We present QueryNER, a manually-annotated dataset and accompanying model for e-commerce query segmentation. Prior work in sequence labeling for e-commerce has largely addressed aspect-value extraction which focuses on extracting portions of a product title or query for narrowly defined aspects. Our work instead focuses on the goal of dividing a query into meaningful chunks with broadly applicable types. We report baseline tagging results and conduct experiments comparing token and entity dropping for null and low recall query recovery. Challenging test sets are created using automatic transformations and show how simple data augmentation techniques can make the models more robust to noise. We make the QueryNER dataset publicly available.
Non-information seeking questions (NISQ) capture the subtle dynamics of human discourse. In this work, we utilize a dataset of over 1,500 information-seeking question(ISQ) and NISQ to evaluate human and machine performance on classifying fine-grained NISQ types. We introduce the first publicly available corpus focused on annotating both ISQs and NISQs as an initial benchmark. Additionally, we establish competitive baselines by assessing diverse systems, including Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Language models, on a new question classification task. Our results demonstrate the inherent complexity of making nuanced NISQ distinctions. The dataset is publicly available at https://github.com/YaoSun0422/NISQ_dataset.git
This paper describes the Brandeis University submission to VarDial 2024 DSL-ML Shared Task on multilabel classification for discriminating between similar languages. Our submission consists of three entries per language to the closed track, where no additional data was permitted. Our approach involves a set of simple non-neural baselines using logistic regression, random forests and support vector machines. We follow this by experimenting with finetuning multilingual BERT, either on a single language or all the languages concatenated together.In addition to benchmarking the model architectures against one another on the development set, we perform extensive hyperparameter tuning, which is afforded by the small size of the training data.Our experiments on the development set suggest that finetuned mBERT systems significantly benefit most languages compared to the baseline.However, on the test set, our results indicate that simple models based on scikit-learn can perform surprisingly well and even outperform pretrained language models, as we see with BCMS.Our submissions achieve the best performance on all languages as reported by the organizers. Except for Spanish and French, our non-neural baseline also ranks in the top 3 for all other languages.
We introduce LR-Sum, a new permissively-licensed dataset created with the goal of enabling further research in automatic summarization for less-resourced languages.LR-Sum contains human-written summaries for 40 languages, many of which are less-resourced. We describe our process for extracting and filtering the dataset from the Multilingual Open Text corpus (Palen-Michel et al., 2022).The source data is public domain newswire collected from from Voice of America websites, and LR-Sum is released under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0), making it one of the most openly-licensed multilingual summarization datasets. We describe abstractive and extractive summarization experiments to establish baselines and discuss the limitations of this dataset.
African languages are spoken by over a billion people, but they are under-represented in NLP research and development. Multiple challenges exist, including the limited availability of annotated training and evaluation datasets as well as the lack of understanding of which settings, languages, and recently proposed methods like cross-lingual transfer will be effective. In this paper, we aim to move towards solutions for these challenges, focusing on the task of named entity recognition (NER). We present the creation of the largest to-date human-annotated NER dataset for 20 African languages. We study the behaviour of state-of-the-art cross-lingual transfer methods in an Africa-centric setting, empirically demonstrating that the choice of source transfer language significantly affects performance. While much previous work defaults to using English as the source language, our results show that choosing the best transfer language improves zero-shot F1 scores by an average of 14% over 20 languages as compared to using English.
In this position paper, we describe our perspective on how meaningful resources for lower-resourced languages should be developed in connection with the speakers of those languages. Before advancing that position, we first examine two massively multilingual resources used in language technology development, identifying shortcomings that limit their usefulness. We explore the contents of the names stored in Wikidata for a few lower-resourced languages and find that many of them are not in fact in the languages they claim to be, requiring non-trivial effort to correct. We discuss quality issues present in WikiAnn and evaluate whether it is a useful supplement to hand-annotated data. We then discuss the importance of creating annotations for lower-resourced languages in a thoughtful and ethical way that includes the language speakers as part of the development process. We conclude with recommended guidelines for resource development.
We present a Multilingual Open Text (MOT), a new multilingual corpus containing text in 44 languages, many of which have limited existing text resources for natural language processing. The first release of the corpus contains over 2.8 million news articles and an additional 1 million short snippets (photo captions, video descriptions, etc.) published between 2001–2022 and collected from Voice of America’s news websites. We describe our process for collecting, filtering, and processing the data. The source material is in the public domain, our collection is licensed using a creative commons license (CC BY 4.0), and all software used to create the corpus is released under the MIT License. The corpus will be regularly updated as additional documents are published.
To address a looming crisis of unreproducible evaluation for named entity recognition, we propose guidelines and introduce SeqScore, a software package to improve reproducibility. The guidelines we propose are extremely simple and center around transparency regarding how chunks are encoded and scored. We demonstrate that despite the apparent simplicity of NER evaluation, unreported differences in the scoring procedure can result in changes to scores that are both of noticeable magnitude and statistically significant. We describe SeqScore, which addresses many of the issues that cause replication failures.
We take a step towards addressing the under- representation of the African continent in NLP research by bringing together different stakeholders to create the first large, publicly available, high-quality dataset for named entity recognition (NER) in ten African languages. We detail the characteristics of these languages to help researchers and practitioners better understand the challenges they pose for NER tasks. We analyze our datasets and conduct an extensive empirical evaluation of state- of-the-art methods across both supervised and transfer learning settings. Finally, we release the data, code, and models to inspire future research on African NLP.1
With the increasing democratization of electronic media, vast information resources are available in less-frequently-taught languages such as Swahili or Somali. That information, which may be crucially important and not available elsewhere, can be difficult for monolingual English speakers to effectively access. In this paper we present an end-to-end cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) and summarization system for low-resource languages that 1) enables English speakers to search foreign language repositories of text and audio using English queries, 2) summarizes the retrieved documents in English with respect to a particular information need, and 3) provides complete transcriptions and translations as needed. The SARAL system achieved the top end-to-end performance in the most recent IARPA MATERIAL CLIR+summarization evaluations. Our demonstration system provides end-to-end open query retrieval and summarization capability, and presents the original source text or audio, speech transcription, and machine translation, for two low resource languages.