Identifying Fairness Issues in Automatically Generated Testing Content
Kevin Stowe
Benny Longwill
Alyssa Francis
Tatsuya Aoyama
Debanjan Ghosh
Swapna Somasundaran
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)
Natural language generation tools are powerful and effective for generating content. However, language models are known to display bias and fairness issues, making them impractical to deploy for many use cases. We here focus on how fairness issues impact automatically generated test content, which can have stringent requirements to ensure the test measures only what it was intended to measure. Specifically, we review test content generated for a large-scale standardized English proficiency test with the goal of identifying content that only pertains to a certain subset of the test population as well as content that has the potential to be upsetting or distracting to some test takers. Issues like these could inadvertently impact a test taker’s score and thus should be avoided. This kind of content does not reflect the more commonly-acknowledged biases, making it challenging even for modern models that contain safeguards. We build a dataset of 601 generated texts annotated for fairness and explore a variety of methods for classification: fine-tuning, topic-based classification, and prompting, including few-shot and self-correcting prompts. We find that combining prompt self-correction and few-shot learning performs best, yielding an F1 score of 0.79 on our held-out test set, while much smaller BERT- and topic-based models have competitive performance on out-of-domain data.
Modeling Nonnative Sentence Processing with L2 Language Models
Tatsuya Aoyama
Nathan Schneider
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We study LMs pretrained sequentially on two languages (“L2LMs”) for modeling nonnative sentence processing. In particular, we pretrain GPT2 on 6 different first languages (L1s), followed by English as the second language (L2). We examine the effect of the choice of pretraining L1 on the model’s ability to predict human reading times, evaluating on English readers from a range of L1 backgrounds. Experimental results show that, while all of the LMs’ word surprisals improve prediction of L2 reading times, especially for human L1s distant from English, there is no reliable effect of the choice of L2LM’s L1. We also evaluate the learning trajectory of a monolingual English LM: for predicting L2 as opposed to L1 reading, it peaks much earlier and immediately falls off, possibly mirroring the difference in proficiency between the native and nonnative populations. Lastly, we provide examples of L2LMs’ surprisals, which could potentially generate hypotheses about human L2 reading.
GDTB: Genre Diverse Data for English Shallow Discourse Parsing across Modalities, Text Types, and Domains
Yang Janet Liu
Tatsuya Aoyama
Wesley Scivetti
Yilun Zhu
Shabnam Behzad
Lauren Elizabeth Levine
Jessica Lin
Devika Tiwari
Amir Zeldes
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Work on shallow discourse parsing in English has focused on the Wall Street Journal corpus, the only large-scale dataset for the language in the PDTB framework. However, the data is not openly available, is restricted to the news domain, and is by now 35 years old. In this paper, we present and evaluate a new open-access, multi-genre benchmark for PDTB-style shallow discourse parsing, based on the existing UD English GUM corpus, for which discourse relation annotations in other frameworks already exist. In a series of experiments on cross-domain relation classification, we show that while our dataset is compatible with PDTB, substantial out-of-domain degradation is observed, which can be alleviated by joint training on both datasets.
DISRPT: A Multilingual, Multi-domain, Cross-framework Benchmark for Discourse Processing
Chloé Braud
Amir Zeldes
Laura Rivière
Yang Janet Liu
Philippe Muller
Damien Sileo
Tatsuya Aoyama
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
This paper presents DISRPT, a multilingual, multi-domain, and cross-framework benchmark dataset for discourse processing, covering the tasks of discourse unit segmentation, connective identification, and relation classification. DISRPT includes 13 languages, with data from 24 corpora covering about 4 millions tokens and around 250,000 discourse relation instances from 4 discourse frameworks: RST, SDRT, PDTB, and Discourse Dependencies. We present an overview of the data, its development across three NLP shared tasks on discourse processing carried out in the past five years, and the latest modifications and added extensions. We also carry out an evaluation of state-of-the-art multilingual systems trained on the data for each task, showing plateau performance on segmentation, but important room for improvement for connective identification and relation classification. The DISRPT benchmark employs a unified format that we make available on GitHub and HuggingFace in order to encourage future work on discourse processing across languages, domains, and frameworks.
J-SNACS: Adposition and Case Supersenses for Japanese Joshi
Tatsuya Aoyama
Chihiro Taguchi
Nathan Schneider
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Many languages use adpositions (prepositions or postpositions) to mark a variety of semantic relations, with different languages exhibiting both commonalities and idiosyncrasies in the relations grouped under the same lexeme. We present the first Japanese extension of the SNACS framework (Schneider et al., 2018), which has served as the basis for annotating adpositions in corpora from several languages. After establishing which of the set of particles (joshi) in Japanese qualify as case markers and adpositions as defined in SNACS, we annotate 10 chapters (≈10k tokens) of the Japanese translation of Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince), achieving high inter-annotator agreement. We find that, while a majority of the particles and their uses are captured by the existing and extended SNACS annotation guidelines from the previous work, some unique cases were observed. We also conduct experiments investigating the cross-lingual similarity of adposition and case marker supersenses, showing that the language-agnostic SNACS framework captures similarities not clearly observed in multilingual embedding space.
GENTLE: A Genre-Diverse Multilayer Challenge Set for English NLP and Linguistic Evaluation
Tatsuya Aoyama
Shabnam Behzad
Luke Gessler
Lauren Levine
Jessica Lin
Yang Janet Liu
Siyao Peng
Yilun Zhu
Amir Zeldes
Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII)
We present GENTLE, a new mixed-genre English challenge corpus totaling 17K tokens and consisting of 8 unusual text types for out-of-domain evaluation: dictionary entries, esports commentaries, legal documents, medical notes, poetry, mathematical proofs, syllabuses, and threat letters. GENTLE is manually annotated for a variety of popular NLP tasks, including syntactic dependency parsing, entity recognition, coreference resolution, and discourse parsing. We evaluate state-of-the-art NLP systems on GENTLE and find severe degradation for at least some genres in their performance on all tasks, which indicates GENTLE’s utility as an evaluation dataset for NLP systems.
What’s Hard in English RST Parsing? Predictive Models for Error Analysis
Yang Janet Liu
Tatsuya Aoyama
Amir Zeldes
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
Despite recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP), hierarchical discourse parsing in the framework of Rhetorical Structure Theory remains challenging, and our understanding of the reasons for this are as yet limited. In this paper, we examine and model some of the factors associated with parsing difficulties in previous work: the existence of implicit discourse relations, challenges in identifying long-distance relations, out-of-vocabulary items, and more. In order to assess the relative importance of these variables, we also release two annotated English test-sets with explicit correct and distracting discourse markers associated with gold standard RST relations. Our results show that as in shallow discourse parsing, the explicit/implicit distinction plays a role, but that long-distance dependencies are the main challenge, while lack of lexical overlap is less of a problem, at least for in-domain parsing. Our final model is able to predict where errors will occur with an accuracy of 76.3% for the bottom-up parser and 76.6% for the top-down parser.
Probe-Less Probing of BERT’s Layer-Wise Linguistic Knowledge with Masked Word Prediction
Tatsuya Aoyama
Nathan Schneider
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Student Research Workshop
The current study quantitatively (and qualitatively for an illustrative purpose) analyzes BERT’s layer-wise masked word prediction on an English corpus, and finds that (1) the layerwise localization of linguistic knowledge primarily shown in probing studies is replicated in a behavior-based design and (2) that syntactic and semantic information is encoded at different layers for words of different syntactic categories. Hypothesizing that the above results are correlated with the number of likely potential candidates of the masked word prediction, we also investigate how the results differ for tokens within multiword expressions.
Comparing Native and Learner Englishes Using a Large Pre-trained Language Model
Tatsuya Aoyama
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning