Tegawendé F. Bissyandé

Also published as: Tegawendé F. Bissyandé


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Bridging Literacy Gaps in African Informal Business Management with Low-Resource Conversational Agents
Maimouna Ouattara | Abdoul Kader Kaboré | Jacques Klein | Tegawendé F. Bissyandé
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Language Models for Low-Resource Languages

Position paper: In many African countries, the informal business sector represents the backbone of the economy, providing essential livelihoods and opportunities where formal employment is limited. Despite, however, the growing adoption of digital tools, entrepreneurs in this sector often face significant challenges due to lack of literacy and language barriers. These barriers not only limit accessibility but also increase the risk of fraud and financial insecurity. This position paper explores the potential of conversational agents (CAs) adapted to low-resource languages (LRLs), focusing specifically on Mooré, a language widely spoken in Burkina Faso. By enabling natural language interactions in local languages, AI-driven conversational agents offer a promising solution to enable informal traders to manage their financial transactions independently, thus promoting greater autonomy and security in business, while providing a step towards formalization of their business. Our study examines the main challenges in developing AI for African languages, including data scarcity and linguistic diversity, and reviews viable strategies for addressing them, such as cross-lingual transfer learning and data augmentation techniques.


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CodeAgent: Autonomous Communicative Agents for Code Review
Xunzhu Tang | Kisub Kim | Yewei Song | Cedric Lothritz | Bei Li | Saad Ezzini | Haoye Tian | Jacques Klein | Tegawendé F. Bissyandé
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Code review, which aims at ensuring the overall quality and reliability of software, is a cornerstone of software development. Unfortunately, while crucial, Code review is a labor-intensive process that the research community is looking to automate. Existing automated methods rely on single input-output generative models and thus generally struggle to emulate the collaborative nature of code review. This work introduces CodeAgent, a novel multi-agent Large Language Model (LLM) system for code review automation. CodeAgent incorporates a supervisory agent, QA-Checker, to ensure that all the agents’ contributions address the initial review question. We evaluated CodeAgent on critical code review tasks: (1) detect inconsistencies between code changes and commit messages, (2) identify vulnerability introductions, (3) validate code style adherence, and (4) suggest code revisions. The results demonstrate CodeAgent’s effectiveness, contributing to a new state-of-the-art in code review automation. Our data and code are publicly available (https://github.com/Daniel4SE/codeagent).

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Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Lingual Transfer: When Less is More
Fred Philippy | Siwen Guo | Shohreh Haddadan | Cedric Lothritz | Jacques Klein | Tegawendé F. Bissyandé
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Modular and Open Multilingual NLP (MOOMIN 2024)

Soft Prompt Tuning (SPT) is a parameter-efficient method for adapting pre-trained language models (PLMs) to specific tasks by inserting learnable embeddings, or soft prompts, at the input layer of the PLM, without modifying its parameters. This paper investigates the potential of SPT for cross-lingual transfer. Unlike previous studies on SPT for cross-lingual transfer that often fine-tune both the soft prompt and the model parameters, we adhere to the original intent of SPT by keeping the model parameters frozen and only training the soft prompt. This does not only reduce the computational cost and storage overhead of full-model fine-tuning, but we also demonstrate that this very parameter efficiency intrinsic to SPT can enhance cross-lingual transfer performance to linguistically distant languages. Moreover, we explore how different factors related to the prompt, such as the length or its reparameterization, affect cross-lingual transfer performance.


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Evaluating Pretrained Transformer-based Models on the Task of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition
Cedric Lothritz | Kevin Allix | Lisa Veiber | Tegawendé F. Bissyandé | Jacques Klein
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a fundamental Natural Language Processing (NLP) task and has remained an active research field. In recent years, transformer models and more specifically the BERT model developed at Google revolutionised the field of NLP. While the performance of transformer-based approaches such as BERT has been studied for NER, there has not yet been a study for the fine-grained Named Entity Recognition (FG-NER) task. In this paper, we compare three transformer-based models (BERT, RoBERTa, and XLNet) to two non-transformer-based models (CRF and BiLSTM-CNN-CRF). Furthermore, we apply each model to a multitude of distinct domains. We find that transformer-based models incrementally outperform the studied non-transformer-based models in most domains with respect to the F1 score. Furthermore, we find that the choice of domains significantly influenced the performance regardless of the respective data size or the model chosen.