Large Language Models (LLMs) have been criticized for failing to connect linguistic meaning to the world—for failing to solve the “symbol grounding problem.” Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) offer a potential solution to this challenge by combining linguistic representations and processing with other modalities. However, much is still unknown about exactly how and to what degree MLLMs integrate their distinct modalities—and whether the way they do so mirrors the mechanisms believed to underpin grounding in humans. In humans, it has been hypothesized that linguistic meaning is grounded through “embodied simulation,” the activation of sensorimotor and affective representations reflecting described experiences. Across four pre-registered studies, we adapt experimental techniques originally developed to investigate embodied simulation in human comprehenders to ask whether MLLMs are sensitive to sensorimotor features that are implied but not explicit in descriptions of an event. In Experiment 1, we find sensitivity to some features (color and shape) but not others (size, orientation, and volume). In Experiment 2, we identify likely bottlenecks to explain an MLLM’s lack of sensitivity. In Experiment 3, we find that despite sensitivity to implicit sensorimotor features, MLLMs cannot fully account for human behavior on the same task. Finally, in Experiment 4, we compare the psychometric predictive power of different MLLM architectures and find that ViLT, a single-stream architecture, is more predictive of human responses to one sensorimotor feature (shape) than CLIP, a dual-encoder architecture—despite being trained on orders of magnitude less data. These results reveal strengths and limitations in the ability of current MLLMs to integrate language with other modalities, and also shed light on the likely mechanisms underlying human language comprehension.
A common approach to interpreting multilingual language models is to evaluate their internal representations. For example, studies have found that languages occupy distinct subspaces in the models’ representation spaces, and geometric distances between languages often reflect linguistic properties such as language families and typological features. In our work, we investigate whether geometric distances between language representations correlate with zero-shot crosslingual transfer performance for POS-tagging and NER in three multilingual language models. We consider four distance metrics, including new metrics that identify a basis for a multilingual representation space that sorts axes based on their language-separability. We find that each distance metric either only moderately correlates or does not correlate with crosslingual transfer performance, and metrics do not generalize well across models, layers, and tasks. Although pairwise language separability is a reasonable predictor of crosslingual transfer, representational geometry overall is an inconsistent predictor for the crosslingual performance of multilingual language models.
How should text dataset sizes be compared across languages? Even for content-matched (parallel) corpora, UTF-8 encoded text can require a dramatically different number of bytes for different languages. In our work, we define the byte premium between two languages as the ratio of bytes used to encode content-matched text in those languages. We compute byte premiums for 1155 languages, and we use linear regressions to estimate byte premiums for other languages. We release a tool to obtain byte premiums for any two languages, enabling comparisons of dataset sizes across languages for more equitable multilingual model development and data practices.
We address a growing debate about the extent to which large language models (LLMs) produce behavior consistent with Theory of Mind (ToM) in humans. We present EPITOME: a battery of six experiments that tap diverse ToM capacities, including belief attribution, emotional inference, and pragmatic reasoning. We elicit a performance baseline from human participants for each task. We use the dataset to ask whether distributional linguistic information learned by LLMs is sufficient to explain ToM in humans. We compare performance of five LLMs to a baseline of responses from human comprehenders. Results are mixed. LLMs display considerable sensitivity to mental states and match human performance in several tasks. Yet, they commit systematic errors in others, especially those requiring pragmatic reasoning on the basis of mental state information. Such uneven performance indicates that human-level ToM may require resources beyond distributional information.
How well do language models deal with quantification? In this study, we focus on ‘few’-type quantifiers, as in ‘few children like toys’, which might pose a particular challenge for language models because the sentence components with out the quantifier are likely to co-occur, and ‘few’-type quantifiers are rare. We present 960 English sentence stimuli from two human neurolinguistic experiments to 22 autoregressive transformer models of differing sizes. Not only do all the models perform poorly on ‘few’-type quantifiers, but overall the larger the model, the worse its performance. This inverse scaling is consistent with previous work suggesting that larger models increasingly reflect online rather than offline human processing, and we argue that the decreasing performance of larger models may challenge uses of language models as the basis for natural language systems.
Are the predictions of humans and language models affected by similar things? Research suggests that while comprehending language, humans make predictions about upcoming words, with more predictable words being processed more easily. However, evidence also shows that humans display a similar processing advantage for highly anomalous words when these words are semantically related to the preceding context or to the most probable continuation. Using stimuli from 3 psycholinguistic experiments, we find that this is also almost always also the case for 8 contemporary transformer language models (BERT, ALBERT, RoBERTa, XLM-R, GPT-2, GPT-Neo, GPT-J, and XGLM). We then discuss the implications of this phenomenon for our understanding of both human language comprehension and the predictions made by language models.
We assess how multilingual language models maintain a shared multilingual representation space while still encoding language-sensitive information in each language. Using XLM-R as a case study, we show that languages occupy similar linear subspaces after mean-centering, evaluated based on causal effects on language modeling performance and direct comparisons between subspaces for 88 languages. The subspace means differ along language-sensitive axes that are relatively stable throughout middle layers, and these axes encode information such as token vocabularies. Shifting representations by language means is sufficient to induce token predictions in different languages. However, we also identify stable language-neutral axes that encode information such as token positions and part-of-speech. We visualize representations projected onto language-sensitive and language-neutral axes, identifying language family and part-of-speech clusters, along with spirals, toruses, and curves representing token position information. These results demonstrate that multilingual language models encode information along orthogonal language-sensitive and language-neutral axes, allowing the models to extract a variety of features for downstream tasks and cross-lingual transfer learning.
Most words are ambiguous—-i.e., they convey distinct meanings in different contexts—-and even the meanings of unambiguous words are context-dependent. Both phenomena present a challenge for NLP. Recently, the advent of contextualized word embeddings has led to success on tasks involving lexical ambiguity, such as Word Sense Disambiguation. However, there are few tasks that directly evaluate how well these contextualized embeddings accommodate the more continuous, dynamic nature of word meaning—-particularly in a way that matches human intuitions. We introduce RAW-C, a dataset of graded, human relatedness judgments for 112 ambiguous words in context (with 672 sentence pairs total), as well as human estimates of sense dominance. The average inter-annotator agreement (assessed using a leave-one-annotator-out method) was 0.79. We then show that a measure of cosine distance, computed using contextualized embeddings from BERT and ELMo, correlates with human judgments, but that cosine distance also systematically underestimates how similar humans find uses of the same sense of a word to be, and systematically overestimates how similar humans find uses of different-sense homonyms. Finally, we propose a synthesis between psycholinguistic theories of the mental lexicon and computational models of lexical semantics.
We investigate the extent to which word surprisal can be used to predict a neural measure of human language processing difficulty—the N400. To do this, we use recurrent neural networks to calculate the surprisal of stimuli from previously published neurolinguistic studies of the N400. We find that surprisal can predict N400 amplitude in a wide range of cases, and the cases where it cannot do so provide valuable insight into the neurocognitive processes underlying the response.