Fourth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing

Anthology ID:
Stuttgart, Germany
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Fourth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing

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Bilingual Generation of Job from Quasi-Conceptual Descriptions Forms
David E. Caldwell | Tatiana Korelsky

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Practical Issues in Automatic Documentation Generation
Kathleen McKeown | Karen Kukich | James Shaw

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Language Determination: Natural Language Processing from Scanned Document Images
Penelope Sibun | A. Lawrence Spitz

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Modeling Content Identification from Document Images
Takehiro Nakayama

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Machine Translation of Sentences with Fixed Expressions
Naoto Katoh | Teruaki Aizawa

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Termight: Identifying and Translating Technical Terminology
Ido Dagan | Ken Church

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Symmetric Pattern Matching Analysis for English Coordinate Structures
Akitoshi Okumura | Kazunori Muraki

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Tagging accurately - Don’t guess if you know
Pasi Tapanainen | Atro Voutilainen

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Does Baum-Welch Re-estimation Help Taggers?
David Elworthy

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Improving Language Models by Clustering Training Sentences
David Carter

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Exploiting Sophisticated Representations for Document Retrieval
Steven Finch

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Combination of Symbolic and Statistical Approaches for Grammatical Knowledge Acquisition
Masaki Kiyono | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Adaptive Sentence Boundary Disambiguation
David D. Palmer | Marti A. Hearst

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Acquiring Knowledge From Encyclopedic Texts
Fernando Gomez | Richard Hull | Carlos Segami

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A Successful Case of Computer Aided Translation
Miguel Filgueiras

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Three Heads are Better than One
Robert Frederking | Sergei Nirenburg

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Real-Time Spoken Language Translation Using Associative Processors
Kozo Oi | Eiichiro Sumita | Osamu Furuse | Hitoshi Iida | Tetsuya Higuchi

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Yet Another Chart-Based Technique for Parsing Ill-Formed Input
Tsuneaki Kato

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Recycling Terms into a Partial Parser
Christian Jacquemin

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Resolving Anaphora in a Portable Natural Language Front End to Databases
Flavia A. Barros | Anne DeRoeck

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Upholding the Maxim of Relevance during Patient-Centered Activities
Abigail S. Gertner | Bonnie L. Webber | John R. Clarke

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The Delphi Natural Language Understanding System
Madeleine Bates | Robert Bobrow | Robert Ingria | David Stallard

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Understanding Location Descriptions in the LEI System
David N. Chin | Matthew McGranaghan | Tung-Tse Chen

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Tagging and Morphological Disambiguation of Turkish Text
Kemal Oflazer | Ilker Kuruoz

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A robust category guesser for Dutch medical language
Peter Spyns

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Handling Japanese Homophone Errors in Revision Support System for Japanese Texts; REVISE
Masahiro Oku

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A Probabilistic Model for Text Categorization: Based on a Single Random Variable with Multiple Values
Makoto Iwayama | Takenobu Tokunaga

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Robust Text Processing in Automated Information Retrieval
Tomek Strzalkowski

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Might a semantic lexicon support hypertextual authoring?
Roberto Basili | Fabrizio Grisoli | Maria Teresa Pazienza

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Improving Chinese Tokenization With Linguistic Filters on Statistical Lexical Acquisition
Dekai Wu | Pascale Fung

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Degraded Text Recognition Using Word Collocation and Visual Inter-Word Constraints
Tao Hong | Jonathan J. Hull

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Automatic Aquisition of Semantic Attributes for User Defined Words m Japanese to English Machine Translation
Satoru Ikehara | Satoshi Shirai | Akio Yokoo | Francis Bond | Yoshie Omi

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Degraded Text Recognition Using Word Collocation and Visual Inter-Word Constraints
Tao Hong | Jonathan J. Hull

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Using Syntactic Dependencies for Word Alignment
Fathi Debili | Elyes Sammouda | Adnane Zribi

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English Adverb Generation in Japanese to English Machine Translation
Kentaro Ogura | Francis Bond | Satoru Ikehara

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A Practical Evaluation of an Integrated Translation Tool during a Large Scale Localisation Project
Reinhard Schaler

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Spelling Correction in Agglutinative Languages
Kemal Oflazer | Cemaleddin Guzey

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Integration of example-based transfer and rule-based generation
Susumu Akamine | Osamu Furuse | Hitoshi Iida

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An Evaluation of a Method to Detect and Correct Erroneous Characters in Japanese input through an OCR using Markov Models
Tetsuo Araki | Satoru Ikehara | Nobuyuki Tsukahara | Yasunori Komatsu

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Multifunction Thesaurus for Russian Word Processing
Igor A. Bolshakov

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Representing Knowledge for Planning Multisentential Text
Jose Coch | Raphael David

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Guided Sentences Composition for Disabled People
Robert Pasero | Nathalie Richardet | Paul Sabatier

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An Interactive Rewriting Tool for Machine Acceptable Sentences
Hideki Hirakawa | Kouichi Nomura | Mariko Nakamura

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TECHDOC: Multilingual generation of online and offline instructional text
Dietmar Rosner | Manfred Stede

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An Inheritance-based Lexicon for Message Understanding Systems
Lynne J. Cahill

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Industrial Applications of Unification Morphology
Gabor Proszeky

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Sublanguage Engineering in the FoG System
Richard Kittredge | Eli Goldberg | Myunghee Kim | Alain Polguere