Arnab Bhattacharya


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NYAYAANUMANA and INLEGALLLAMA: The Largest Indian Legal Judgment Prediction Dataset and Specialized Language Model for Enhanced Decision Analysis
Shubham Kumar Nigam | Deepak Patnaik Balaramamahanthi | Shivam Mishra | Noel Shallum | Kripabandhu Ghosh | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in legal judgment prediction (LJP) has the potential to transform the legal landscape, particularly in jurisdictions like India, where a significant backlog of cases burdens the legal system. This paper introduces NyayaAnumana, the largest and most diverse corpus of Indian legal cases compiled for LJP, encompassing a total of 7,02,945 preprocessed cases. NyayaAnumana, which combines the words “Nyaya” and “Anumana” that means “judgment” and “inference” respectively for most major Indian languages, includes a wide range of cases from the Supreme Court, High Courts, Tribunal Courts, District Courts, and Daily Orders and, thus, provides unparalleled diversity and coverage. Our dataset surpasses existing datasets like PredEx and ILDC, offering a comprehensive foundation for advanced AI research in the legal domain. In addition to the dataset, we present INLegalLlama, a domain-specific generative large language model (LLM) tailored to the intricacies of the Indian legal system. It is developed through a two-phase training approach over a base LLaMa model. First, Indian legal documents are injected using continual pretraining. Second, task-specific supervised finetuning is done. This method allows the model to achieve a deeper understanding of legal contexts. Our experiments demonstrate that incorporating diverse court data significantly boosts model accuracy, achieving approximately 90% F1-score in prediction tasks. INLegalLlama not only improves prediction accuracy but also offers comprehensible explanations, addressing the need for explainability in AI-assisted legal decisions.


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Automated Cognate Detection as a Supervised Link Prediction Task with Cognate Transformer
V.S.D.S.Mahesh Akavarapu | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Identification of cognates across related languages is one of the primary problems in historical linguistics. Automated cognate identification is helpful for several downstream tasks including identifying sound correspondences, proto-language reconstruction, phylogenetic classification, etc. Previous state-of-the-art methods are mostly based on distributions of phonemes computed across multilingual wordlists and make little use of the cognacy labels that define links among cognate clusters. In this paper, we present a transformer-based architecture inspired by computational biology for the task of automated cognate detection. Beyond a certain amount of supervision, this method performs better than the existing methods, and shows steady improvement with further increase in supervision proving the efficacy of utilizing the labeled information. We also demonstrate that accepting multiple sequence alignments as input and having an end-to-end architecture with link prediction head saves much computation time while simultaneously yielding superior performance.

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Legal Judgment Reimagined: PredEx and the Rise of Intelligent AI Interpretation in Indian Courts
Shubham Kumar Nigam | Anurag Sharma | Danush Khanna | Noel Shallum | Kripabandhu Ghosh | Arnab Bhattacharya
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), predicting judicial outcomes poses significant challenges due to the complexity of legal proceedings and the scarcity of expert-annotated datasets. Addressing this, we introduce Prediction with Explanation (PredEx), the largest expert-annotated dataset for legal judgment prediction and explanation in the Indian context, featuring over 15,000 annotations. This groundbreaking corpus significantly enhances the training and evaluation of AI models in legal analysis, with innovations including the application of instruction tuning to LLMs. This method has markedly improved the predictive accuracy and explanatory depth of these models for legal judgments. We employed various transformer-based models, tailored for both general and Indian legal contexts. Through rigorous lexical, semantic, and expert assessments, our models effectively leverage PredEx to provide precise predictions and meaningful explanations, establishing it as a valuable benchmark for both the legal profession and the NLP community.

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Proceedings of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium
Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 7th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium

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A Likelihood Ratio Test of Genetic Relationship among Languages
V.S.D.S.Mahesh Akavarapu | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Lexical resemblances among a group of languages indicate that the languages could be genetically related, i.e., they could have descended from a common ancestral language. However, such resemblances can arise by chance and, hence, need not always imply an underlying genetic relationship. Many tests of significance based on permutation of wordlists and word similarity measures appeared in the past to determine the statistical significance of such relationships. We demonstrate that although existing tests may work well for bilateral comparisons, i.e., on pairs of languages, they are either infeasible by design or are prone to yield false positives when applied to groups of languages or language families. To this end, inspired by molecular phylogenetics, we propose a likelihood ratio test to determine if given languages are related based on the proportion of invariant character sites in the aligned wordlists applied during tree inference. Further, we evaluate some language families and show that the proposed test solves the problem of false positives. Finally, we demonstrate that the test supports the existence of macro language families such as Nostratic and Macro-Mayan.

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Rethinking Legal Judgement Prediction in a Realistic Scenario in the Era of Large Language Models
Shubham Kumar Nigam | Aniket Deroy | Subhankar Maity | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2024

This study investigates judgment prediction in a realistic scenario within the context of Indian judgments, utilizing a range of transformer-based models, including InLegalBERT, BERT, and XLNet, alongside LLMs such as Llama-2 and GPT-3.5 Turbo. In this realistic scenario, we simulate how judgments are predicted at the point when a case is presented for a decision in court, using only the information available at that time, such as the facts of the case, statutes, precedents, and arguments. This approach mimics real-world conditions, where decisions must be made without the benefit of hindsight, unlike retrospective analyses often found in previous studies. For transformer models, we experiment with hierarchical transformers and the summarization of judgment facts to optimize input for these models. Our experiments with LLMs reveal that GPT-3.5 Turbo excels in realistic scenarios, demonstrating robust performance in judgment prediction. Furthermore, incorporating additional legal information, such as statutes and precedents, significantly improves the outcome of the prediction task. The LLMs also provide explanations for their predictions. To evaluate the quality of these predictions and explanations, we introduce two human evaluation metrics: Clarity and Linking. Our findings from both automatic and human evaluations indicate that, despite advancements in LLMs, they are yet to achieve expert-level performance in judgment prediction and explanation tasks.


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Cognate Transformer for Automated Phonological Reconstruction and Cognate Reflex Prediction
V.S.D.S.Mahesh Akavarapu | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Phonological reconstruction is one of the central problems in historical linguistics where a proto-word of an ancestral language is determined from the observed cognate words of daughter languages. Computational approaches to historical linguistics attempt to automate the task by learning models on available linguistic data. Several ideas and techniques drawn from computational biology have been successfully applied in this area of computational historical linguistics. Following these lines, we adapt MSA Transformer, a protein language model, to the problem of automated phonological reconstruction. MSA Transformer trains on multiple sequence alignments as input and is, thus, apt for application on aligned cognate words. We, hence, name our model as Cognate Transformer. We also apply the model on another associated task, namely, cognate reflex prediction where a reflex word in a daughter language is predicted based on cognate words from other daughter languages. We show that our model outperforms the existing models on both the tasks, especially when it is pre-trained on masked word prediction task.

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VACASPATI: A Diverse Corpus of Bangla Literature
Pramit Bhattacharyya | Joydeep Mondal | Subhadip Maji | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Antarlekhaka: A Comprehensive Tool for Multi-task Natural Language Annotation
Hrishikesh Terdalkar | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop for Natural Language Processing Open Source Software (NLP-OSS 2023)

One of the primary obstacles in the advancement of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies for low-resource languages is the lack of annotated datasets for training and testing machine learning models. In this paper, we present Antarlekhaka, a tool for manual annotation of a comprehensive set of tasks relevant to NLP. The tool is Unicode-compatible, language-agnostic, Web-deployable and supports distributed annotation by multiple simultaneous annotators. The system sports user-friendly interfaces for 8 categories of annotation tasks. These, in turn, enable the annotation of a considerably larger set of NLP tasks. The task categories include two linguistic tasks not handled by any other tool, namely, sentence boundary detection and deciding canonical word order, which are important tasks for text that is in the form of poetry. We propose the idea of sequential annotation based on small text units, where an annotator performs several tasks related to a single text unit before proceeding to the next unit. The research applications of the proposed mode of multi-task annotation are also discussed. Antarlekhaka outperforms other annotation tools in objective evaluation. It has been also used for two real-life annotation tasks on two different languages, namely, Sanskrit and Bengali. The tool is available at

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Nonet at SemEval-2023 Task 6: Methodologies for Legal Evaluation
Shubham Kumar Nigam | Aniket Deroy | Noel Shallum | Ayush Kumar Mishra | Anup Roy | Shubham Kumar Mishra | Arnab Bhattacharya | Saptarshi Ghosh | Kripabandhu Ghosh
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our submission to the SemEval-2023 for Task 6 on LegalEval: Understanding Legal Texts. Our submission concentrated on three subtasks: Legal Named Entity Recognition (L-NER) for Task-B, Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) for Task-C1, and Court Judgment Prediction with Explanation (CJPE) for Task-C2. We conducted various experiments on these subtasks and presented the results in detail, including data statistics and methodology. It is worth noting that legal tasks, such as those tackled in this research, have been gaining importance due to the increasing need to automate legal analysis and support. Our team obtained competitive rankings of 15th, 11th, and 1st in Task-B, Task-C1, and Task-C2, respectively, as reported on the leaderboard.

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Creation of a Digital Rig Vedic Index (Anukramani) for Computational Linguistic Tasks
V.S.D.S.Mahesh Akavarapu | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference

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Chandojnanam: A Sanskrit Meter Identification and Utilization System
Hrishikesh Terdalkar | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference

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Semantic Annotation and Querying Framework based on Semi-structured Ayurvedic Text
Hrishikesh Terdalkar | Arnab Bhattacharya | Madhulika Dubey | S Ramamurthy | Bhavna Naneria Singh
Proceedings of the Computational Sanskrit & Digital Humanities: Selected papers presented at the 18th World Sanskrit Conference


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HLDC: Hindi Legal Documents Corpus
Arnav Kapoor | Mudit Dhawan | Anmol Goel | Arjun T H | Akshala Bhatnagar | Vibhu Agrawal | Amul Agrawal | Arnab Bhattacharya | Ponnurangam Kumaraguru | Ashutosh Modi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Many populous countries including India are burdened with a considerable backlog of legal cases. Development of automated systems that could process legal documents and augment legal practitioners can mitigate this. However, there is a dearth of high-quality corpora that is needed to develop such data-driven systems. The problem gets even more pronounced in the case of low resource languages such as Hindi. In this resource paper, we introduce the Hindi Legal Documents Corpus (HLDC), a corpus of more than 900K legal documents in Hindi. Documents are cleaned and structured to enable the development of downstream applications. Further, as a use-case for the corpus, we introduce the task of bail prediction. We experiment with a battery of models and propose a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) based model for the same. MTL models use summarization as an auxiliary task along with bail prediction as the main task. Experiments with different models are indicative of the need for further research in this area.

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Semantic Segmentation of Legal Documents via Rhetorical Roles
Vijit Malik | Rishabh Sanjay | Shouvik Kumar Guha | Angshuman Hazarika | Shubham Kumar Nigam | Arnab Bhattacharya | Ashutosh Modi
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2022

Legal documents are unstructured, use legal jargon, and have considerable length, making them difficult to process automatically via conventional text processing techniques. A legal document processing system would benefit substantially if the documents could be segmented into coherent information units. This paper proposes a new corpus of legal documents annotated (with the help of legal experts) with a set of 13 semantically coherent units labels (referred to as Rhetorical Roles), e.g., facts, arguments, statute, issue, precedent, ruling, and ratio. We perform a thorough analysis of the corpus and the annotations. For automatically segmenting the legal documents, we experiment with the task of rhetorical role prediction: given a document, predict the text segments corresponding to various roles. Using the created corpus, we experiment extensively with various deep learning-based baseline models for the task. Further, we develop a multitask learning (MTL) based deep model with document rhetorical role label shift as an auxiliary task for segmenting a legal document. The proposed model shows superior performance over the existing models. We also experiment with model performance in the case of domain transfer and model distillation techniques to see the model performance in limited data conditions.


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ILDC for CJPE: Indian Legal Documents Corpus for Court Judgment Prediction and Explanation
Vijit Malik | Rishabh Sanjay | Shubham Kumar Nigam | Kripabandhu Ghosh | Shouvik Kumar Guha | Arnab Bhattacharya | Ashutosh Modi
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

An automated system that could assist a judge in predicting the outcome of a case would help expedite the judicial process. For such a system to be practically useful, predictions by the system should be explainable. To promote research in developing such a system, we introduce ILDC (Indian Legal Documents Corpus). ILDC is a large corpus of 35k Indian Supreme Court cases annotated with original court decisions. A portion of the corpus (a separate test set) is annotated with gold standard explanations by legal experts. Based on ILDC, we propose the task of Court Judgment Prediction and Explanation (CJPE). The task requires an automated system to predict an explainable outcome of a case. We experiment with a battery of baseline models for case predictions and propose a hierarchical occlusion based model for explainability. Our best prediction model has an accuracy of 78% versus 94% for human legal experts, pointing towards the complexity of the prediction task. The analysis of explanations by the proposed algorithm reveals a significant difference in the point of view of the algorithm and legal experts for explaining the judgments, pointing towards scope for future research.


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Framework for Question-Answering in Sanskrit through Automated Construction of Knowledge Graphs
Hrishikesh Terdalkar | Arnab Bhattacharya
Proceedings of the 6th International Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium