn the task of expanding abstract descriptions, we first train BART on a large-scale synthetic dataset with abstract-document pairs. Next, to generate abstract descriptions for a document, we propose a simple, controllable, and training-free method based on editing AMR graphs. ABEX brings the best of both worlds: by expanding from abstract representations, it preserves the original semantic properties of the documents, like style and meaning, thereby maintaining alignment with the original label and data distribution. At the same time, the fundamental process of elaborating on abstract descriptions facilitates diverse generations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ABEX on 4 NLU tasks spanning 12 datasets and 4 low-resource settings. ABEX outperforms all our baselines qualitatively with improvements of 0.04% - 38.8%. Qualitatively, ABEX outperforms all prior methods from literature in terms of context and length diversity.

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GAMA: A Large Audio-Language Model with Advanced Audio Understanding and Complex Reasoning Abilities
Sreyan Ghosh | Sonal Kumar | Ashish Seth | Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru | Utkarsh Tyagi | S Sakshi | Oriol Nieto | Ramani Duraiswami | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Perceiving and understanding non-speech sounds and non-verbal speech is essential to making decisions that help us interact with our surroundings. In this paper, we propose GAMA, a novel General-purpose Large Audio-Language Model (LALM) with Advanced Audio Understanding and Complex Reasoning Abilities. We build GAMA by integrating an LLM with multiple types of audio representations, including features from a custom Audio Q-Former, a multi-layer aggregator that aggregates features from multiple layers of an audio encoder. We fine-tune GAMA on a large-scale audio-language dataset, which augments it with audio understanding capabilities. Next, we propose CompA-R (Instruction-Tuning for Complex Audio Reasoning), a synthetically generated instruction-tuning (IT) dataset with instructions that require the model to perform complex reasoning on the input audio. We instruction-tune GAMA with CompA-R to endow it with complex reasoning abilities, where we further add a soft prompt as input with high-level semantic evidence by leveraging event tags of the input audio. Finally, we also propose CompA-R-test, a human-labeled evaluation dataset for evaluating the capabilities of LALMs on open-ended audio question-answering that requires complex reasoning. Through automated and expert human evaluations, we show that GAMA outperforms all other LALMs in literature on diverse audio understanding tasks by margins of 1%-84% and demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on deductive reasoning and hallucination evaluation benchmarks. Further, GAMA IT-ed on CompA-R proves to be superior in its complex reasoning capabilities.

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EH-MAM: Easy-to-Hard Masked Acoustic Modeling for Self-Supervised Speech Representation Learning
Ashish Seth | Ramaneswaran Selvakumar | S Sakshi | Sonal Kumar | Sreyan Ghosh | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we present EH-MAM (Easy-to-Hard adaptive Masked Acoustic Modeling), a novel self-supervised learning approach for speech representation learning. In contrast to the prior methods that use random masking schemes for Masked Acoustic Modeling (MAM), we introduce a novel selective and adaptive masking strategy. Specifically, during SSL training, we progressively introduce harder regions to the model for reconstruction. Our approach automatically selects hard regions and is built on the observation that the reconstruction loss of individual frames in MAM can provide natural signals to judge the difficulty of solving the MAM pre-text task for that frame. To identify these hard regions, we employ a teacher model that first predicts the frame-wise losses and then decides which frames to mask. By learning to create challenging problems, such as identifying harder frames and solving them simultaneously, the model is able to learn more effective representations and thereby acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the speech. Quantitatively, EH-MAM outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines across various low-resource speech recognition and SUPERB benchmarks by 5%-10%. Additionally, we conduct a thorough analysis to show that the regions masked by EH-MAM effectively capture useful context across speech frames.

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CoDa: Constrained Generation based Data Augmentation for Low-Resource NLP
Chandra Kiran Evuru | Sreyan Ghosh | Sonal Kumar | Ramaneswaran S | Utkarsh Tyagi | Dinesh Manocha
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

We present CoDa (**Co**nstrained Generation based **Da**ta Augmentation), a controllable, effective, and *training-free* data augmentation technique for low-resource (data-scarce) NLP. Our approach is based on prompting off-the-shelf instruction-following Large Language Models (LLMs) for generating text that satisfies a set of constraints. Precisely, we extract a set of simple constraints from every instance in the low-resource dataset and verbalize them to prompt an LLM to generate novel and diverse training instances. Our findings reveal that synthetic data that follows simple constraints in the downstream dataset act as highly effective augmentations, and CoDa can achieve this without intricate decoding-time constrained generation techniques or fine-tuning with complex algorithms that eventually make the model biased toward the small number of training instances. Additionally, CoDa is the first framework that provides users explicit control over the augmentation generation process, thereby also allowing easy adaptation to several domains. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CoDa across 11 datasets spanning 3 tasks and 3 low-resource settings. CoDa outperforms all our baselines, qualitatively and quantitatively, with improvements of 0.12%-7.19%. Code is available.

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ASPIRE: Language-Guided Data Augmentation for Improving Robustness Against Spurious Correlations
Sreyan Ghosh | Chandra Kiran Evuru | Sonal Kumar | Utkarsh Tyagi | S Sakshi | Sanjoy Chowdhury | Dinesh Manocha
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

Neural image classifiers can often learn to make predictions by overly relying on non-predictive features that are spuriously correlated with the class labels in the training data. This leads to poor performance in real-world atypical scenarios where such features are absent. This paper presents ASPIRE (Language-guided Data Augmentation for SPurIous correlation REmoval), a simple yet effective solution for supplementing the training dataset with images without spurious features, for robust learning against spurious correlations via better generalization. ASPIRE, guided by language at various steps, can generate non-spurious images without requiring any group labeling or existing non-spurious images in the training set. Precisely, we employ LLMs to first extract foreground and background features from textual descriptions of an image, followed by advanced language-guided image editing to discover the features that are spuriously correlated with the class label. Finally, we personalize a text-to-image generation model using the edited images to generate diverse in-domain images without spurious features. ASPIRE is complementary to all prior robust training methods in literature, and we demonstrate its effectiveness across 4 datasets and 9 baselines and show that ASPIRE improves the worst-group classification accuracy of prior methods by 1% - 38%. We also contribute a novel test set for the challenging Hard ImageNet dataset.

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Do Vision-Language Models Understand Compound Nouns?
Sonal Kumar | Sreyan Ghosh | S Sakshi | Utkarsh Tyagi | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Open-vocabulary vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP, trained using contrastive loss, have emerged as a promising new paradigm for text-to-image retrieval. However, do VLMs understand compound nouns (CNs) (e.g., *lab coat*) as well as they understand nouns (e.g., *lab*)? We curate Compun, a novel benchmark with 400 unique and commonly used CNs, to evaluate the effectiveness of VLMs in interpreting CNs. The Compun benchmark challenges a VLM for text-to-image retrieval where, given a text prompt with a CN, the task is to select the correct image that shows the CN among a pair of distractor images that show the constituent nouns that make up the CN. Next, we perform an in-depth analysis to highlight CLIPs’ limited understanding of certain types of CNs. Finally, we present an alternative framework that moves beyond hand-written templates for text prompts widely used by CLIP-like models. We employ a Large Language Model to generate multiple diverse captions that include the CN as an object in the scene described by the caption. Our proposed method improves CN understanding of CLIP by 8.25% on Compun. Code and benchmark are available.


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ACLM: A Selective-Denoising based Generative Data Augmentation Approach for Low-Resource Complex NER
Sreyan Ghosh | Utkarsh Tyagi | Manan Suri | Sonal Kumar | Ramaneswaran S | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Complex Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the task of detecting linguistically complex named entities in low-context text. In this paper, we present ACLM Attention-map aware keyword selection for Conditional Language Model fine-tuning), a novel data augmentation approach based on conditional generation, to address the data scarcity problem in low-resource complex NER. ACLM alleviates the context-entity mismatch issue, a problem existing NER data augmentation techniques suffer from and often generates incoherent augmentations by placing complex named entities in the wrong context. ACLM builds on BART and is optimized on a novel text reconstruction or denoising task - we use selective masking (aided by attention maps) to retain the named entities and certain keywords in the input sentence that provide contextually relevant additional knowledge or hints about the named entities. Compared with other data augmentation strategies, ACLM can generate more diverse and coherent augmentations preserving the true word sense of complex entities in the sentence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ACLM both qualitatively and quantitatively on monolingual, cross-lingual, and multilingual complex NER across various low-resource settings. ACLM outperforms all our neural baselines by a significant margin (1%-36%). In addition, we demonstrate the application of ACLM to other domains that suffer from data scarcity (e.g., biomedical). In practice, ACLM generates more effective and factual augmentations for these domains than prior methods.

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CoSyn: Detecting Implicit Hate Speech in Online Conversations Using a Context Synergized Hyperbolic Network
Sreyan Ghosh | Manan Suri | Purva Chiniya | Utkarsh Tyagi | Sonal Kumar | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The tremendous growth of social media users interacting in online conversations has led to significant growth in hate speech affecting people from various demographics. Most of the prior works focus on detecting explicit hate speech, which is overt and leverages hateful phrases, with very little work focusing on detecting hate speech that is implicit or denotes hatred through indirect or coded language. In this paper, we present CoSyn, a context synergized neural network that explicitly incorporates user- and conversational-context for detecting implicit hate speech in online conversations. CoSyn introduces novel ways to encode these external contexts and employs a novel context interaction mechanism that clearly captures the interplay between them, making independent assessments of the amounts of information to be retrieved from these noisy contexts. Additionally, it carries out all these operations in the hyperbolic space to account for the scale-free dynamics of social media. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CoSyn on 6 hate speech datasets and show that CoSyn outperforms all our baselines in detecting implicit hate speech with absolute improvements in the range of 1.24% - 57.8%. We make our code available.

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DALE: Generative Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Legal NLP
Sreyan Ghosh | Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru | Sonal Kumar | S Ramaneswaran | S Sakshi | Utkarsh Tyagi | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present DALE, a novel and effective generative Data Augmentation framework for low-resource LEgal NLP. DALE addresses the challenges existing frameworks pose in generating effective data augmentations of legal documents - legal language, with its specialized vocabulary and complex semantics, morphology, and syntax, does not benefit from data augmentations that merely rephrase the source sentence. To address this, DALE, built on an Encoder-Decoder Language Model, is pre-trained on a novel unsupervised text denoising objective based on selective masking - our masking strategy exploits the domain-specific language characteristics of templatized legal documents to mask collocated spans of text. Denoising these spans help DALE acquire broad legal knowledge and develop the ability to generate coherent and diverse augmentations with novel contexts. Finally, DALE performs conditional generation to generate synthetic augmentations for low-resource Legal NLP tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DALE on 13 datasets spanning 6 tasks and 4 low-resource settings. DALE outperforms all our baselines, including LLMs, qualitatively and quantitatively, with absolute improvements of 1%-50%.


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Cisco at SemEval-2021 Task 5: What’s Toxic?: Leveraging Transformers for Multiple Toxic Span Extraction from Online Comments
Sreyan Ghosh | Sonal Kumar
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

Social network platforms are generally used to share positive, constructive, and insightful content. However, in recent times, people often get exposed to objectionable content like threat, identity attacks, hate speech, insults, obscene texts, offensive remarks or bullying. Existing work on toxic speech detection focuses on binary classification or on differentiating toxic speech among a small set of categories. This paper describes the system proposed by team Cisco for SemEval-2021 Task 5: Toxic Spans Detection, the first shared task focusing on detecting the spans in the text that attribute to its toxicity, in English language. We approach this problem primarily in two ways: a sequence tagging approach and a dependency parsing approach. In our sequence tagging approach we tag each token in a sentence under a particular tagging scheme. Our best performing architecture in this approach also proved to be our best performing architecture overall with an F1 score of 0.6922, thereby placing us 7th on the final evaluation phase leaderboard. We also explore a dependency parsing approach where we extract spans from the input sentence under the supervision of target span boundaries and rank our spans using a biaffine model. Finally, we also provide a detailed analysis of our results and model performance in our paper.