Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Stephan Oepen, Kristin Hagen, Janne Bondi Johannessen (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- W13-56
- Month:
- May
- Year:
- 2013
- Address:
- Oslo, Norway
- Venue:
- NoDaLiDa
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Linköping University Electronic Press, Sweden
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the 19th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 2013)
Stephan Oepen
Kristin Hagen
Janne Bondi Johannessen
Invited Keynote: The Conversational User Interface
Ron Kaplan
Invited Keynote: Detecting and Processing Figurative Language in Discourse
Caroline Sporleder
Invited Keynote: 6,909 Reasons to Mess Up Your Data
Anders Søgaard
The Nordic e-Infrastucture Collaboration: Opportunities for Synergy Across Borders
Gudmund Høst
Tidying up the Basement: A Tale of Large-Scale Parsing on National eInfrastructure
Stephan Oepen
Experiences in Building the Let’s MT! Portal on Amazon EC2
Jörg Tiedemann
Using Constraint Grammar for Chunking
Eckhard Bick
Features Indicating Readability in Swedish Text
Johan Falkenjack
Katarina Heimann Mühlenbock
Arne Jönsson
Towards a Dependency-Based PropBank of General Finnish
Katri Haverinen
Veronika Laippala
Samuel Kohonen
Anna Missilä
Jenna Nyblom
Stina Ojala
Timo Viljanen
Tapio Salakoski
Filip Ginter
Using Finite State Transducers for Making Efficient Reading Comprehension Dictionaries
Ryan Johnson
Lene Antonsen
Trond Trosterud
Exploring Features for Named Entity Recognition in Lithuanian Text Corpus
Jurgita Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė
Anders Nøklestad
Janne Bondi Johannessen
Algis Krupavičius
Tagging the Past: Experiments using the Saga Corpus
Hrafn Loftsson
Tagging a Morphologically Complex Language Using an Averaged Perceptron Tagger: The Case of Icelandic
Hrafn Loftsson
Robert Östling
IPhraxtor: A Linguistically Informed System for Extraction of Term Candidates
Magnus Merkel
Jody Foo
Lars Ahrenberg
Classifying Multimodal Turn Management in Danish Dyadic First Encounters
Costanza Navarretta
Patrizia Paggio
Nordic and Baltic Wordnets Aligned and Compared through “WordTies”
Bolette Sandford Pedersen
Lars Borin
Markus Forsberg
Neeme Kahusk
Krister Lindén
Jyrki Niemi
Niklas Nisbeth
Lars Nygaard
Heili Orav
Eirikur Rögnvaldsson
Mitchell Seaton
Kadri Vider
Kaarlo Voionmaa
Normalisation of Historical Text Using Context-Sensitive Weighted Levenshtein Distance and Compound Splitting
Eva Pettersson
Beáta Megyesi
Joakim Nivre
Modeling OOV Words With Letter N-Grams in Statistical Taggers: Preliminary Work in Biomedical Entity Recognition
Teemu Ruokolainen
Miikka Silfverberg
Baltic and Nordic Parts of the European Linguistic Infrastructure
Inguna Skadiņa
Andrejs Vasiļjevs
Lars Borin
Krister Lindén
Gyri Losnegaard
Sussi Olsen
Bolette Sandford Pedersen
Roberts Rozis
Koenraad De Smedt
The IPP Effect in Afrikaans: A Corpus Analysis
Liesbeth Augustinus
Peter Dirix
Using Factual Density to Measure Informativeness of Web Documents
Christopher Horn
Alisa Zhila
Alexander Gelbukh
Roman Kern
Elisabeth Lex
Using Topic Models in Content-Based News Recommender Systems
Tapio Luostarinen
Oskar Kohonen
Bootstrapping an Unsupervised Approach for Classifying Agreement and Disagreement
Bernd Opitz
Cäcilia Zirn
Morphological Analysis with Limited Resources: Latvian Example
Pēteris Paikens
Laura Rituma
Lauma Pretkalniņa
Statistical Syntactic Parsing for Latvian
Lauma Pretkalniņa
Laura Rituma
Building a Large Automatically Parsed Corpus of Finnish
Filip Ginter
Jenna Nyblom
Veronika Laippala
Samuel Kohonen
Katri Haverinen
Simo Vihjanen
Tapio Salakoski
Constructing a Multilingual Database of Verb Valence
Lars Hellan
Tore Bruland
New Measures to Investigate Term Typology by Distributional Data
Jussi Karlgren
Analysis of Phonetic Transcription for Danish Automatic Speech Recognition
Andreas Søeborg Kirkedal
Combining Statistical Machine Translation and Translation Memories with Domain Adaptation
Samuel Läubli
Mark Fishel
Martin Volk
Manuela Weibel
Building an Open-Source Development Infrastructure for Language Technology Projects
Sjur N. Moshagen
Tommi Pirinen
Trond Trosterud
From Speech Corpus to Intonation Corpus: Clustering Phrase Pitch Contours of Lithuanian
Gailius Raškinis
Asta Kazlauskienė
Simple and Accountable Segmentation of Marked-up Text
Jonathon Read
Rebecca Dridan
Stephan Oepen
Statistical Machine Translation with Readability Constraints
Sara Stymne
Jörg Tiedemann
Christian Hardmeier
Joakim Nivre
Negation Scope Delimitation in Clinical Text Using Three Approaches: NegEx, PyConTextNLP and SynNeg
Hideyuki Tanushi
Hercules Dalianis
Martin Duneld
Maria Kvist
Maria Skeppstedt
Sumithra Velupillai
Tone Restoration in Transcribed Kammu: Decision-List Word Sense Disambiguation for an Unwritten Language
Marcus Uneson
The Automatic Identification of Discourse Units in Dutch Text
Nynke van der Vliet
Gosse Bouma
Gisela Redeker
Example-Based Treebank Querying with GrETEL–Now Also for Spoken Dutch
Liesbeth Augustinus
Vincent Vandeghinste
Ineke Schuurman
Frank Van Eynde
Korp and Karp – A Bestiary of Language Resources: The Research Infrastructure of Språkbanken
Malin Ahlberg
Lars Borin
Markus Forsberg
Martin Hammarstedt
Leif-Jöran Olsson
Olof Olsson
Johan Roxendal
Jonatan Uppström
A Grammar Sparrer for Norwegian
Lars Hellan
Tore Bruland
Elias Aamot
Mads H. Sandøy
Finite State Applications with Javascript
Mans Hulden
Miikka Silfverberg
Jerid Francom
HPC-ready Language Analysis for Human Beings
Emanuele Lapponi
Erik Velldal
Nikolay A. Vazov
Stephan Oepen
The INESS Treebanking Infrastructure
Paul Meurer
Helge Dyvik
Victoria Rosén
Koenraad De Smedt
Gunn Inger Lyse
Gyri Smørdal Losnegaard
Martha Thunes
Building Gold-Standard Treebanks for Norwegian
Per Erik Solberg